
Chapter 71: Ancient shock

"What is that... Beast?" Jia Xingtian opened his mouth, feeling a trace of dread at this snake-shaped beast.

"I have never seen a monster, but looking at this momentum, it seems to be... a Tier 6 monster." From Fa Ma's hesitant tone, Jia Xingtian could hear that he was also a little uncertain.

The scenes that appeared in the sky were shocking to everyone, with endless trump cards, sudden mysterious powerhouses.

Anything that happened today, thrown out at random, is enough for everyone to talk about it for a few days.

"That's Queen Medusa?"

Yunshan had already been brought back to the sect for treatment, and Yun Leng was surprised at what the Sixth Elder said.

"Exactly." Sixth elder general Chen Mo told Yun Leng about taking Queen Medusa out and turning it into a colorful snake.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the rest of the white-robed elders around him felt incredible that the Medusa Queen of the Snake Man tribe was brought out by a human.

But looking at the methods currently used by Chen Mo, several people are also surprised. With this method, it is not surprising that a queen is brought out.

"Queen Medusa..." Yun Yun glanced at the python that was digesting, and a touch of surprise appeared in her eyes.

Xiao Yan's heart was immersed in the tremendous pain of losing Yao Lao, and his angry eyes stared at Chen Mo, as if to tear him apart and avenge Yao Lao.

Chen Mo also seemed to know what Xiao Yan was thinking in his heart, and said lightly: "You don't have this chance."

Lifting his right hand slightly, he was trying to pull out the strange fire from Xiao Yan's body.

At this moment, a sharp piercing sound came from the void, and Chen Mo's head deflected slightly, and the piercing sound swept past Chen Mo's head.


The huge monument standing in the center of the square, like tofu, was cut in half by the sound of the crack, and the cut was extremely smooth.

"Huh? Dodged..." A shocked sound rang out from deep space. As the sound fell, the air somewhere in the sky squirmed strangely. After a while, two dark shadows slowly emerged.

In an instant, two figures wearing black luxurious brocade robes and white jade masks appeared out of thin air in everyone's sight.

With the appearance of the two figures, Xingtian, Fashan, Nalanjie, Yun Leng and others were added to the scene, and their complexion changed greatly in an instant.

"Hiding in the void and mastering a little space power, is this Dou Zun?" Jia Xingtian slowly took a breath, his expression was like seeing a ghost, the Jiama Empire that is rarely seen in Dou Huang on weekdays.

Now not only have several Dou Zong appeared one after another, but also Dou Zong appeared...

Everyone's voice was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

Attacking Chen Mo, it looks like Xiao Yan's reinforcements...

Yun Lanzong, I'm afraid this time I'm going to be unlucky!

With deep fear in Yun Leng's eyes, seeing that the matter was almost over, the appearance of two Dou Zuns brought Yun Lanzong on the path of destruction.

"This person, you can't move!"

A man who was slightly fatter, with his hands on his chest, said in an unquestionable tone.

Chen Mojian frowned slightly as he was about to speak, when he suddenly found Yun Yun offering a cyan long sword, standing in front of Chen Mo, his eyes fixed on the man holding his chest, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you can't move or move this person." The man holding his chest pointed at Xiao Yan, as if he felt that he had said a few more nonsense, with a hint of coldness between his brows.

"What if I move?" Chen Mo gently pulled away Yun Yun in front of him, and smiled faintly.

"Then everyone present must die!"

As the death word fell, shock appeared on the scene, and the expressions of everyone watching the good show changed, and they immediately became agitated. Some people even hurriedly flew towards Yunlan Mountain.

Seeing this part of the people who fled, the slightly fat man didn't make any movement, but the man beside him slowly raised his arm and gently shook his palm against them.

With the sound of ah, a cloud of blood mist swayed down the air, and his life was lost on the spot.

With the example of death, some people who had just scolded themselves why they didn't run faster, heaved a sigh of relief.

The wings condensed from the back of Xing Tian's back also dissipated in an instant.

Everyone's hearts are full of anxiety, and they hate to leave after reading the three-year agreement, so why stay here?

It's all right now, it's going to hurt the pond fish.

For the sake of life safety, the powerful leaders even let Chen Mofang Xiao Yan.

Chen Mo turned a deaf ear. The people who saw the death were all unknown. Chen Mo's mood did not change at all. He even shook Xiao Yan not far away and provocatively said: "I moved, what can you do with me? "

Everyone changed their faces and scolded Chen Mo for death.

The overweight man looked at Chen Mo's naked provocation, his eyes exploded with anger, "You look for..."

"Noisy!" Chen Mo raised his palm and squeezed at the man in the air. Before he could even finish his words, his body and soul dissipated into the air.

"Ding, kill the Eight-Star Dou Zun, and reward 78,000 luck points."

Everyone was numb in shock, and now they only hope to leave Yunlanzong early.

"Big brother..." The surviving man saw his eldest brother die instantly, his body trembled uncontrollably, and said unbelievably, "You...are you fighting sage?"

Chen Mo did not answer his question, but said: "If you don't want to die, just shut up."

After finishing speaking, Gakong grabbed Xiao Yan, who was still kneeling, was held by Chen Mo in an instant.

The palm was raised and pressed against Xiao Yan's eyebrows.

A moment later, in Xiao Yan's painful face, a black and white flame was drawn from the center of Xiao Yan's eyebrows.

"Peeping." Chen Mo thought silently in his heart, spending ten Qi Luck Points to collect Yin and Yang Double Flames into the system.

Then he took off the ring on Xiao Yan's finger and looked around carefully, and when he found that he didn't have what he needed, he said lightly, "I can send you on the road."

"You killed him, Miss will not let you go." Just when Chen Mo was about to slap Xiao Yan's head with a palm, the surviving Dou Zun man said solemnly.

"Miss your family?" Chen Mo suddenly said, "It is indeed a trouble!"

Seeing the effect of this, the Dou Zun man said again: "Even if you are not afraid of my lady, what about the people around you? You can guarantee that the people around you will not be harmed, and..."

The Dou Zun man didn't see Chen Mo's face getting more and more gloomy, and he was talking directly above his head.

When he woke up, he also went with his elder brother.

"Ding, kill the Eight-Star Dou Zun, and reward 77,000 Qi Luck Points."

"Since the enmity is already formed, it's the same for another one to die."


When Chen Mo killed the eight-star Dou Zun man.

Within the ancient tribe.

"Elder Gu Nanhai, it's not good, Elder Gu Xu's soul jade is broken!"


The old voice sounded, and the momentum of the four-star fighting saint filled the hall.