
Chapter 84: Arrived at Zhenguiguan!

The endless blue sky is dotted with a few white clouds, and the occasional breeze will make them change shapes or move slightly.

The sun poured down, shining on the lofty mountains below, showing a warm color.

Suddenly, in the silent sky, the sound of gusts of wind blowing from afar, and immediately at the edge of the sky, a small black spot appeared. After a while, the black spot grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into more than twenty flying beasts. Accompanied by a low roar, came with the wind.

The leader is a blue-beaked eagle with a golden beak and all-blue feathers.

The blue-beaked eagle king is several times larger than the ordinary blue-beaked eagle, and there are three figures on its back.

Chen Mo lay on the back of the Blue Beak Eagle King's neck a little bit, and a dark vindictive air appeared on the surface of his body, removing all the blowing wind, while Chen Mo himself closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep. .

Behind Chen Mo, there were three shadows standing, and they stepped on the back of the blue-beaked eagle, and the surface of their bodies showed cyan vindictiveness, resisting the oncoming wind.

"Isn't it just destroying an Izumo empire? Need all members to be dispatched? This king is enough to change the dynasty of that empire." Queen Medusa fiddled with her forehead charmingly, arrogantly leaking.

Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, both the master and the apprentice ignored him, but they also had a trace of doubt.

The overall power of the Izumo Empire is not much different from that of the Gama Empire. At best, a fighting sect has emerged. With Chen Mo's power, it is not a fight.

"What we call it, overwhelming the enemy from the aura, not to mention, we didn't have all of us dispatched." Hearing Medusa's words, Chen Mo kept his eyes closed and said lightly.

However, in fact, Chen Mo was a counselor. After he was out of Lingyan Pavilion's sphere of influence, he was no longer invincible. Naturally, he had to call more people, give himself a strong body, and act as a bodyguard by the way.

After occupying the Izumo Empire, you can also take over instantly. After all, the Izumo Empire has no people of its own.

A group of teams flew past this soon.


The earth quaked, and the edge of the dense forest below was bursting with waves, and the birds that had just fallen flew up again in surprise.

Along with the heavy smoke, a team of well-trained cavalry in battle robes flew past the dense forest, and the echo was heard.

Behind the cavalry, there were silhouettes wearing different robes, flashing back and forth in the dense forest, and above the air, there were several silhouettes coming quickly.

When these people pass through certain spheres of influence, there will always be some commotion. If there are strong ones in these forces, they will check it out, and if so, even want to send out an invitation.

But when he got closer and saw the murderous air of the pedestrian, he quickly dispelled the idea.

The third day after leaving Yunlanzong.

Chen Mo and his party had a small meeting with members of the Mittel family.

The Mittel family led the Mittel Mountain, leading a total of 30 strong people in the clan, all elites, no cannon fodder.

After confluence, Chen Mo swept his gaze over the small ground below, and immediately turned his head to the group of people behind him: "How long will it take to get to the Izumo Empire?"

Hearing Chen Mo's question, Mittel Tengshan, who had just met with Yun Yun and others, turned his head, quickly took out a map from Na Jie, and immediately laughed: "We have just passed through Stone Iron City. In more than ten days, I must be able to withstand the border of the Izumo Empire."

"Is there more than ten days left..." Chen Mo murmured. He knew that this trip had slowed down, otherwise, the other people in the cabinet would not be able to keep up.

Chen Mo looked at the people on the thick-winged eagle behind, and spent more than two days on his way. Even the rest time in the evening was spent on the flight. In a few days, he would have to find a city and land and rest.

Another day passed.

The Mu family and the Nalan family also joined together.

At this time, the number of Chen Mo's team reached more than 1,500.

"Old Tengshan, I really didn't expect that you from the Mittel family would come first." Mu Chen fluttered his wings and landed on the tiger eagle beast in Mittel Tengshan.

"The Mittel family is indeed rich and powerful. You can even get Tier 4 monsters like the Tiger Eagle Beast." Green vindictiveness emerged on the surface of Nalanjie's body. On the eagle beast.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you two old guys will also come in person." Seeing an acquaintance, Mittel Tengshan got up and laughed.

"The chief pavilion master personally called, how can the old man not come personally." Nalan Jiexuan was about to look at Chen Mo of the Green Beak Eagle King.

Turning around slightly, he whispered to Mittel Tengshan, "Who is the purple-robed woman?"

Upon hearing this, Mittel Tengshan suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said: "The Medusa Queen of the Snake Man tribe is still the leader of the Shadow Guard."

"What? Queen Medusa..." Nalanjie and Mu Chen showed the same expressions as Mittel Tengshan just saw Queen Medusa, shocked.

"Will Queen Medusa appear here? Has she become the leader of the Shadow Secret Guard?" Queen Medusa became famous, and after they knew their identity, there was a tremor in their voices.

"Queen Medusa is the colorful snake that came out of Chen Mo's sleeves over the Cloud Lanzong that day." Mittel Tengshan whispered.

Upon hearing this, the two showed a stunned look, and immediately looked at Chen Mo in the front together, with a trace of admiration in their eyes.

Sure enough, it was a monster, even Queen Medusa could tame it.

Perceiving a look behind him, Chen Mo looked back, and when he saw the admiration in the eyes of the two elders, he didn't know why.

Time flies, and after more than ten days of flying, they finally arrived at the border of the Jiama Empire, Zhenguiguan!

It was only one step away from the border of the Izumo Empire.

The fortress of Zhenguiguan was built on the mountain, like a tiger, guarding the main roads of the empire to the outside. Anyone who wants to enter and leave the Gama Empire must pass through this huge fortress.

Its importance has also become a battleground for military strategists. Over the years, I don't know how many battlefield souls have been swallowed.

When Chen Mo just landed on this fortress, a black eagle flew from the sky and landed on Chen Mo's shoulder.

There is a letter tied to the black hawk's claws.

The letter said that he had stopped moving, waiting for the arrival of the chief pavilion master.

With Chen Mo's landing, the movement that produced naturally attracted the attention of the fortress defending soldiers. Countless people turned their attention to them. After seeing the identity of Chen Mo Lingyan Pavilion, they ignored it.

Because the soldiers on this fortress had already become members of Lingyan Pavilion.

Not long after Chen Mo landed.

A huge burst of air sounded from behind Chen Mo, setting off a powerful air current, accompanied by a whispering beast roar, carrying a violent wind, and landing on the fortress.