
Chapter 67: Douzong!

The sound is not so good, but it is enough to be heard by the whole audience.

The square, which had become chaotic, became quiet for a while, and after a few breaths, it became noisy again.

"What did he say? How dare to let Junior Brother Chen Mo roll off."

"Too arrogant, Junior Brother Chen Mo, teach him well."


"Why is this kid still arguing with the little guy Chen Mo?" Jia Xingtian looked puzzled.

"Although he defeated Nalan Yanran, he is not enough to fight with that little guy." Fa Ma whispered, Chen Mo's performance in the friendly match has already shocked them.

The group of elders was dumb. They were all preparing to besieged Xiao Yan according to their original plan. They did not expect this to happen.

Yun Yun frowned slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in her light eyes.

On the high platform, Chen Mo stopped tapping his fingers on the handrail, and immediately the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

This wicked smile finally taught him today.

"Chen Mo, don't go up there. Dao's soul is hidden in his body. You are not his opponent."

A sound transmission came, causing Chen Mo to be taken aback, and then he walked away and found that it was the Sixth Elder.

What's up?

How does he know?

Apparently, there seems to be a way to deal with it.

At the moment when Chen Mo was stunned, Xiao Yan below was happy, he was scared, he didn't dare to challenge.

Xiao Yan provocatively said: "Why? Chen Mo, you also know that you are scared? Aren't you arrogant in Mocheng? You don't dare to fight now?"

Chen Mo's face sank, he stood up suddenly, and his back was shaken, a pair of black wings ejected out, and immediately flew down.

"you wanna die!"

"I spared your life that day, I didn't expect you to show up today." Chen Mo landed, and immediately sneered: "But looking at your performance just now, it seems that you have prepared quite well before you come."

"Do you think it can be the same as last time?" Xiao Yan also sneered, Xuan Zhongru lifted up and pointed at Chen Mo, "Today, it was not you who died! It was me who died!"

When the words fell, a black two-color flame rose from his body, and a moment later, another purple flame emerged. The two flames were entwined and enveloped Xiao Yan's whole body.

"That is, another strange fire... No, it's like a beast fire, it seems a bit familiar..." Fa Ma said.

"You feel that way too." Jia Xingtian, who was not far from Fajun nodded, and Lao La's eyes swept across the flame. After a while, she suddenly said, "I remembered that Chen Mo also had this kind of beast fire. "

Hearing this, Fa Ma also remembered.

"Teacher, Junior Brother also has that purple flame." Nalan Yanran stood up, supported by Yun Yun, and said.

Yun Yun nodded silently.

Chen Mo didn't pay attention to Xiao Yan's words. He saw the black and white flame on his body, and smiled: "The opportunity is good. In this short period of time, you will find another strange fire."

Xiao Yan didn't get what Chen Mo said, and said coldly: "The way of heaven is reincarnation, this time it is your turn to be unlucky."

Chen Mo chuckled, "The Abnormal Fire is very good, but it will be mine soon. Let the soul in your body come out, otherwise you are not my opponent."

"Is it? You have to fight to know."

The tone of Chen Mo holding the winning ticket made Xiao Yan very upset.

The soles of the feet slammed on the ground, the Xuanzhong ruler was raised above the head, and the purple cloud wings spread out behind him, slamming towards Chen Mo angrily.

"Really? Then I will play with you!"

"Thunder come!"

Chen Mo's hands were sealed, and his hands were fast. After a while, the sky was covered with clouds and thunder was rolling, and a thunder pillar with purple flames shot down.

Lei Zhu cut through the void and slashed directly on the top of Xiao Yan's head.

"Good job, Baji collapse!"

Xiao Yan faced Lei Zhu and made a fist with one hand. There was a black and white grudge on it. After a little bit of momentum, he collided with Lei Zhu fiercely.

After a while, the Lei Zhu dissipated, and Xiao Yan's eight-pole collapse was still slightly more powerful.

"Oh? Yes, it still has the upper hand!"

Chen Mo raised his brows, and his right hand stuck out. A black spear measuring about ten feet long was condensed in his hand. The wings of the demon behind vibrated and his body suddenly lifted into the sky. He immediately said, "Let me see. I haven't seen it for a few months. , How much have you improved?"

"Extreme Flame Art!"

A spear technique was used, and it was close to Xiao Yan's face.

"No, go back, that weird aura is coming again." Yao Lao's voice came from Xiao Yan's ring.

Chen Mo's black spear was like a poisonous snake out of a hole, with a sharp piercing spear, piercing Xiao Yan's eyes with a piercing bit.

Ziyun wings flapped quickly, and Xiao Yan's body leaned back and went backwards.

Xiao Yan was able to avoid it, and Black Spear almost wiped his face.

But this is not over yet, Ji Yan Jue one after another, pay attention to fast, accurate, ruthless, and make up.

Seeing it dodge, Black Spear retracted for a turn, and then came to Xiao Yan's face.

Xiao Yan could only raise the profound ruler to resist, but the power transmitted from the black spear shook Xiao Yan's wrist numb, and he almost couldn't hold the heavy ruler in his hand.

During the collision, everyone looked up and could see sparks splashing in the sound insulation of gold and iron.

Xiao Yan has been pressed and beaten by Chen Mo.

"Thunder Giant Elephant!"

With a burst of shout, two particles in Chen Mo's body awakened, and the power of the giant elephant merged into the Spear of the Underworld God.

The final formula of the Extreme Flame Jue, extinction!

Chen Mo leaped down, the black spear in his hand suddenly swelled several times, thunder and lightning lingered, exuding a terrifying aura, and gave Xiao Yan the final blow.

"This time, I see how you can block it!"

At the moment when he volleyed down, Chen Mo's body seemed to be teleporting, and he came to Xiao Yan's face in the blink of an eye and slashed with a spear.

Xiao Yan raised the Xuanzhong ruler again to block.

But this time, the Xuanzhong Ruler could no longer bear... No, it should be that Xiao Yan could no longer withstand the power of the black spear. The Xuanzhong Ruler dropped out of his hand and fell into the crack in the square below.

Without the resistance of the Xuanzhong ruler, it was enough to make Dou Ling directly fall, and slapped Chen Mo's chest heavily.

A cannonball-like figure fell from mid-air, smashing a huge human-shaped crater on the field.

For a time, dust and smoke were everywhere.

At this moment, the whole room was silent.

It is possible that Xiao Yan defeated Nalan Yan and was too dazzling, then challenged Chen Mo and was beaten back, causing him to be knocked to the ground without knowing his life or death.

This kind of strong contrast made everyone not know what to say for a while.

"This power is too violent..." Jia Xingtian's vision was refreshed again at this moment.

When the dust and smoke cleared, everyone watched Xiao Yan's condition below.

A terrifying force diffused out of the pit in the square.

This force is constantly increasing.

Great Fighter Peak!

Dou Ling!

Fighting king!

Fighting emperor!

It has been breaking through the limit of Dou Huang and reaching Dou Zong before stopping.

The coercion brought all the people under Dou Ling couldn't help it, and slowly lay down on the ground.

"This breath is, Dou... Dou Zong!" Jia Xingtian found that his lips were a little uncomfortable