
Chapter 64: Is it just a friend?

Inside the magnificent hall.

Chen Mopin, wearing a black robe, was holding the tea poured by the staff, tapping his fingers on the table in front of him.

After a while, Ya Fei wearing a red cheongsam walked up gracefully and placed the white jade bottle on the table carefully.

After sitting down, under the decently cut cheongsam, two white-skinned cheongsam were folded together, and Ya Fei's red lips lightly said: "Check again, Mr. Chen Mo, you really handed this blood lotus pill to us. Auction?"

Chen Mo smiled and nodded, "More than that, I also have an intermediate profound technique, three elementary profound fighting skills, and five advanced yellow fighting skills, all of which are sold together."

Chen Mo took out several notebooks from Na Jie and put them on the table.

These are transcripts, and they happen to be used in exchange for money.

As for the fifth-grade blood lotus pills, he was worried about the need to swallow the different fires before, but after knowing the power of the gods to suppress the prison, the blood lotus pills would be of no use to him.

Concubine Ya's narrow and beautiful eyes casually turned away the notebook on the table, and said lightly: "Mr. Chen Mo needs money?"

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded. He sold so many items on his own. The intention was already obvious and there was no need to hide it.

After receiving Chen Mo's confirmation, Concubine Ya was still surprised, and immediately smiled softly, Yu Xiao Yanran's pretty face covered her red lips, "Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen Mo will still be short of money?"

Chen Mo was backed by the two giants of Yunlanzong and Nalan Family. Now the limelight is in full swing, and the royal family is even trying to draw in. Concubine Ya can't expect that he will still be short of money.

"You don't need to understand these concubines so clearly, right?" Chen Mo put down the teacup, the bottom of the teacup fell on the table, making a crisp sound.

Hearing this, Ya Fei frowned imperceptibly, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I was abrupt."

"It's okay, I forgive you for the beauty of Miss Yafei." Chen Mo sipped his cup of Chinese tea and smiled.

"Hey, I didn't expect Mr. Chen Mo's mouth to be so sweet..." Ya Fei giggled, and the pair of plump on her chest made a thrilling arc.

Chen Mo feasted his eyes with a smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "I wonder if Miss Ya Fei knows Xiao Yan?"

Concubine Ya's hand on her leg tightened slightly, and she chuckled, "Why does Mr. Chen Mo ask like this?"

"I heard that Concubine Ya has served as a steward in Wutan City for a period of time, and Xiao Yan is the young patriarch of the Xiao family in Wutan City. I thought you two knew each other."

"Knowing is knowing, I don't know Mr. Chen Mo and him..." Ya Fei tentatively said.

"Have a grudge!" Chen Mo blurted out instantly, then leaned back, and said in a deep voice, "When we meet next time, maybe I'm not serious about it, and I will kill him!"

"Ah..." Ya Fei shuddered, and Erlang's cocked legs couldn't help letting go.

"Just trouble Miss Yafei to help you get a good price." Chen Mo stood up from the chair, "I will leave first."

Concubine Ya looked at Chen Mo's figure further and further away. When she was about to walk out of the hall, she suddenly stood up and chased after her in a panic, "Mr. Chen Mo, wait."

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Ya Fei?" Chen Mo turned and stopped.

Concubine Ya rolled up the hair on her forehead and said in deep thought: "I have some friendship with him, I don't know if you can look at my face and don't hurt him."

"Oh." Chen Mo smiled, "Presumably Concubine Ya has a deep friendship with him."

After speaking, Chen Mo left.

The next day, Chen Mo received five million gold coins from the auction.

But Chen Mo knew that his belongings were not worth five million at all.

"Come here, give this gold coin card to Ms. Ya Fei and say that you have given too much money."


The Mittel family.

"Miss, this is from Nalan Mansion, saying that the lady gave a lot of money."

The maid sent a gold coin card to Yafei.

Concubine Ya took it, put it aside, and said lightly: "I see, you can withdraw first!"

"Yes, miss."

After the maid left, there was an instant dignity on Ya Fei's face. The flame that she had expected Xiao Yan to appear in her heart instantly extinguished.

She knew that there was a great teacher behind Xiao Yan, but she was not optimistic about Xiao Yan compared to Chen Mo, who had known all the people of the Jiama Empire in a short time.

She can only hope that Xiao Yan will not show up after half a month.

However, is it possible?


Half a month, fleeting.

The day before the three-year agreement.

Some heads of power in the imperial capital, and the major powers, all received a simple, cloud-white letter.

Invite them to join Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran's three-year appointment tomorrow.

Most people don't know who Xiao Yan is, but when they find out that Xiao Yan is Nalan Yanran's fiancé, they suddenly become more interested.

The originator of the letter was Yun Lanzong.

Dazzling comes to tomorrow.

The sun is high, and the brilliant sunshine dyes Yunlan Mountain into a golden color.

A gust of wind blew, and at the foot of the mountain, a few dark shadows flashed by. If you look closely, these dark shadows are all powerful fighting kings.

They flew towards the Yunlanzong on the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is an elite force that has experienced many battles. They have been stationed here for many years, and their purpose is naturally to guard against Yunlanzong.

On the avenue that was the only way to the Yunlanzong, a woman in a bright red dress was waiting here for a long time.

She looked at the figure going up the mountain over and over again and found that she didn't have the familiar figure, just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Wearing a black robe, carrying a black heavy ruler, appeared in front of her like an ascetic monk.

The two hadn't seen each other for three years, and when they met again, they were both stunned.

"Three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the little guy back then has grown up now." Concubine Ya took the lead to speak. The change in three years almost made Concubine Ya unable to recognize the young man in front of her.

"Sister Yafei, why are you here?" Xiao Yan was still very happy to meet his acquaintances, especially the relationship between the two is pretty good.

"Yun Lanzong invited me to come."

"Invitation?" Xiao Yan was taken aback, and then he was a little surprised. He knew that Concubine Ya was not as simple as taking care of things.


Xiao Yan's expression sank: "The Yun Lan Sect is too arrogant, they know that I will definitely lose today?"

"But, Sister Yafei, are you waiting for me on purpose?" Xiao Yan joked, suppressing the indignation in his heart.

Concubine Ya surprisingly didn't molest Xiao Yan, but nodded seriously.

Seeing Concubine Ya nodding, Xiao Yan felt an impulse in his heart. When he was about to rush to hug Concubine Ya, he said, "Don't go up!"

Xiao Yan frowned, "Why?"

"Someone won't let you go?"

"Who? Yun Lanzong?" Xiao Yan's tone was with a trace of contempt.

Concubine Ya shook her head. She knew that Chen Mo's background was not just Yun Lanzong, but a behemoth stronger than Yun Lanzong.

"Sister Yafei, do you still know what I have done for the three-year agreement?" Xiao Yan said with a hint of anger: "And now you tell me that someone will not let me go and ask me to give up, how is this possible? !"

"But you will die..."

"Yunlanzong, you can't kill me." Xiao Yan was disappointed with Concubine Ya and said, "If you are a friend, don't stop me."

"Is it just a friend?"


Xiao Yan's figure passed by Concubine Ya, and walked towards the top of the mountain step by step, without looking back.