
Chapter 62: Shura Field

"It's over."

Chen Mo looked down at the few people below. Above his right arm, thunder fire rose, his five fingers clenched his fists, his body shot down, and his fists crashed on the competition stage.

In an instant, the sound of a shocking explosion sounded in the competition platform. Under the gaze of countless shocking gazes, a thunder and lightning purple fire of about ten feet thick, from the place where the fist was on the ground, like a fire snake, swallowed it to a few people. .

Wherever the fire snake went, the competition platform built of hard rock was almost destroyed, and a deep gully formed in the center.





Several dull sounds sounded, and several dark figures flew upside down from the competition stage, and slammed heavily on the bluestone ground.

The flame on Chen Mo's right arm dissipated, and the black wings behind him retracted, rubbing his right fist, and sighed inwardly: "In order not to kill you, I'm so worried."



"Lan Baixi!"


In the crowd, a few figures flew out, heading towards the few people who were flying upside down under the stage.

When Mu Chen came to Mu Zhan's side, apart from discovering that the injury caused his body to become weak, he didn't have much damage, and he didn't leave a curse on his body.

He could see that Chen Mo's last move was obviously to keep his hands.

The other strong men breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that their younger generations (disciples) did not cause any serious problems.

"It's really scary for the younger generation!" The emperor under the pavilion suddenly stood up and gave an evaluation.

Yao Ye hurriedly came to the middle-aged man's side, right and left with Yaoyue.

Yao Ye looked at Chen Mo with a faint smile on her pretty cheeks.

The emperor personally came to Chen Mo's eyes, and Chen Mo hurriedly bent over to salute.

"According to Hubu Shangshu, Chen Mo, aren't you from the Gama Empire?" the emperor said.

Chen Mo, who had just stepped down, was taken aback, did he check his household registration? Faintly said: "I am indeed not from the Gama Empire."

Hearing that, except for the fact that a few big families had received the news, they had known for a long time, the lord of the other cities, and the external forces, all felt a little surprised.

How come people who are not from the Jiama Empire joined the Yunlan Sect?

Isn't a better choice to go to Canaan College?

"If you don't mind, can you tell this emperor where you are from?" The emperor smiled.

"Zhongzhou." Chen Mo blurted out. Anyway, he said it several times, not bad this time.

"Sure enough." The emperor was astonished. Only Zhongzhou, which is known as a large number of talents, can cultivate such outstanding talents. Moreover, according to Chen Mo's talent, even in Zhongzhou, he was born in a powerful force.

Is it someone who claims to have one tower, two schools, three valleys and four pavilions?

But this big power can let the disciples join other sects?

For a time, the emperor thought a lot.

The emperor pondered: "I wonder if you have a marriage?"

At one point, the audience was shocked.

Everyone knew what the purpose of the emperor was when he said this sentence.

This is going to hire a consort!

Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran frowned at the same time.

On the night of the night, a blush rose on the cheeks of sisters Yaoyue.

Yaoyue didn't know what the emperor father said to her sister, and she was close to Chen Mo's age.

When the father said these words, it was very likely that he was bringing him together with Chen Mo.

Fa Ma sat aside and watched the show, but it was none of his business anyway.

Nalanjie didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Mo raised his brows and realized something, and immediately said, "Your Majesty Qi, no. But I already belong to it in my heart."

Nalan Yanran clung to her robes subconsciously.

Yun Yunguai turned his head in embarrassment.

Yaoyue's expression darkened.

Yao Ye didn't think much, now a man with a little bit of skill, who doesn't have three wives and four concubines.

"Oh..." The emperor Yu Guang took a quiet look at Nalan Yanran. It was indeed charming, but his daughter was not far behind. He immediately chuckled: "Is there any interest in having a drink with the emperor tonight? A cup?"

"Huh?" Chen Mo was stunned. Your topic suddenly changed a bit, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty is kindly invited, how dare Chen Mo refuse it."

"Good, good, good." The emperor was very happy after three consecutive good times.

"Have you heard, don't hurry up and order the imperial dining room to prepare the wine and food!" The emperor tilted his head slightly and said to the person behind him.

The two court ladies left immediately.

The friendly match ended in this small episode.

Everyone still had some thoughts, but Chen Mo was too strong, his opponent was too weak, and the viewing experience of fighting effects was extremely poor.

Except for Ruolin's at Canaan College, all four students were wounded and face scandalized.

Several people left the palace dingy.

It can be seen that in the next admissions season, Canaan College is definitely not as popular this time.

Chen Mo followed the emperor's frame and walked towards Gong Wei.

Outside the palace, Faman, Mu Chen, Mitteltenshan and others chatted with Yun Yun for a few words, and then left.

Only Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, and Nalanjie were waiting for Chen Mo outside.

During the chat, Yun Yun learned about Chen Mo and Nalan Yanran, and Jiao Chu rarely trembled.

This tremor was well hidden, except for Nalanjie's keen discovery, Nalan Yanran didn't notice anything.

Although Nalanjie felt strange, he didn't think about that either.

The inner courtyard of the palace.

Chen Mo really didn't expect the emperor to bring himself to a palace.

But the decoration of this palace obviously doesn't match the place where a man lives, it looks like a place where a concubine lives.

Especially when it was drunk well, the emperor said that he was too strong to drink, and he changed to Yaoye to accompany him to drink.

Late at night, Chen Mo left the palace alone.

The breeze in the evening was a bit cool, causing Chen Mo to tighten his somewhat messy robes.

Don't know how to drink, tell me what to drink?

It's no wonder that the previous parties always pour me alcohol, and I didn't expect to get drunk after a few drinks.

Even if I'm drunk, I always say that I'm hot, even if I pick my body, I still want to pick mine...

Fortunately, it runs fast, otherwise...

"Huh? Teacher, Senior Sister, you haven't left?"

Walking out of the palace and looking at the two women under a big tree, Chen Mo said in surprise.

"Junior Brother, are you okay?" Nalan Yanran trot over.

"What can I do?" Chen Mo questioned.

Yun Yun glanced at Chen Mo from a distance, then turned away without saying a word.


"What happened to the teacher?"

"Teacher...huh? Whose scent is your body?" Nalan Yanran said, suddenly smelling the scent of wine entrapped in Chen Mo's body, her eyes were not good.


"Sister, don't... don't pinch..."


Naran province.

Chen Mo sneaked into Yun Yun's room.

As soon as he touched the bed, a cold voice sounded.

"go out!"

"Sister Yun Yun, what's wrong with you?"

"go out!"

"You won't tell me what's wrong with you? I won't go out."

"What's the matter with you and Yanran?"


Okay, if you can do it, Chen Mo didn't beep too much, so he rushed forward.

Then, he was beaten out with a swollen nose.