
Chapter 57: When the Emperor Dou is here, he has to kneel!

n the square, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and stared at Chen Mo on the court. After a while, he turned his head to the minister behind him and said, "Is he that Chen Mo?"

"Your Majesty Qi, he is Chen Mo." A minister said.

"Not bad." The middle-aged man praised.

In the VIP seats below, seeing Chen Mo's reputation getting bigger and bigger, the gap between the two people has also widened, if Mo Li had hatred against Chen Mo before.

Now that he has grafted this hatred, he wants to use Liu Ling to retaliate against Chen Mo.

The first thing is to destroy Nalan Yanran.

"How about? Are you confident in the friendly match tomorrow night?" Mu Chen tapped his fingers on the backrest and said to the Mu Zhan behind him slightly.

"Da Dou Shi and Dou Shi are a watershed. Even if he can leapfrog and fight, it will be in vain not to enter the Da Dou Shi." Mu Zhan said with full fighting spirit.

Mu Chen raised his brows: "Did you break through the fighting master?"

"Last night a fluke break."

"I hope so, don't underestimate him, that kid has too many cards." Mu Chen said, "Remember, no matter what the outcome is, you can't blame Chen Mo."

"I'm okay, what's wrong with him? As long as he doesn't get close to Concubine Ya, maybe we can become brothers." Mu Zhan pouted.


"No matter how talented is he? He is just a fighting master now, maybe, Wu Hao can defeat him without me playing."

"Don't be careless, I heard that he has a lot of methods, and you must not take it lightly. This friendly match is not about winning or losing, but also about the face of Canaan College."

"If that's the case, why don't you call Senior Brother Liu Qing to come? Isn't that foolproof?"

"Liu Qing is a veteran student of the inner sect, and his age is very different. Let Liu Qing play, wouldn't it be said that Canaan Academy bullied the younger?"


In the third round, Chen Mo was eliminated.

Provoked everyone's sorrow for a while.

"After all, the time to study is too short. If you give him another year, I am afraid that he will be the most powerful contender for the championship." Jia Lao didn't know if it was for himself or Yaoye behind him. hear.

"I see, grandpa." Yao Ye said.

With the elimination of Chen Mo.

No more than ten people have successfully advanced.

Among them are the little princess Yaoyue and Liu Ling.

As a knockout, Chen Mo left early and didn't have to spend time watching them perform.

Back on the VIP table, Chen Mo gave a fist to the big man on the court, and then went to sit down between the two.

"Failed." Chen Mo said lightly.

"It's pretty good to be a third-rank alchemist in such a short period of time," Yun Yun said.

"Little guy, you are still young. Waiting for the next pharmacist conference, I am afraid that you will be the champion." Fa Ma heard Chen Mo's slightly discouraged tone and laughed.

The pharmacist conference is held every eight years, and Chen Mo can refine the third-grade pill in three months. Then in eight years, what level will it be.

Fa Ma couldn't imagine.

Both the alchemy talent and the cultivation talent can be called evildoers, and his rise is already inevitable.

Many eyes gathered on Chen Mo's body, among which there were many Taoisms with admiration.

Nalan Yanran looked at the young man who had completely bloomed beside her, with a trace of anxiety in her heart.

His future is destined to be impossible to be constrained by only one woman.

Time passed slowly, as the uproar on the square sounded.

In the last round, only Liu Ling, Yaoyue, and a young man from the Celestial Snake Empire succeeded in refining.

Fa Ma personally tested the health of the three medicinal pills.

In the end, the princess Yaoyue was even better than the two and won the champion of this pharmacist conference.

I heard that Yaoyue won the championship.

Countless spectators became excited and excited.

The big scene of the Apothecary Conference was created by the participation of the royal family, the Apothecary Guild, and the people of the imperial capital. It was heard that it was the player of the country or the princess of the country who won the championship.

There is also a sense of honor on their faces.

The excited face of the middle-aged man on the dragon chair stood up from the chair with some flushing, his arms stretched out and then down, silently immersed in the cheers with his subjects.

At the end of the conference, the spectators and contestants retired in turn.

At this time, Chen Mo saw that Yao Ye personally stopped the players who had performed well in the pharmacist meeting and distributed them an invitation letter from the royal family.

Invite them to attend the party tomorrow evening and watch the friendly match held at the party by the way.

Not only the royal family, Chen Mo also saw the elders of Yunlanzong and handed out the famous post of Yunlanzong.

This is a method of soliciting people. As long as they accept the invitation, the royal family or the Yunlanzong will show the intention of soliciting. Once they agree, they will enter it outside the box.

"However, in the territory of the royal family, wouldn't the elder be so blatantly pulling people against the royal family?"

Chen Mo looked at Yun Yun and found that the latter did not even know.

Is this going to do something?

Chen Mo couldn't help but moved his gaze to the top of the square and found that the middle-aged man who was sitting on the dragon chair had disappeared.

"Let's go, little guy, let me get your alchemist robe." Fa Ma walked over at this moment.

The Alchemist Guild has always remained neutral and does not participate in power struggles.

"Hmm..." Chen Mo nodded.

When the group went out, Chen Mo ran into a few people from Jiama College.

Several gazes converged, and a strong fighting spirit rose.

But this was the wish of a few people, and Chen Mo's eyes were dull.

During the period, he didn't say a word, his eyes were divided.

After receiving the robes of the pharmacist, Chen Mo settled down in Nalan Mansion.

In the room, Chen Mopan sat down.

Several fighting skills currently in his hands.

Ji Yan Jue and Qian Lei Jue have been cultivated to completion.

The body like a dragon has also cultivated to the last level, flying a dragon into the clouds.

"When tomorrow's friendly match is over, it's time to practice ground-level fighting skills."

This thought flashed in his mind, and Chen Mo opened the system panel.

Name: Chen Mo

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Fighting Master Eight Stars (Yes, another star broke through on the way to the Imperial Capital.)

Lucky point: 9300

Fighting skills: the spear of the underworld, the wings of the devil, the extremely flame tactic, the body is like a dragon, the thousand thunder tactic.

Prop: Astringent technique.

Function: Treasure box lottery, peeping, shopping mall.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion.

Dharmakaya: Hell Buddha.

Chen Mo opened the influence panel.

It was found that the northeastern border of the Gama Empire was covered by red dots the size of a fingernail.

Even though it is only so small on the map, it contains several cities.

The noire domain also has a red dot the size of a pin eye.

Chen Mo looked at Yun Lanzong again.

Already enveloped in half.

Yunlanzong Square is included in this half.

Chen Mo looked indifferent.

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, you'd better not show up for the three-year appointment. If you dare to show up in front of me, even if the Emperor Dou comes, you have to kneel!"