
Chapter 93: Saw by Queen Medusa

The imperial family of the Izumo empire is all punishable.

Before Fu Zhu, someone proposed to support a puppet emperor, and then Lingyan Pavilion would control it.

However, Chen Mo refused, and supporting the puppet emperor was nothing more than stabilizing the people of the Izumo Empire with the help of the Su family's imperial family.

But Chen Mo doesn't need it. As long as there is a strong army and strength, these people can't turn the sky over.

What's more, it's also time for Lingyan Pavilion to own a site of its own and establish its own signature.

After the Izumo Empire, it was also called the Izumo Empire.

But the controller was replaced by Lingyan Pavilion.

The emperor was changed to the chief pavilion master.

Although Lingyan Pavilion temporarily controlled the Izumo Empire, Chen Mo was not invincible within the scope of the Izumo Empire.

In addition to the low repair base.

The cities on the east, north, and west borders of the Izumo Empire have not yet been included in the territory of Lingyan Pavilion.

It was a straight line from south to north at that time, and did not manage these border cities.

In the final stage, this line of cities will be inserted into the symbol of Lingyan Pavilion.

The Izumo Empire is much larger than the Imperial Palace of the Gama Empire.

Chen Mo, Yun Yun, and Queen Medusa went straight to the treasure house of the Izumo Empire.

Walking around several corridors, a few people came to the door of the treasure house.

The gate was caused by a meteorite from outside the sky, and it was extremely hard. The strong of Dou Zong could open it, but the energy wave produced was very likely to spread to the treasures inside.

You have to be steady.

Chen Mo rummaged through Su Zhenglie's ring, and finally found a key that looked like a treasure house.

After inserting it into the keyhole, it was found that it was the key to the treasure house.

Turning the key, Chen Mo slowly opened the heavy door.

The space inside was much larger than Chen Mo had imagined. There were a dazzling array of treasures, and Chen Mo walked around inside.

As the system's reminder sounded frantically, the introduction of various treasures crammed into Chen Mo's mind.

It is a pity that Chen Mo failed to pick up the leaks.

However, the two women found something they were satisfied with.

People were asked to move all the things in the treasure house to the court, and Chen Mo was going to give a reward.

The magnificent hall.

Chen Mo was sitting on the dragon chair.

People who are familiar with Chen Mo looked at this scene, how they looked and twisted.

On the right hand side below Chen Mo, is the old man Chen Mo joined when he started the Lingyan Pavilion.

They were excited, with happy smiles on their faces.

From the moment they joined, they never thought that Lingyan Pavilion could reach this point. In just half a month, they captured the empire with a heritage of nearly a thousand years.

At this moment, in their hearts, Chen Mo was already regarded as their god.

On the left hand side of Chen Mo are the heads of the family powers in the Jiama Empire. After this war, it can be said that the profits are full, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The sense of belonging to Lingyan Pavilion has also risen a lot.

"This time I was able to occupy the Izumo Empire so smoothly. The biggest credit is Queen Medusa, my teacher Yun Yun next, and Princess Yaoye..."

Chen Mo talked a lot, and then said: "If you have merit, you will be rewarded. I don't know what you need. You can pick one of these treasures first!"

Chen Mo clapped his hands, and immediately a soldier came from outside the hall, carrying the items in the treasure house, and piled them on the hall.

Soon, a small hill was piled up in the center of the hall.

Chen Mo also deliberately picked out some treasures from King Qi, Su Zhenglie and others' acceptance and placed them on the hill.

Queen Medusa chooses first.

Then Yun Yun, Yao Ye and others.

After everyone picked it up, there was still a lot left, which was then distributed by Chen Mo.

According to the credit, Chen Mo distributed in turn.

When it was Mu Chen's turn, Chen Mo said, "Where is the green mountain?"

"Subordinates are here." A dark man walked out from the middle of the cloud row.

"In view of the merits of the old patriarch Mu Chen, I decided to offset the merits and demerits. When I retreat, I will be asked to release the wooden iron." Chen Mo felt that the suppression was almost done.

"Yes." Qing Shan retreated.

"Pavilion Master Xie."

Mu Chen no longer dared to hold the previous shelf at this time, bowed and bowed respectfully.

Although the rewarded treasure is gone, it is still worthwhile to exchange for the wooden iron of the Nine Star Dou Ling.

Chen Mo nodded.

After rewarding these people, it is rewarding soldiers who performed well in the war.

Then there is the sacrifice of the soldier's pension...

In short, after a lot of things are done, the sky is getting dark.

Chen Mo announced the last two things.

A celebration will be held tomorrow, and after a day's rest the day after tomorrow, the closing phase of the Izumo Empire will begin the next day.

After it was over, Chen Mo was exhausted.

Chen Mo guessed that fighting with Dou Huang would not be so tired.

Night fell.

After Chen Mo spent 35,000 fortune points to snoop the cultivation base of the national teacher, his realm has risen from a one-star fighting spirit to a three-star fighting spirit.

The point of luck has also changed from 54210 to 19210.

Chen Mo's spirit became full again.

After boiling water and soaking in a bath, Chen Mo slept in Su Zhenglie's palace.

Of course, the decoration inside, the items that Su Zhenglie used, Chen Mo had long since been replaced.

Lying on the bed, Chen Mo tossed over and over again, always unable to fall asleep. He hadn't released it for more than half a month, and Chen Mo felt a little intolerable.

Seeing that the night was getting darker, Chen Mo left the bedroom and slipped towards the bedroom where Yun Yun lived.

Unexpectedly, Queen Medusa, who was still lying on the top of the palace thinking about her thoughts, could not fall asleep at night, and happened to be watching.

The idol Queen Medusa followed with a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes like autumn water, hiding her breath.

When I came to Yun Yun's palace, the gate of the palace was closed, but it was not locked inside.

"Sister Yun Yun, it's me." Chen Mo called tentatively, pushing the door and walking in.

There was no sound inside.

Chen Mo walked straight into the bedroom of the palace, and with the help of the moonlight, he clearly saw a delicate body lying on its side, with its back facing Chen Mo.

Hearing the shallow footsteps, the figure on the bed finally opened his eyes and turned around. It was Yun Yun.

"You are daring, Yanran and Princess Yaoye live next door, and you are not afraid of being discovered." Yun Yun was rather helpless to Chen Mo.

"You won't find out in a low voice." Chen Mo walked over.

Turning on the bed, Yun Yun did not stop him, a rustling voice sounded, and the two soon faced each other naked.

The night is charming.

Queen Medusa, who peeked from the top of the temple, watched what happened below, her glamorous face became hot unconsciously.

After taking a sneak peek again, with shame, he fled from the top of the palace hurriedly.

The two were suppressed for a long time, and after the outbreak broke out, it would not be able to end in a short time.

When the tossing was over, the sky outside was a little darker.