
Chapter 88: Get a glimpse of your cultivation base and advance to the rank of fighting spirit!

"Pavilion Master, King Qi is here." A prisoner said as he walked through a long corridor.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded, "You are waiting here, I will go in and take a look."

"Yes." The four responded in unison, and one of the prisoners gave Chen Mo the key to the prison door.

Passing a blink of an eye, an impermeable room with steel bars on both sides appeared in Chen Mo's eyes.

Shallow footsteps approached, the old man in the iron prison hasn't seen who it is, don't say: "Don't waste your thoughts, this king will never become a running dog of Lingyan Pavilion."

The footsteps stopped, and after a while, the sound of unlocking sounded, and with the opening of the iron prison door, a rather young voice sounded: "It seems that King Qi has a big opinion on my Lingyan Pavilion!"

Qi Wang Su Shounian was taken aback. It was not the charming female voice in his memory. Su Shounian raised his eyes slightly. A handsome young face appeared in his field of vision: "Who is your Excellency?"

"My name is Chen Mo, call me the chief pavilion lord for the sake of face." Chen Mo smiled.

"Chen Mo?" Su Shounian frowned, and said in shock, "Are you the chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion?"

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Hehe, I can't think that the chief pavilion of Lingyan Pavilion who fought hard in our country is actually a hairy boy with no hair." Su Shounian laughed and stood up with difficulty, his handcuffs and ankles collided. Jingle.

"What? You are also here to persuade this king to join Lingyan Pavilion?" Su Shounian continued.

"No, I'm here to send you on the road."

Hearing this, Chen Mo's brows froze, a sulky color flashed in his eyes, and he raised his palm to cover Su Shounian's forehead, peeping silently in his heart.

With 31,000 Qi Luck Points being deducted, Su Shounian's body of continuous energy merged into Chen Mo's body.

One star for the master.

Two stars.

Five stars.


Da Doushi peak.


As the five-color bucket in Chen Mo's body crystallized into an egg-sized ball.

The bottleneck of Da Doushi shattered.

Chen Mo was promoted as Dou Ling.

However, Su Shounian, who was snatched by Chen Mo's cultivation base, completely lost his cultivation base and became a useless person.

"You...you...you actually abolished this king's cultivation base." Su Shounian felt that the fighting energy in his body was completely wiped out and became a useless person.

Chen Mo didn't change him, but was studying for himself why he didn't become the Emperor of Dou.

The system explained it.

Peeping cultivation base is injected into the host's body in a form of energy, and the entire energy of the peeped person is only enough for the host to be promoted to the fighting spirit.

This means that Chen Mo's techniques are too advanced, the energy required is too pure, and the dantian is too large.

Although King Qi had a high cultivation base, his cultivation technique was low and his energy was not pure. Under the transformation of the Idols' Prison Restraining Power, there was very little that Chen Mo could truly have. (I don't know if the orange cat said that, do you understand?)

And the system also gave a reminder that even if Chen Mo snooped on someone with the same cultivation level as Su Shounian, he would get Chen Mo up to two stars at most.

"Fuck!" Chen Mo cursed secretly, dare to love this technique is still a big stomach king.

But also, the fighting energy stored in the body was compressed into liquid by Shenxiang Zhenyu Jin and turned into a sea of ​​pill.

Name: Chen Mo

Cultivation: Douling One Star

Lucky point: 54210

Cultivation Method: Deity Restraining Prison Power

Fighting skills: Spear of the Underworld, Wings of Freedom, Heavenly Emperor Profound Thunder Seal, Extreme Flame Art, body like a dragon, Thousand Thunder Art.

Props: Breathing Technique, Summoning Card, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, Pure Lotus Demon Fire Remnant Figure x2

Function: Treasure box lottery, peeping, shopping mall.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion

Dharmakaya: Hell Buddha

Exerting the astringent technique to hide Dou Ling's breath, Chen Mo walked out of the dungeon.

"He's useless anymore." Throwing the key to the prisoner waiting outside, and talking, Chen Mo's fighting spirit emerged and flashed out of the dungeon.

The four prisoners understood what Chen Mo meant, and when they came to the iron jail where King Qi was imprisoned, they found that King Qi's Xiu base had been abolished and fainted.

The four of them all shook together, this is Dou Huang, so it was abandoned.

While scared in his heart, he hurriedly dealt with King Qi.


Night fell.

Wu Ling.

The palace was brightly lit. From the sky above, there was a panic in the footsteps of the patrolling soldiers, the running servants, and the ladies of the palace.

The Emperor's Study Room.

At this time, the emperor Su Zhenglie didn't indulge in drinking in the backyard, but sat in a panic on a more luxurious chair with a solemn expression on his face.

Below him, there were rows of ministers who could not afford to kneel down, their bodies trembling slightly, and their eyes looked at the prime minister who had just been slashed in anger by Su Zhenglie's sword.

The blood flowing out will soon spread to the place where they kneel.

"Are there any countermeasures?" Su Zhenglie was angrily, cursing secretly for some wine and rice bags.

No one of the ministers dared to say anything, and they were also very wronged. The opponents all dispatched Dou Zong, a four-star Dou Huang, and there were more than a dozen Dou Kings.

And their strength here is one Dou Huang pinnacle, two one-star Dou Huang, and seven Dou Wang.

Obviously not enough.

In the face of absolute strength, all countermeasures are unreasonable.

At this moment, an attendant walked in tremblingly with a scroll.

The servant was very scared because he was holding a letter of persuasion to surrender.

And the emperor had already cut down a few people who came to report on the military situation, and just cut down the current prime minister.

After the servant handed Su Zhenglie the letter of persuasion to surrender, he knelt down quickly.

Sure enough, after Su Zhenglie finished reading, he slapped him on the desk next to him with the persuasion book.

It made a sound like muffled thunder.

Su Zhenglie himself was a Seven-Star Fighting King himself, and the table couldn't bear the weight of this force, and it crashed into pieces.

The servants and ministers, their heads are lower.

After a long time, Su Zhenglie sighed and gave the surrender letter to the national teacher next to him, and said dejectedly: "Old Mo, this is the point, let's surrender..."

The voice fell, and the entire study room was silent. If there is no accident, the Izumo Empire will change its dynasty tomorrow.

"Perhaps, the deity can help you!"

The void trembled, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, a man in a gray robe walked out of the void and was revealed in everyone's field of vision.


Izumo Empire, southern border.

This place is close to the poisonous desert, known as the paradise of poisons, and the sky is dazzling, even if the fighting king is strong, he dare not enter easily.

A gust of wind picked up, blowing up a corroded and undecent bark on the ground, floating in the sky.

The bark floated for an unknown amount of time, and finally landed on a courtyard with a relatively large area. On the plaque of the courtyard, the words "Poison Sect" were vaguely engraved.

"Sect Master, you want the poison to be found!" With the sound, a group of relatively neat footsteps walked into the courtyard, stepped on the bark, and everyone stopped.

at this time.

A figure shrouded in black robe walked out of a house, and a touch of excitement floated on his delicate face.

"Really? Let me see!"