
Chapter 58: Friendly match started

In the room, Chen Mo was immersed in his mind, running the idols to suppress the prison, and the whole person entered a deeper realm.

He is using the power of the giant elephant to refine the purple fire in his body.

He just swallowed it before, worried that his body could not bear it, so he didn't refine it.

Now it seems that he is timid, and the power of the idols is stronger than he imagined. What's more, he has cultivated to the second level.

The second level of Idol's Prison Power is like a furnace, and the flames of the purple fire, like particles in this furnace, instantly refine it.

The transformed energy raged wildly in Chen Mo's meridians, but Chen Mo didn't think he was the previous Chen Mo. He had the means to deal with this sudden change.

Idol's Prison-Suppressing Force runs to its extreme, compressing this energy.

Under this high-intensity pressure, the twelfth particle in the body was awakened and possessed the power of twelve ancient giant elephants.

At this moment, his limbs, seven meridians and eight meridians, all seem to be awakening from an ancient giant elephant. With a slight movement of his cross-seat body, a strong energy burst out.


the next day.

The day is fleeting, and as night falls, the huge holy city of Gama is brightly lit.

Outside the palace.

The voice is full of voices.

Compared with yesterday, although the excitement is much less, there are only a lot more powerful people and elites than yesterday.

Because tonight, the party organized by Princess Yaoye will be held in the imperial garden of the palace.

Those who received the invitations gathered outside the palace, passed the inspection by the heavily guarded guards, and put them into the palace.

Even the people of the three big families are no exception.

Chen Mo, Nalan Yanran, and Yun Yun did not ride the carriage of Nalan Mansion, but walked freely through the streets of the imperial capital.

After strolling for a long time, under the leadership of Nalan Yanran, passing through a few broad streets with military guards, the three slowly came outside the palace.

The invitation card was taken out and submitted to the guard for inspection. After a while, the three of them were put in.

After entering, three court ladies came over, first bowed to salute, and after reading the invitations of the three, they made a follow-me gesture, which was to lead the way.

Although the palace is large, it can be surrounded by deep walls, like a cage.

After walking for more than ten minutes, with bursts of noise and laughter mixed with a little rhythm, it came out from a palace.

Walking slowly into the palace, Chen Mo looked up and saw many pavilions, pavilions, rugged mountains and rocks, and in the open space in the center of these wonders, there were many people sitting among them, chatting and laughing with each other. .

"Sect Master Yun is here!"

Someone dressed up as an **** shouted loudly when he saw someone coming.

Yun Yun was wearing a tight-fitting blue-and-white dress, and her snow-white neck was wearing a dazzling bead curtain, which added a touch of grace and luxury to her.

"Sect Master Yun is here!"

"At this point, Sect Master Yun, you may be a little late."


In the imperial garden, the patriarchs of the three major families had already arrived, and even Nalanjie, who was recuperating in the mansion, was sitting aside.

"Sect Master Yun is here..."

Dressed in white clothes with a phoenix pattern on the ground with rust and gold rims, one head of blue silk is lightly lettered with tassels, and between the forehead is a chain ring carved from a night pearl, emitting a faint light.

Yao Ye got up and greeted him personally.

It was Yun Yun that was greeted, but Chen Mo was looking at it.

He is dressed in black, with well-defined and deep facial features...


Such a scrutiny was interrupted by Nalan Yanran's dry cough.

"Here, please!" Yao Ye didn't see the slightest embarrassment on her face, but instead generously invited a few people to the table.

However, Chen Mo's position was only arranged next to Yaoye, a distance from Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran.

Chen Mo sat down, and the people at Canaan College were on the opposite side.

Chen Mo frowned, the opposite gaze was a bit unkind.

In addition to Jia Lao, Fa Ma and other big figures, Chen Mo also saw a few familiar figures.

A concubine who had a fate in the auction house.

There is also Mu Jia Mu Zhan who only knew his name later.

And Liu Ling and Mo Li.


What you drink at the party is not wine, but humanity.

The few cups of pharmacists who performed well at the pharmacist conference, after a few cups of wine, were all crippled, either joining the royal family or being recruited by the Yun Lanzong.

Chen Mo had never seen the bottom of his wine glass and didn't drink much. Yao Ye next to him picked up the wine jug and filled it for him.

In a corner of the imperial garden, Mt. Mittelten and the acquainted guests toasted each other. Occasionally, they glanced at this scene, and quickly greeted Nalan Jie, and made a nuisance to Chen Mo's side.

"Old guy, it seems that the royal family has even used the beauty plan in order to solicit Chen Mo. Where is your Yan Ran going?" Mittel Teng Shan asked in a low voice.

Nalanjie took a sip of wine and was about to answer. Mu Chen didn't know when he came up and said, "Don't tell me, it is estimated that this old fellow Nalanjie is still thinking about the marriage in Utan City. It is really stubborn. ."

"Roll the calf." Nalanjie cursed when he heard the words, and without knowing where to sweep his eyes, he cursed in a low voice: "It's shameless..."

"Given the potential of Chen Mo's words, it is not surprising that the royal family sees him, but it would be interesting if he was hired as a concierge..." Mu Chen laughed in a low voice.

"Your Majesty!"

After drinking for three rounds, a loud voice rang from behind the palace wall, and a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe walked in under the guards of multiple fighting spirit-level guards.

Accompanying the man is the little princess Yaoye.

Everyone got up to salute, but was waved off by the middle-aged man.

The group came to a pavilion that had been empty for a long time, and the middle-aged man sat down.

With the arrival of the emperor, after a good meal, the friendly match should start.

Yao Ye stood up, pursed her red lips, and read out the rules of the friendly match.

One, can't hurt people's lives.

Second, if you point to the position and knock down the game platform, it is determined to be a loss.

Third, proceed in accordance with the debate.

Everyone has a standard of measurement in their hearts.

Just when everyone was talking about who was the first to come.

"I heard that Sect Master Yun's newly-accepted disciple possesses three attributes, and with the strength of the two-star Dou Master, he can defeat the Young Master Yun Lan, the seventh-star Dou Master..."

A young man wearing a luxurious brocade robe with a jade belt around his waist stood up from the back of the crowd.

With a magnificent appearance, he jumped to the central stage, looked straight at Chen Mo, and immediately said, "I want to challenge Chen Mo!"

Everyone looked at the young man with scorching eyes.

The man's name is Chu Bao, the son of the lord of a big city in the Jiama Empire. He is not known for his strength, but his age is within thirty years of the friendly match.

Chen Mo can refuse, but if he refuses, he must tell everyone his current cultivation level.

And the number of rejections cannot exceed three.

Chen Mo did not refuse.

He stepped onto the stage.

As the game began to be heard by Yao Ye.

Everyone expects that there will be a war unfolding under the gaze.

Like a dragon, Chu Bao was photographed off the stage with a single move.