
Chapter 83: Attack the Izumo Empire

Feng Qinger screamed, and the colorful giant crane under him immediately opened its sharp and big mouth, and the flames condensed into a ball in the mouth, gushing towards Zheng Tian below!

The several men beside Juhe saw that Feng Qing'er had taken the lead, and they were unwilling to lag behind. They displayed their own fighting skills and blasted towards Zheng Tian.

"Qing Ben, how unreasonable!"

Zheng Tian turned around and watched the enveloping attacks from above. His expression was indifferent, his feet halted, and the soles of his feet fell into the yellow sand.

An endless stream of energy poured into Zheng Tian's body, his face slightly aroused, and in a low voice that could only be heard by himself, he said: "Old guy, it's time for you to perform!"


Ten days later.


In the quiet Yunlanzong's back mountain, among the lush dense forests, a loud thunder sound rang out suddenly, which shocked countless birds.

The big trees with the thick waist of the bucket were cut off one after another, and the crown of the tree was full of scorched black.

When the trees were lost, a huge pit in the shape of a palm appeared in the cleared space.

On the edge of the huge pit, there were cracks with thick thighs, which spread rapidly along the ground. In less than a minute, the cracks spread to the end of this dense forest, on a cliff.

The crack did not stay, and went all the way up the cliff. In a moment, only a loud noise was heard. The intact cliff collapsed under the spread of the crack.

Above the dense forest, a black figure shook the black and white wings behind it, looking at the huge handprint pit below, and the cracks caused by the remaining cracks that caused the collapse of the cliff, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It deserves to be exchanged by the system mall. The power of the first form of the Heavenly Emperor Xuan Lei Yin is so powerful. If it were to cultivate to the last form, the power would be terrifying." Chen Mo was surprised in his heart.

The Heavenly Emperor's Profound Thunder Seal is an elementary level fighting skill exchanged by Chen Mo in the system, costing 80,000 Qi luck points.

Originally, Chen Mo didn't intend to exchange his fighting skills.

Turning over those two Dou Zun's Na Jie, there are also several local-level fighting skills, but there is no thunder attribute, just a local-level primary fire attribute fighting skill.

This obviously can't satisfy Chen Mo now.

So Chen Mo simply gritted his teeth and exchanged a heavenly rank in the system.

Anyway, Chen Mocai is currently strong.

The Heavenly Emperor Xuan Lei Seal has five seals, one seal and one style.

And there is no restriction on cultivation, as long as your body can bear it.

There is idol-suppressing power, Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about this.

But the fighting skills in this world, as long as they reach the intermediate level, there will be cultivation requirements when they practice.

For example, Chen Mo remembered that the first seal of the Emperor's Seal Art given by Xiao Yan's Cultivation Xun'er in the original work required Douwang's cultivation level to be able to cultivate.

Chen Mo clapped his hands, and a figure in a black robe walked out of the shadow of the dense forest below.

Chen Mofei fell down and whispered: "How's it going?"

"The emperor of the Izumo Empire does not agree to surrender!" The figure in the black robe said respectfully.

"How about the preparation of the plan?" The Izumo Empire disagreed as early as Chen Mo had expected.

"Everything is proceeding according to the plan of the chief pavilion master, and it has initially penetrated into and out of the cloud empire."

"Very well, inform all the cabinet masters that they can go."


After the black figure left, Chen Mo took out a map of the northwestern region of the Douqi Continent, and wrote the three characters Lingyan Pavilion on the sphere of influence of the Izumo Empire with a brush.

This time, he will push it horizontally.

Gama Empire, the imperial capital.

The Mittel family.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Mittelten Mountain and silently handed him a letter.

Mittel was accustomed to the way Sombra appeared on the stage.

I still remember when the black shadow appeared behind him for the first time, he was taken aback. As a strong fighting king, he couldn't even detect the black shadow's breath.

Mittel Tengshan opened the envelope, and there were only four words on it, everything is in place.

The Mu family, the Nalan family, and the royal family all received a letter in the same way.

The content of the letter is exactly the same.

Everything is ready!

In the Royal Plaza, Yao Ye, wearing a golden armor, pulled out the long sword from the scabbard around his waist, pointed diagonally at the sky, and said loudly, "Go!"

Utan City!

Black Rock City!



A group of figures flew out, toward the border of the Izumo Empire, gathering!

Yunlanzong Square.

When Chen Mo appeared above the square, nearly a thousand figures stood like wooden stakes on the court.

In front of nearly a thousand figures, these three women stood.

Standing in the center is a glamorous Yunyun wearing a green undergarment and applying a thin powder.

On the far left is the charming Queen Medusa in a purple satin gown.

On the right is Nalan Yanran with a graceful figure wearing a moon-white robe.

Behind the three women, there are more than twenty heads that are huge, and a thick-winged beast that can transport forty or fifty people.

Chen Mo looked at everyone below, except for the three women in the front, there was a faint enthusiasm and urgency in everyone's eyes.

Not only did they own the things gained from attacking the Izumo Empire, but they could also get the corresponding contribution value.

Compared to what might be obtained in the Izumo Empire, the contribution value obtained by completing the task is the most important thing.

Chen Mo smiled, and there was a glow of heat in his dark eyes, and his voice added: "Everyone immediately board the thick-winged beast and set off, Izumo Empire!"

As soon as Chen Mo spoke, nearly a thousand figures standing on the court stepped onto the thick-winged beast in an orderly manner.

Queen Medusa volleyed into the air.

A wing emerged from behind Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran. For the latter, it was Chen Mo who had obtained Ziyun wings from Xiao Yan.

After everyone was ready, Chen Mo blew his whistle. Accompanied by the sharp whistle, more than a dozen thick-winged beasts roared and stood up, waving their broad wings and carrying a gust of wind, slowly rising to the sky.


Izumo Empire.

Royal palace.

Above the chaotic hall, a general ran in with a little panic.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. According to the report from the spies ahead, the Gama Empire is marching towards our country. Its vanguard forces have already taken down the two border cities."

As soon as the voice fell, the government and the public were shocked.

Above the hall, a middle-aged man who was hollowed out of wine, stood up from the dragon chair with a scream, and said with anger, "Who makes sense, who is the leader of the Gama Empire?"

"Chen...Chen doesn't know for now!"

"I don't know?" The middle-aged man raised his brows and shouted sharply: "Then check it out!"

"Chen Zunzhi!"

"This Gama Empire is so bold and reckless. Some time ago it even sent a letter of surrender, but it was strictly rejected by the minister."

An old man suddenly walked out. It was the prime minister of the Izumo Empire. He took out a letter of surrender from his sleeve and handed it to the attendant.

The old man said immediately: "The minister believes that it should be..."