
Chapter 80: Yaoye Entering the Shadow Secret Guard

Inside the hall.

Queen Medusa, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly trembled, and waves of fierce energy ripples rapidly spread out of her body.

Wherever the energy ripples passed, the candlesticks, tables, chairs, and vases were all cracked to pieces.

A majestic coercion instantly enveloped the entire Yunlan Mountain.

"What happened? Is there another strong one?"

The disciples of Yunlanzong were shocked again. In the past few days, one after another strong people have come to Yunlanzong, wanting to meet Chen Mo and join Lingyan Pavilion.

"Douzong, another Douzong has appeared." Inside the elder's hall, a white-robed elder said in surprise.

"This coercion is much stronger than the old Sect Master." Another elder said.

"You said, could it be made by the master pavilion, but in fact it is not a fighting sect at all?" a new elder guessed.

"It's not like it. Chen Mo's aura is even more terrifying, and he will constrain and not be so ostentatious." said the Sixth Elder who is familiar with Chen Mo.

"But looking at the movement, it seems to be from the palace of the sect master, isn't it the sect master?"

"Sect Master only broke through the three-star Dou Huang some time ago, and it is impossible to be promoted to Dou Zong in a short time." said Yun Leng, who was turned into an ordinary white-robed elder from the great elder.

"Could it be that there is a strong Douzong who wants to join Lingyan Pavilion..."

Inside the hall, Queen Medusa's body changed drastically.

For a while, it was in the form of a colorful snake.

It's a human form for a while.

After the two changed for a few minutes, Queen Medusa was completely stabilized in a human form.

At this time, her soul has merged with her body, and she can switch between the animal body and the human form at will.

Never worry about being squeezed out by that guy anymore.

However, in the fusion of the two souls, there was a strange emotion in Medusa's autumn-like eyes.

"Yes, yes, it breaks through the three-star Douzong as soon as it merges, it's gratifying!" Chen Mo smiled and walked in with Yun Yun.

Chen Mo continued: "Can you agree now?"

"go to hell!"


A black shadow struck Chen Mo.

"This king is the queen of the snake tribe, how can he obey the orders of a human kid."

Above the left palm, a cyan flame rose up and patted Chen Mo's face.


Chen Mo sighed slightly, and suddenly, as if time was still, the flames of the green lotus in Queen Medusa's palm dissipated, and the whole figure hovered in front of Chen Mo like this.

not moving at all.

"You have merged your soul, haven't you merged your memory?"

Chen Mo wanted to say, didn't Colorful Little Snake tell you that I am very strong?

The shocked look on Queen Medusa's face is nonverbal.

When he was in Mocheng, he was still an ant that he could pinch to death at any time.

But now, when I deal with him myself, I can't even touch the corners of his clothes.

"This...what power is this?" Queen Medusa asked in astonishment.

"What? You ate the Rongling Pill too, so you turned your face and refused to admit it so soon?"

Chen Mo did not answer her question.

"Hmph, this king didn't promise you!" It's about dignity and freedom, and Queen Medusa will not agree so easily.

"Oh, so you are going to regret it?"

Chen Mo stared at Queen Medusa, frowning slightly, how could this beauty snake not eat hard or soft.

"How can I say remorse if I didn't agree?" Queen Medusa was playing a word game, and she did not agree.

"Huh..." Chen Mo took a deep breath, turned around, and said to Yun Yun beside him: "Sister Yun Yun, leave it to you."

Yun Yun nodded gently.

Yun Yun approached Queen Medusa with a slight smile on her face.

"Woman, what do you want to do to this king? If you dare to move, wait for this king to come down, and you will not be spared."

Even at these moments, the proud Queen Medusa still did not have the slightest softness, gritted her silver teeth, her tone was cold.

"What do you want to do..."


Gama Empire, the imperial capital.

Deep in the inner courtyard of the palace.

Next to a secluded pond, there is a pavilion built. In the pavilion, a woman in a golden yellow brocade robe stands elegantly, with light makeup on the elegant jade face, which is charming and graceful.

A pair of brilliant starlight water eyes, staring at the fish rushing in the pond, a little lost.

"Sister, do you really want to join Lingyan Pavilion?"

Suddenly, a female voice with a silky tenderness sounded behind her. The woman was startled and quickly turned her head to look at the girl wearing a light blue dress walking by. The woman was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise: "Yue'er, what are you doing? knowledge?"

"Father and Grandpa told me." Yaoyue's expression was a little low, and Chen Mo, who had a hint of affection in her heart, wanted to annex the Gama Empire.

And at this critical moment, sister Yao Ye Feidan did not resist, but instead wanted to join Lingyan Pavilion, and his father and grandfather did not stop.

"Yeah." Yaoye nodded.

"Why, elder sister, why on earth?" Yaoyue couldn't figure it out.

"Do you think that without Chen Mo, this royal family is like a royal family?" Yao Ye looked at the fish in the pond, sprinkled a piece of bait, and immediately pupae came over to fight for it.

Yaoyue couldn't understand.

"The dignity of the royal family has long been lost, and it can only maintain the stability of the imperial capital." Yao Ye murmured.

The Gama Empire is suffering from internal and external troubles, and power is out of control, and there is even the ferocious behemoth of Yunlanzong watching from the sidelines.

The major cities of the empire are in their own right, and there are many families, and the imperial power is not centralized.

The sacred animal protecting the country is seriously injured and dying.

Although the grandfather was shocked, he was old enough to be shocked for how long.

Especially the appearance of Dou Zong and Dou Zun made the people of the Jiama Empire vaguely feel that Dou Huang is nothing.

Once you're not afraid, different minds will grow.

This empire has long been dying.

Yaoye is powerless to change, why not change it to stand on top of everyone.

"Sister, don't you like Chen Mo too?" Yaoyue felt that Yaoye came back this time as if she had changed herself.

"Yes?" Yao Ye was taken aback, her eyes turned towards Yaoyue.

Yaoyue flushed and left shyly.

"Did you think about it?" After Yaoyue left, a gray-robed old man appeared behind Yaoye, with his hands on his back, came to Yaoye's side, and watched the fish in the pond with her.

"Yeah." Yaoye nodded, and said: "I heard that Lingyan Pavilion is setting up Shadow Secret Guard, I want to join."

"I heard a little bit. I heard that this shadow guard only accepts women." Jia Xingtian shook his head and smiled: "I don't know what the kid is thinking about?"


"Welcome to the Lingyan Pavilion." Seeing Queen Medusa's consent, Chen Mo hurriedly let her down and stretched out a small hand of friendship.

Queen Medusa glanced bitterly at Yun Yun. Why should a woman embarrass a woman, she immediately said: "You can only do one thing a week, don't always think about calling this king."

"No problem." Chen Mo said, "I happened to be planning to build a shadow guard, so I'll leave it to you."