
Chapter 92: No one stays for the royal family!

Eighth-order warcraft.

It turned out to be the first eighth-order beast.

All the people below looked at the flaming giant bird with incomparable horror in their eyes.

Yun Yun's slightly narrowed eyes were filled with surprise.

Queen Medusa opened her **** red lips and her eyes flickered at Chen Mo. She originally thought that Chen Mo would use the soul body in her body, but she did not expect to move out of a Tier 8 monster.

She felt the huge blood pressure from the firebird's body.

The gray-robed man's heart even set off a huge wave, he can clearly feel that the strength of this eighth-order beast is far above him.

In addition, the man in the gray robe was even more surprised by the identity of the Firebird.

Tian Yaohuang clan.

From the appearance of this firebird, it was a phoenix with the blood of the ancient phoenix, and from the perspective of its breath, it seemed that the blood was still very pure.

Chen Mo could allow people from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan to come to help, and Chen Mo's identity was obviously self-evident.

The gray-robed man suddenly understood how he needed to do it himself with the strength of that clan.

It turned out that I was used.

"This senior, everything is a misunderstanding. I don't know Taishan. It's me..."

The gray-robed man quickly explained to the flame giant.

Then he didn't finish his words. Under Chen Mo's comprehension, Suzaku carried the monstrous flames and attacked the gray-robed man.

The man in the gray robe felt the other's fierce killing intent, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

These big clans are really domineering, and they don't even let people finish their words.

However, the gray-robed man didn't want to fight with Suzaku at all. The opponent was not only a monster, but he was also stronger than himself. No matter how he fought, he was not an opponent.

For the present plan, Chen Mo can only be taken first as a handle to threaten Suzaku.

But Suzaku had predicted his prediction long ago, and Nanming spit out from the fire. The blazing high temperature far exceeded the strange fire of this world, which opened the distance between the gray-robed man and Chen Mo.

The Suzaku took the opportunity to shake its wings and flew down quickly, straddling between Chen Mo and the gray-robed man.

The gray-robed man's intention to hold Chen Mo was completely dispelled.

Helpless, the gray-robed man could only gritted his teeth and fought with Suzaku, taking the opportunity to find a chance to slip away.

"Come on, catch that kid for me."

This huge reversal caused Su Zhenglie's heart to sink in his stomach.

He was actually planning to surrender, but the appearance of the gray-robed man gave him a huge opportunity.

But now it seems that it's not just me who has reinforcements. The reinforcements on the opposite side have a bigger backing.

The only way to get a chance of survival is to seize Chen Mo as a threat.

Because the other party will not give himself another chance to surrender.

With Su Zhenglie's order.

The three fighting kings, including the national teacher, and the seven fighting kings rushed towards the three of the green beak eagle king.

"Wu Biao, you and I hold the Dou Zong, Zhuo Hui, Liu Kangtai... Qian Fang, you deal with the remaining woman, Wang Yan, you are responsible for catching that kid."

The national division gave a division of labor.

He and the Dou Huang named Zhuo Hui dragged Queen Medusa, the remaining Dou Huang and six Dou Wangs killed Yun Yun, who was unclear, and the remaining Dou Wang, Wang Yan, was responsible for arresting Chen. ink.

However, in reality, it is not as good as the national teacher thought.

"The light of the rice grains dare to compete with Haoyue for glory."

Queen Medusa directly revealed the prototype, a colorful sky-swallowing python more than ten feet long, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Immediately, the giant python robbed the bell from the thunder, and the giant tail instantly killed a fighting king and stopped three fighting kings including the national teacher.

Everyone's complexion turned black all of a sudden.

Just when the three Dou Huang were entangled by Queen Medusa, the tyrannical blue fighting spirit surged out of Yun Yun's body like a tide, and the blue wings condensed in an instant.

The long sword was sacrificed, and only a few people saw a flash of cold light.

The next moment, blood spray splashed, and another Dou Wang fell on the spot, and there was no way to fight back.

Less than three breaths, two fighting kings died instantly.

Yun Yun is in the position of a husband, standing in front of Chen Mo, whoever will die.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhenglie collapsed to the ground with a dead face.

It's over, it's all over.

This is completely crushing, and the other party hasn't done their best yet.

From beginning to end, Chen Mo was indifferent throughout the whole process. From his expression, he could not see the slightest panic.

Chen Mo stared sharply at Su Zhenglie on the city wall, and said, "Since you don't go if you are given a way to survive, then don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."

Raising the palm of his hand gently, a black and white flame rose up from the palm of Chen Mo's palm, and suddenly threw it towards the sky. The fireball exploded above the sky, bursting into a brilliant light.

"Today the Izumo Empire imperial family, if one does not stay, kills without mercy!"

Chen Mo's cold face was deeply imprinted in everyone's eyes at this moment.

Outside Wuling City!

Yao Ye drew the long sword around her waist, raised it over her head, and immediately swung it down, with awe-inspiring killing intent: "The army listens to the order, kill!"

"Kill!" As Yao Ye's voice fell, the army behind Yao Ye responded together, and the sound of killing fell through the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The drums were beating, and only the invisible army was surging outside Wuling City, and then dispersed, under the leadership of Nalanjie, Mittel Tengshan, Mu Chen and others.

Attacked the major gates.

The powerhouses of the Izumo Empire all gathered in the imperial palace.

Even if the defending troops were more elite, they swept under the leadership of Dou Wang.

In less than ten minutes, all the city gates opened.

The army poured into Wuling City.

Seeing the city gate broke, the morale of the defenders in the city collapsed instantly, giving up resistance and surrendering.

The army received the defeated army, occupied the walls of Wuling City, and then separated a strong army from the army to assist the palace.

On Chen Mo's side, the battle has also come to an end.

The gray-robed man was completely suppressed by Suzaku. As long as the former was contaminated with the Nanming Lihuo on Suzaku, he could not extinguish it.

Even the gray-robed man used the secret method and then sacrificed the essence and blood, trying to escape into the space, but was also burned into a space channel by Suzaku's blindly Nanming Lihuo.

The gray-robed man who was swallowed by Nanming Lihuo didn't even let out a wailing, and was burned to death by the flames together with his soul body, turning into nothingness.

And the three Douhuang who fought with the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python, the national teacher who was the pinnacle of the Dou-huang, fought against the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python twice and did not die.

The remaining two One-Star Fighting Emperors were all struck to death one by one by the Colorful Swallowing Python.

Just when the Seven Colored Swallowing Python was about to end the national division, Chen Mo called to stop, "Wait, keep alive, he is useful to me."

The colorful swallowing python turned into a human form, sealed the cultivation base of the national teacher, and threw it to Chen Mo.

As for those few Dou Wangs who dared not to join, seeing that the national teacher and others were taken down by the opponents, naturally I did not dare to resist and all announced their surrender.

And Su Zhenglie and the royal family, as Chen Mo said, did not leave one.