
Chapter 9: Zongmen Great Competition

"Have you heard that the sect master brought a young man without clothes into the sect."

"My friend is the gatekeeper, and he told me that the boy is pretty handsome."

"Not only that, but the lord is also wearing that boy's clothes."


"You are all outdated. The latest news is that the Sect Master accepted that young man as a personal disciple. His name is Chen Mo."

"Isn't the selection of new disciples yet to come? Isn't that uncompliance?"

"You're not stupid. Sect Master still has to follow the rules to accept disciples?"

"True or false, as far as I know, the Sovereign has only accepted one personal disciple over the years, and that is Sister Nalan. Can his talent compare to Senior Sister Nalan?"

"In a few days there will be a new round of Zongmen Grand Competition. If you can compare it, you will know at that time."

Chen Mo didn't know that he caused an uproar as soon as he entered the sect.

Yun Yun took him into the sect and arranged it in a hall, and then left in a hurry.

Chen Mo comfortable soaked in a bath, and after changing into Yunlanzong's personal disciple's robes, he called up the system menu.

Name: Chen Mo

Race: Terran

Cultivation: One Star Fighter

Lucky Points: 40

Cultivation Method: Deity Restraining Prison Power

Fighting Skill: Spear of the Underworld

Props: astringent technique, two healing charms, four bottles of accompanying amethyst source

Function: Treasure box lottery, shopping mall, peeping

Chen Mo untied his upper body robe and looked down at his chest, which had a wound of about ten centimeters in length, but at this time it was as good as ever.

This is a healing talisman, this is simply a magic talisman!

I used it before taking a bath. How long has it passed since then, the wound that had turned into a scar disappeared.

There is something in this system!

Next, let me understand this system well.

First, click to open the treasure box to draw.

But just the silver treasure chest, it takes 100 luck points.

Gold 1000.

Platinum is even 10,000.

The diamond has reached a terrifying 100,000.

I didn't count the King's Treasure Box, I only knew that 1 was followed by many 0s.

Then understand the probability of the treasure chest.

There is a one in ten thousand probability that the silver treasure chest can only be opened out of the king's treasure chest.

Platinum doubles, and so on.

But for Chen Mo, an African, one ten thousandth equals zero.

This kind of lottery mode and probability reminded him of a certain game he played in his previous life.

Of course, the latter is even worse.

As for the acquisition of luck points.

At present, Chen Mo only knows two. In addition to the rewards for completing the mission, that is to kill the beasts. The higher the level of the beasts, the more luck points they will get.

In the last shopping mall that Chen Mo saw, none of them were bought by Chen Mo.

Chen Mo deliberately glanced at the price of the Huaxing Pill and the associated Amethyst Source, the former is 7,000 Qi Yun points, the latter is 3,000 Qi Yun points.

It's so expensive, if only the accompanying Amethyst Source could change your luck.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo thought and tried.

No eggs, nothing happened.

I'd better drink it and practice, maybe I can also make a purple fire, and then just find a medicine book and just look at it. I am an alchemist.

I can do the three illusions in life.

At this time, Chen Mo was in this illusion.

Just when Chen Mo was immersed in this illusion, and getting deeper and deeper, he even felt that the beauties who would soon be able to hug were sleeping.

Yun Yun came in.

When Chen Mo heard the movement, he naturally glanced over.

"Sister Yun Yun."

He wore a long blue dress wrapped in a graceful body, with an extremely gorgeous face, with a blue silk combed into a bun, with a magnificent and graceful appearance.

Except for the hair color is somewhat different, the others are almost the same as Yun Yun in the anime.

"The beauty is bursting." Chen Mo shouted in his heart, and the possessiveness hidden in his heart became more and more intense.

Seeing Chen Mo's reaction, Yun Yun knew that her dress was not in vain, and a glimmer of joy flashed in her heart. She even said with a stern face and solemnly: "Three days later, it will be the Zongmen Grand Competition. After the decision of the Presbyterian Church, You need to participate."

Chen Mo frowned slightly: "Is it because of the personal disciple?"

"Yeah, but..." Yun Yun nodded, Xuan even hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Yun Yun hesitate to speak, Chen Mo said directly: "Is there any other request?"

"Yeah." Yun Yun was a little embarrassed: "You need to win this sect competition, the top five of the younger generation of inner disciples."

Originally, the Presbyterian Church wanted Chen Mo to get the top three, but Yun Yun had managed to get the top five.

After all, the Sect Master's direct disciple is strictly Yunlanzong's card face, and can't reach the top five. What qualifications do they have?

"Top five." Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I needed to be first?"

This is not Chen Mo's outspoken words. According to the description in the novel, among the younger generation of Yun Lanzong, Nalan Yanran is extremely talented. Even if you add one or two unknown geniuses who are not described by Tudou, there is no more than one hand in total. The number.

At this point in time, Nalan Yanran was only a few stars.

Therefore, Chen Mo really didn't think he would fall out of the top five.

"Ding, the task is released. Please the host will get the first place in the Zongmen Grand Competition this time. After success, you will get 100-3000 luck points at random."

"Uh, well, you won the system."

Really give me a little surprise from time to time, Chen Mo said in his heart.

However, these words of Chen Mo aroused Yun Yun's dissatisfaction. For whom did he work so hard?

But as for him, Fei Dan didn't take it seriously, instead he showed an arrogant attitude. He looked down on the disciples in the clan, obviously he didn't take it seriously.

"You, wait to be beaten to death then." Yun Yun said fiercely and planned to leave, but as soon as he walked to the door, he still couldn't rest assured. He walked back again and took out a scroll and put it on the table. Go up and say: "This is an intermediate-level mysterious-level thunder attribute fighting skill. If you don't understand, come and ask me next door. I live next door."

After speaking, he really left.

"I seem to make her angry, but I really don't mean to be angry with her." Chen Mo wanted to cry without tears, came to the table, took the scroll engraved with thunder pattern, and opened it.

"Thousand Lei Jue."

"Cultivation to great success can provoke the thunder for nine days."

"This description is so awesome, how can it be a mysterious fighting skill?"

With doubts, Chen Mo read all the formulas of the entire fighting skills, and he couldn't help but vomit: "It seems that every world has it. Only one sky thunder can be drawn down, and it depends on the probability."

"If you look at it this way, those exercises and fighting skills that burn mountains and seas at every turn are also mixed with moisture."

It's better to cultivate the deity's jailbreaking power first, then swallow the companion amethyst source, and then use the energy of the amethyst source to awaken more giant elephant blastodes.

Just do it.

Chen Mo was immersed in his mind and began to meditate, focusing all his thoughts on the cultivation technique, which is the first tier of Idols' Prison Restraining Power.

Not long after it started to operate, it was obvious that there was an air current around his body, like a river, making the sound of a billowing thunderstorm.

At this moment, the abnormal change protruded, just like in the Warcraft Mountains, Chen Mo's body was like a black hole-like container, madly swallowing the surrounding anger.