
Chapter 77: Yun Yun reveals her heart, and Queen Medusa reappears

Name: Chen Mo

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Doushi Peak

Lucky point: 165210

Cultivation Method: Deity Restraining Prison Power

Fighting skills: the spear of the underworld, the wings of the devil, the extremely flame tactic, the body is like a dragon, the thousand thunder tactic.

Props: Astringent Technique, Summoning Card, Yin and Yang Double Flames, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, Jinglian Demon Fire Remnant Figure x2.

Function: Treasure box lottery, peeping, shopping mall.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion.

Dharmakaya: Hell Buddha.

Chen Mo's net worth at this time can be described as rich.

After the Yunlanzong hall came out, Chen Mo walked towards the hall where Yun Yun lived.

It has been cold for several days, so it's time to find a chance to ease the relationship.

It is not a problem to keep the vacant rooms alone every day.

"Didn't I let you move to the disciple's Dongfu?" As soon as Chen Mo's figure approached the hall, Yun Yun's cold voice came out.

This breath has been deeply imprinted in Yun Yun's mind, very familiar.

Chen Mo could have entered quietly, but he did not.

"Sister Yun Yun, are you still angry?" Chen Mo approached the main hall and slowly walked into the main hall.

In the main hall, listening to the shallow footsteps approaching, Yun Yun, who had just woke up, quickly rolled from the bed.

With a peek at the jade hand, the dress dusted on the sandalwood frame instantly wrapped the whole body, standing up lightly.

When Chen Mo entered, he happened to see a slender figure, plump and slim, wearing a long white skirt with a bottom chest and a white belt around his waist, with a trace of irritation on his stunning face.

"Who let you in?" Yun Yun's eyebrows were erect, Ruyu's skin was crimson, and Yuemeixing's eyes were cold.

"Sister Yun Yun, don't you understand what I think of you?"

Chen Mo didn't answer Yun Yun's words directly, but slowly approached her.

"Humph." Yun Yun snorted coldly, not believing Chen Mo's nonsense, and immediately played with the taste: "What about Yanran?"

"I also love Sister Sister, but you are the one who loves me more. My heart can only hold the two of you, and can no longer tolerate others." After speaking, Chen Mo felt goosebumps all over himself.

"You are scumbag." Yun Yun folded her chest with her hands, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

At this time, Chen Mo had come to Yun Yun, only one step away from Yun Yun.

Chen Mo turned a deaf ear to Yun Yun's words, and stared straight at Yun Yun's eyes until the reflection of each other appeared in both of them.

With her eyes facing each other, Yun Yun's delicate body trembled, and subconsciously turned her head away.

When Chen Mo moved his mind, he spent a hundred fortune points from the system mall to exchange for a cyan gold silk-rimmed Eight Treasure Pearl Jade, which has the effect of calming and calming the nerves.

Taking it out of the system, Chen Mo said affectionately: "This is a bead made for you in the imperial capital. The price is not expensive, but it carries my deep heart..."

With that said, Chen Mo stretched out his hand and stroked Yun Yun's pretty face, making her head around again, to pin her up personally.

Feeling the heat brought by Chen Mo's palm, Yun Yun struggled a little bit, but Chen Mo's palm had a magical power that made her unable to break free. Seeing that she couldn't resist, she simply didn't resist.

With a blushing face, he accepted the gift from Chen Mo.

Chen Mo pinned the beads to the silky hair, and under the shining of candlelight, the already beautiful and moving figure added a bit of nobility.

Because the hair bun was untied, the beads were a little unsteady. After seeing that the actual effect was good, they took it off and placed it in Yun Yun's palm.

Yun Yun took it, and Chen Mo shook Yun Yun's plain hand along the way, and slightly lifted her jade-like chin with the other hand, and printed it against the bright red lips.

But when it was printed, it was lightly blocked by Yun Yun's two jade fingers.

Chen Mo was stunned, looking at Yun Yun with a look of surprise, the atmosphere was brewing to such a degree, what was it going to do?

She gently pulled up the messy long hair in front of her forehead, scratched it behind her ears, and passed by Chen Mo, stepping on the luxurious carpet laid on the ground with snow-white jade feet.

Walked out a few steps, then turned around, with a touching smile on the corner of his mouth: "Remember when we first met?"

"Of course I remember that the first time we met was in the Warcraft Mountains eight months ago. The first time you saw me was in a cave in the Warcraft Mountains."

Chen Mo remembered all the first time, no matter his previous life or this life, this is something that cannot be forgotten.

Seeing Chen Mo remembered, Yun Yun still had a girlish shyness in her smile, because this was the first close contact between the two.

Yun Yun continued to talk, and Chen Mo listened quietly.

When Yun Yun brought Chen Mo into the sect, she felt strange to Chen Mo.

Later, as Chen Mo kept dangling in front of Yun Yun's eyes, disturbing her original life.

Every time the excuse of asking for fighting skills, the close contact between the two keeps increasing.

As time goes by.

Yun Yun discovered that the shadow called Chen Mo was gradually implanting in her atrium.

Her feelings for Chen Mo also changed slightly towards the love of men and women.

But she was afraid that the teacher-student relationship had to make her hide this emotion.

Until in the Tagore Desert, I heard that Chen Mo had also entered the Snake Man tribe and realized that there was a danger. Yun Yun's hidden emotions broke out.

Even after Chen Mo decided to stay in Mocheng for a short time, she left the affairs of the sect and stayed.

After nearly two months of contact, Chen Mo's talent, talent, and beauty deeply attracted Yun Yun.

In addition, Chen Mo was not an honest person, and finally took advantage. With the passage of time, Yun Yun's heart completely opened to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also knew about the latter.

Listening to Yun Yun revealing his heart to herself, Chen Mo was moved. He walked over and put his arms around Yun Yun's waist without any evil thoughts, and whispered in her ear: "Even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, my love for you will never be firm. shift."

Yun Yun's body trembled fiercely, something called tears was flowing out of her eyes, and at the same time, the knot in her heart was also let go.

"Kiss me." Yun Yun murmured.

Chen Mo was taken aback. It was the first time he saw Yun Yun take such initiative.

Chen Mo did not disappoint her intentions and pressed his lips to it.

The two men embraced and walked towards the bed.

The candlelight went out shyly.

Two figures fell on the bed.

One piece of clothing peeled off.

The night is sultry, and I love the fragrance of beauty the most.

I don't know how long it has been sinking.

When both of them couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep.

Chen Mo untied the robe that fell on the bed and gradually bulged.

The next day.

With a ray of morning light, it came in through the window in the hall and hit Chen Mo's face.

Chen Mo turned over uncomfortably, feeling that the warm fragrant nephrite from last night was back in his arms, and he fell asleep again.

Until Yun Yun woke up.