
Chapter 70: Medicine is swallowed


Law follows words and deeds.

Following Chen Mo's words fell.

The entire void shook violently.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the void in front of Chen Mo.

The four-color fire lotus exuding terrifying energy was swallowed by the void in this way, and immediately turned into nothingness.

In the sky, calm again.

"Is this impossible?" Two different voices came from Xiao Yan's mouth.

One belongs to Xiao Yan himself.

One is old medicine.

"Are you okay!" Yun Yun flew in front of Chen Mo, with his eyes facing each other, Chen Mo could see the wet tears in the corner of Yun Yun's eyes.

"What can I do!" Chen Mo stretched out his hand to wipe away the teardrops from the corners of Yun Yun's eyes, but when he first touched the elastic face, he was taken aback, as if he was too blatant.

Yun Yun blushed and turned her head quickly.

"Teacher and Junior Brother..." Nalan Yanran, whose face turned ruddy below, was startled, and wanted to find something different.

Seeing such battles in the sky, Jia Xingtian and others were dumbfounded.

"Old guy, do you understand?" Jia Xingtian turned his head and asked Fajun.

The sudden appearance of void cracks and the disappearing four-color fire lotus made Ging Xingtian hard to imagine, especially not daring to think that it was caused by Chen Mo.

Fa Ma shook his head, did not speak, and stared at Chen Mo steadily, as if he wanted to see why.

"An illusion, absolutely an illusion, this is impossible, come again!"

"The flames are devouring the wave ruler!"

Above the sky, Xiao Yan couldn't accept this reality, and muttered to himself, you know, using this Buddha's anger lotus, but emptied 90% of the fighting energy in his body.

As a result, it was swallowed by Chen Mo's lightly spitting words.

Who can accept this.

The swollen giant ruler burst out with an astonishing fiery red energy, bursting out from the ruler's body, and enveloped Chen Mo.

But this time, Chen Mo said lazily.

With a look in the eyes, the surging fiery red energy instantly dissipated into the sky, and even the surrounding airflow did not produce any changes.


And it's an incomprehensible rolling!

"Retreat first, this kid is too weird!" Yao Lao's voice came. Based on his experience, he couldn't see what method Chen Mo used to defeat his attack.

Although Xiao Yan was unwilling, but the consumption of vindictiveness, coupled with this incomprehensible scene, I am afraid that both of them will die if they stay, "Let's go, teacher."

[Xiao Yan] Nodded, and bit the tip of his tongue with blood, his fingers were stained with blood and painted something in the air. Suddenly, as a blood mark appeared, [Xiao Yan] screamed:

"The sky changes, sacrifice!"

A turbulent soul power, with a color visible to the naked eye, pulled out of [Xiao Yan]'s body and concealed into the void, then its momentum skyrocketed, and the cultivation base soared again!

Promote to the eight stars of Douzong.

The people below showed a look of horror, and this cultivation level was raised again.

However, soon after everyone showed their horror, even more surprising operations appeared.

[Xiao Yan] Suddenly turned around, and the purple cloud wings behind him were replaced by a pair of white wings. The wings shook and they flew towards Yunlanzong.

"Run...run!" Jia Xingtian couldn't help taking a breath, this operation was too much.

"Since it's here, don't rush away!"

Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "Give me, kneel down!"

The power of the [Xiao Yan] figure who was about to fly out of the Yunlan Sect had a meal, as if being imprisoned by something, hovering in the air without any movement.

After a while, there was a strong pressure that made him unable to straighten his waist, and he knelt down slowly with his knees.

"Teacher, what's going on? Why can't I resist..." Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and tried to manipulate his body to stand up, but his body kept on calling, facing Chen Mo, and knelt down in the air.

"This seems to be the power of space..."

Yao Lao was also not sure, after all, this energy was too weird.

With anger in his words, Yao Lao knelt down to a junior. As the former Yao Master, Yao Lao felt extremely humiliated, but he couldn't resist.

Yun Yun looked at all this in a daze, and suddenly realized that she didn't know Chen Mo a little bit.

Chen Mo looked at [Xiao Yan] with a faint smile on his mouth, and asked, "What do you think?"

[Xiao Yan] His face was expressionless, his eyes were fierce, and his body struggled constantly, ignoring Chen Mo's words.

Chen Mo frowned, with his palm facing the direction of [Xiao Yan], he grabbed and pulled, and said, "Yao Chen, after hiding for so long, it's time to come out and meet."

As soon as he pressed his wrist, a transparent old man's shadow broke out of Xiao Yan's body.

It seemed to be pulled out forcibly, and the originally transparent body began to appear illusory.

"Teacher..." Xiao Yan immediately became frightened when he saw Yao Lao get out of his body, and for the first time felt scared from Chen Mo.

Freed from the confinement of his body, Yao Lao didn't need to kneel anymore. He coughed weakly, his old face swept across Chen Mo, and he asked with a gloomy expression, "Who are you?"

With the appearance of Old Yao Yao, the people below were in an uproar, and as if they were comforting in their hearts, they whispered: "No wonder that kid is so powerful, it turns out that someone is helping him."

"This is the soul body..." The few big men at the top of the giant tree's crown looked at this soul body. Even if the soul body was weak, they felt that they were insignificant in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am anymore, hand it over to avoid suffering." Chen Mo said coldly.

"wishful thinking!"


Following Chen Mo's light sigh, Yao Lao's body began to tremble, his face distorted, and he seemed to be suffering from extreme pain.

"Teacher..." Xiao Yan roared angrily.

"Shut up!" Chen Mo fell, and Xiao Yan couldn't say a word anymore.

I could only see a white flame flying out of Yao Lao's eyebrows weakly, and was caught by Chen Mo in the palm of his hand.

Yao Lao, who had lost his bone spirit and cold fire, seemed to dissipate half of his body, becoming weak and crumbling.

Feeling the change in his sleeves, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Go!"

A colorful little snake flew out of Chen Mo's sleeves and appeared in the eyes of everyone. Suddenly, a colorful light and shadow shot out from the little snake's body. The little snake, which was only three inches long, became A giant python about ten feet long.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, he opened his mouth and swallowed Yao Lao's soul body in one mouthful.

At the next moment, the system heard a reminder sound, and the bone spirit became indifferent and could spend ten luck points to snoop on the income system.

After spending ten points on the income system, Chen Mo turned his attention to Xiao Yan.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked at Chen Mo with a green face, his arms bulged, and tears could not stop flowing from his eyes, but his mouth was blocked by a mysterious force, and there was no sound at all.