
Chapter 74: Take over the Yunlanzong

Many people joined Lingyan Pavilion at this time.

Few people have a sense of belonging more than 30. Most of them were shocked by Chen Mo's strength and were forced to join.

Ji Xing Tian was a lot older at once, and his straight back, which was originally straight, appeared a little rickety at the moment.

The power of Chen Mo made the rise of Yunlanzong unstoppable, and the demise of the royal family was only a matter of time.

And if you want to preserve the royal blood, the only way...

Jia Xingtian looked towards a certain place on the square, and then sighed softly.

Concubine Ya looked at this young man who was no different from Xiao Yan, and her thoughts were full of thoughts. He was not only powerful, but also extremely tough.

Half a month ago, when he was still on the penalty day, Fa Ma and the others professed to be brats. Half a month later, the people who directly persecuted them joined Lingyan Pavilion. It seems that the smiles and goodwill from the party before are all acting on the spot.

At this moment, he is the king on this field.

"Very well, since everyone is so active in joining Lingyan Pavilion, then I will simply say a few rules. First and foremost, it is important not to betray the pavilion..."

Chen Mo talked about the rules of Lingyan Pavilion, and then talked about rewards and punishments, the development of a power, these are just the basis.

After speaking, Chen Mofang and they left.

Even if they are wronged, what about it, the moment they joined Lingyan Pavilion, the system assumed that they had their identity information.

In the square, many figures rustled away.

In the sky, several figures flew away.

Yao Ye blinked her beautiful eyes at Chen Mo, and then left with Jia Xingtian.

After a while, on the dilapidated square, only Chen Mo, Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, and the scattered disciples were cleaning the square.

"Aren't you going to explain it?" Yun Yun muttered, looking at Chen Mo who was about to leave with joking eyes.

Nalan Yanran walked to Yun Yun's side, with a hint of curiosity in her calm and gentle black eyes.

"This..." Chen Mo glanced at the two of them, and said vaguely: "Which way do you want me to explain..."

The beautiful eyes of the two wrinkled at the same time, and they said in unison: "You must know."

Behind a lie, countless lies are needed to cover it up.

As a street writer in his previous life, Chen Mo immediately opened his mouth.

What an orphan? Falling off the cliff has been inherited from the fighting saint strongman. The reason why it is so powerful today is all dependent on the fighting saint power stored in the body of the fighting saint strong...

Chen Mobara said a lot.

While sympathizing, Yun Yun pondered: "Didn't you say that it is the Dongfu where the Saint Fighter is sitting? Since he is dead, how can you store the power of Saint Fighting in your body?"

Yun Yun gave Chen Mo a small look, you make up, you keep making up for me.

"Uh..." Chen Mo quibbleed: "Didn't I just say that this was a method left by the fighting sage strongman during his lifetime? This method is also one of his inheritance..."

"Oh, did you say that?"

"Didn't I say it?"

"No!" the two women said at the same time.

"Then you must have heard it wrong."

On the Continent of Douqi, there is a story that if you fall off a cliff and see a cave one day, don't panic and take two steps forward. Perhaps you will become a strong one.

This story is not false. In the nearly thousand years of history of the mainland, there are many examples of people falling off cliffs and inheriting from the strong.

"Since there are precedents, why didn't I believe what I said? Hey..."

Chen Mo sighed. When other travellers encountered this situation, they made up a few words casually, and the women believed it, but Chen Mo's words Yun Yun not only did not believe it, but also demolished his station.

He couldn't hide the relationship between Chen Mo and Yun Yun.

At this time, the three junior brothers looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Beast!" After a long time, the two women left Chen Mo.

That night, Chen Mo slept alone.

In the next few days, Yun Lan Sect was very busy, no, in a sense it could be said to be Ling Yan Pavilion, because in addition to Yun Yun, the lord of the Yun Lan Sect, all the things large and small, were taken over by Ling Yan Pavilion.

The group of elders was dropped off, and the elder Yun Leng was also replaced. All of these people did not obey Yun Yun's orders and were in collusion with the Soul Palace.

The Yunlanzong Square was not decently destroyed, and the whole is being repaired at this time.

Chen Mo re-established a Buddhist scripture pavilion in Yunlanzong, named Wanbaolou, and put all the exercises, fighting skills, treasures, and medicines obtained from Xiao Yan and the two Dou Zun Najie. (Gongs and fighting skills are copied)

All members of Lingyan Pavilion can redeem with contribution points.

Yunlanzong's mission hall was changed to a contribution hall, where members of Lingyan Pavilion can receive missions and obtain certain contribution points after completion.

This is also a way that Chen Mo used to increase members' sense of belonging to Lingyan Pavilion.


Canaan College.

On a mountain top.

A green figure was quickly passing through the dense forest, and the toes just lightly tapped a leaf, and the body drew a long distance forward.

When the green figure came to the top of the mountain, he knelt down on one knee with a fist in front of a beautiful figure.

This is a young girl wearing a white dress, her beautiful eyes are clear and indifferent, but her expression is even more indifferent. There is a touch of pain at the corner of her mouth, her right hand is in her heart, as if she is suffering a great pain.

Perceiving the movement behind her, she said without turning her head, "How's it going?"

"Little...Miss, Xiao...Master Xiao Yan has fallen." The green figure said with a tremor, because he clearly understood how important that young man was to his own lady.


Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, the girl exploded in her mind.

The girl's face whitened immediately, her eyebrows were upside down, and a group of golden flames appeared in her eyes, which seemed to erupt at any time. She grinned her teeth and said, "Didn't I ask you to inform the clan?"

"Elder Gu Nanhai sent Gu Qian, and Elder Gu Xu, but the two elders, on that day, the soul jade... were all broken."


From the girl's eyes like autumn water, a group of golden flames burst out suddenly and gradually enveloped her body. She glared and said, "What about Chen Mo?"

"Chen... Chen Mo is not dead."


A golden flame passed by the green figure, and a big tree behind him instantly turned to ashes.

The green figure's waist is lowered.

"What's the matter?"

"The patriarch said that Yunlan Sect and the Soul Palace are in collusion with each other, so you can't act rashly for the time being!"

"What about collusion? When did my ancient clan fear the Soul Palace, let alone kill a Chen Mo, do the Soul Palace dare to kill the ancient clan?" the girl gritted her teeth.

"Shoot Young Master Xiao Yan and Gu Qian, the two elders of Gu Xu, it was Chen...Chen Mo..."

After speaking, the head of the green figure was about to lie on the ground.

"How can it be?"