
Chapter 68: Sky change

Jia Xing Tian is the peak power of Dou Huang, and has been unable to take that step, but he is extremely sensitive to this breath.

"Dou Zong, how is this possible? He is still so young..." Nalan Jie felt very complicated.

"This power shouldn't originate from him, it must be time-effective..." No wonder Fa Ma felt that he couldn't see through Xiao Yan before. It must be this power that worked.

"No, Chen Mo is dangerous." Fa Ma still values ​​Chen Mo very much, but in this country where Dou Wang can even be called a strong, Dou Zong can almost dominate the entire audience.

Fa Ma couldn't stop it.

"Teacher..." Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun beside her, waiting for her to make a decision.

Yun Yun made a decision the moment Xiao Yan's breath reached Dou Zong.

Save Chen Mo.

Just when Yun Yun was about to play the flute, someone had already taken a step forward.

Yun Leng took out a cloud-white flute from Na Jie, leaned on his mouth, and blew it fiercely. A strange, sharp tone suddenly came out of the flute.

The sharp flute sound lingers around the entire Yunlan Mountain, endlessly.

With the sound of the flute, everyone in the square became quiet.

Jia Xingtian and Fazhen looked at each other tacitly, and then their pupils shrank suddenly, and suddenly, it seemed that they remembered something.

"That old guy didn't die!" The two said silently.

The sound of the flute dissipated, and a majestic aura spread from the depths of Yunlan Mountain. This coercive force that could contend with "Xiao Yan" enveloped the entire Yunlan Mountain.

Under the gaze of all eyes, a white shadow suddenly emerged from the depths of Yunlan Mountain, and immediately stepped on the void, slowly walking towards the square step by step.

Bai Ying's movements seemed to be slow, but within a few steps, she came to the sky above the square. The aura emanating from her body fought against the "Xiao Yan" chamber.

"Yes... the previous lord of the Yunlan Sect, Yunshan." Below, the leader of the power recognized Bai Ying's identity.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there will still be an old man someone recognizes." Yun Shan said flatly with his hands in his sleeves.

He glanced across the audience, first stopped on Chen Mo who was in the air, and smiled: "You are Chen Mo, very good!"

Chen Mo nodded, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that there are a lot of ghosts and monsters coming out today..."

After taking a look at Chen Mo, Yunshan then set his gaze on Xiao Yan, and immediately said something unexpected to everyone: "You are Xiao Yan, the old man has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Xiao Yan" was taken aback.

"To be precise, it has been a long time for the soul body in your body." Yunshan smiled and answered the doubts of "Xiao Yan".

"Oh, are you waiting for me?" An old voice blurted from Xiao Yan's mouth, shocking everyone below.

"Sure enough, this power does not belong to him." Fa Ma suddenly thought, "It seems that there is a mysterious strong man helping him."

At the same time, Elder Yao also communicated with Xiao Yan in a low voice, "For what happened today, Yun Lanzong seems to have planned a long time ago, and we have to fight a tough battle."

"No matter what, Chen Mo must die today. Teacher, you should have noticed that my inner demon is already born. If I don't eliminate the inner demon, I am afraid it will be difficult for my cultivation to go further."

"Don't worry, we have been preparing for so long, and unexpected accidents are also in our expectation."

Yao Lao didn't pay attention to Yunshan's sudden appearance.

As if feeling the contempt of "Xiao Yan", Yunshan smiled without anger, "Today, you may have to stay here with the kid you possess."

"Just rely on you?" [Xiao Yan] glanced at Yunshan with disdain, showing his contemptuous tone unabashedly, the rising three-color flame burning more intensely.

"Hey, since someone has taken care of you, to be precise, the person waiting for you is not me, but..." Yunshan laughed, and immediately slapped his palms, and the crisp sound echoed in the sky.

"Guardian, the person you are waiting for, here comes."

As the voice of Yunshan fell, a large cloud of black mist suddenly poured out from the hall of Yunlan Mountain below. This black mist quickly condensed in the sky, and finally turned into a deep black mist cluster.

"Xiao Yan" looked solemn, and said solemnly, "Unexpectedly, this Yun Lan Sect actually has a relationship with the Soul Palace."

At the sudden scene, everyone below looked bewildered.

Yun Yun also looked at the black mist with a pretty face in shock. It was not a good thing to appear on the stage in this way. She immediately looked at Yun Leng with a calm face, her sharp eyes seemed to ask him why this black mist was there. Come out of the elder's hall.

But Yun Leng didn't pay attention to Yun Yun at all, staring at the few people who were staring at the sky.

"You..." Yun Yun's eyes filled with anger.

A gloomy weird laugh came from the black mist.

"Jie Jie Jie, Yao Chen, I didn't expect that the soul body they were talking about turned out to be you. You had a chance to escape back then. My Soul Palace tried to find you for so many years, but I didn't expect you to appear here."

The guardian said with a grimly smile, he was not familiar with this breath, he was a participant in that incident back then.

Yao Chen, the kid of the Xiao family, it seems that I am going to make a great contribution to the Soul Palace today.

"A group of rat-like monsters, you will pay back part of the debts of that year for the soul hall today!" [Xiao Yan] stared at the figure in the black mist with cold eyes, and his voice was filled with endless anger. And killing intent.

"The sky has changed!"

[Xiao Yan] With a stern shout, his momentum soared again.

Douzong one star.

Douzong two stars.

Douzong Samsung.


Douzong six stars.

The realm of [Xiao Yan] climbed to the sixth star of Dou Zong before it stopped.

One star every day.

Yunshan has only one star for Douzong.

The guardian can only fight for three stars.

There are so many stars, even if the two join forces, it is for nothing.

"How is it possible?" His face suddenly changed when he saw the protector, who had been holding his winning streak, unexpectedly, Yao Chen used the secret method to increase his cultivation so much.

Seeing the momentum overwhelming him in an instant, Yunshan's face turned pale, he waited for so long to make plans, is it going to overturn?

"It's a bit troublesome, you and I teamed up to take him down."

The strange sound of the guardian's law came, which made Yunshan's mood a little stable.

"Dirty bug, die for the deity!" When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. [Xiao Yan] didn't say much nonsense, the surging and powerful soul power surged out of his body, covering the two.

"Jiejie, Yaochen, the secret method is not the only thing you have!" Seeing Yaochen's behavior, the guardian of Yu also gave a weird smile. Immediately after waving his sleeves, a strange black mist gushed out of his body. For a short time, it condensed in the sky. Formed into a thick cloud of black mist.

The cultivation base of the guardian yu also soared.