
Chapter 56: The Alchemist Conference begins

"That is Master Fajun, the chairman of the Jiama Empire Alchemist Guild. Now he is second only to Elder Furuhe in alchemy, and I heard that he is about to enter the rank of sixth-rank alchemist."

"That is Chemir, the vice president of the Alchemist Association."

"That is Mu Chen, the old patriarch of the Mu family."

"The guardian of the royal family, Jia Lao."


Yun Yun introduced to Chen Mo one by one, not to let Yun Lanzong lose his politeness. This feeling gave Chen Mo a kind of return to his previous life. When he was young, he was taken to relatives by his parents, called aunts and aunts.

"Boy Chen Mo, I have seen all the seniors!" Chen Mo said with a fist clasped.

"Haha, little guy, it's been a long time."

"The Yunlanzong competition that day really surprised the old man and others!"

"I heard that you also solved the burned poison in the old fellow Nalanjie."

"The hero is a boy, it seems that what Furukawa said is not a lie, you really have become a famous alchemist."

The VIPs at the VIP table also saw Chen Mo's performance in Yunlanzong that day. When they saw Chen Mo greet him, several people brag about Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled calmly, and did not take the topic.

And some of the expressionless powerhouses before, seeing such a heavyweight, greeted this young man with kindness, and guessed the young man's identity.

They come from outside the Jiama Empire and have never heard of Chen Mo.

Yun Yun took the two of them and sat down in the auditorium to the left of Fazhen.

There is still a period of time before the start of the pharmacist conference. With a face like a few dry trees, he asked Chen Mo, "Which level is your current alchemy?"

Fa Ma saw that Chen Mo had not participated in the appraisal of the alchemist, and wanted to know his current level.

Several strong men who didn't understand Chen Mo's identity also heard it with ears.

"Second-rank." Chen Mo felt that he worked hard, and he could refine the third-rank pill at the conference.

Several strong people were surprised. The only second-tier pharmacist could make the chief of the pharmacist guild treat him like this?

But Fa Ma's next sentence made them feel bad as a whole.

For more than three months, Xiao Bai, who never knows how to make alchemy, to the current second-grade pharmacist, can be regarded as a genius.

"Haha, it just so happens that I came to make soy sauce when I came to the pharmacist meeting today!" Chen Mo smiled.

"Soy sauce?" Fa Zhen looked puzzled.

"It's just a cutscene," Chen Mo said.

"Oh." Also, the second-tier alchemist can only say that he was middle or lower at today's conference.


"Yan Ran."

"Junior Brother."

Two figures walked in from outside.

Chen Mo raised his brows. How did these two guys get together? He immediately responded with a smile, "Two seniors."

It was Liu Ling and Mo Li who came.

Looking at Chen Mo sitting between the two women, the two frowned secretly.

"Boy Liu Ling, I have met President Fa Yu." Liu Ling said respectfully to the old man beside Yun Yun.

"Sit down. Where's the guy from Furukawa?" Fazhen's attitude toward Liu Ling was not as good as Chen Mo's, and it was not bad. He pointed to an empty position at random and asked Furukawa.

"The teacher was invited by the Medicine Emperor to go to the Black Point Region."

"Oh? Medicine Emperor Han Feng..." Fa Ma was surprised, what are these two guys doing together?

Chen Mo didn't have a deep friendship with the two of them, no, because he didn't have much friendship, he casually dealt with it, and closed his eyes and regained consciousness.

Liu Ling didn't want to die, and she craned her neck to talk to Nalan Yanran from a long distance away.

Especially Mo Li, who actually made suggestions on the side, was an old dog-headed strategist.

More than ten minutes passed in this way.

"Your Majesty!" A loud voice rang above the square.

All stood up in unison, shouting to your majesty.

Above the square, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe with a majestic face appeared in the eyes of everyone amid the shouts of everyone.

Next to him, was the little princess wearing a pale blue robes of a medicine alchemist, and a woman who was somewhat similar to the little princess, tall and with a glamorous look on her face.

Not only that, the woman has a majestic temperament like Queen Medusa, without the charm of the queen, but has a glamorous mature style.

The middle-aged man just nodded, talked to the two people beside him, and then sat down on the dragon seat behind him.

The two women followed the stairs on the side and walked down the square.

The two women came to Jia Lao's side, Chen Mo glanced over, then bowed to salute, smiled and said: "I have seen the two majesty!"

Although Chen Mo didn't know the identity of the tall woman, he could guess that she was a princess.

Before Jia Lao saw the surprise in Chen Mo's eyes, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart, pointing to the tall woman and smiling: "Little guy, Yue'er, you've already seen it. This is Yue'er's sister, Yao Ye, this She is solely responsible for the security order and subsequent friendly matches."

Hearing that, Chen Mo was shocked. According to the system's prompts, the woman in front of him was not only a three-star master, but also had such an ability.

Depending on the age, it is only twenty-five and sixty.

"Yaoye, this is Chen Mo, who has made everyone in the imperial capital well-known some time ago. It is worth mentioning that he is still a second-grade pharmacist." What Fazhen asked before, the old age is 1510. I heard it clearly.

As for the true and false, presumably Chen Mo would not cheat, because the true chapter will soon be seen.

Hearing what the great grandfather said, the two women were surprised. There are not many people who have extraordinary talents in cultivation and know how to make alchemy.

Especially they knew that Chen Mo had set foot in alchemy, but for more than three months, he was now a second-tier alchemist.

This is simply...

"Monster." Yao Ye remembered the people's evaluation of Chen Mo some time ago, and immediately stretched out a hand of friendship, and smiled slightly: "Hello, Mr. Chen Mo."

"Hello, Princess Yaoye..."

The two hold hands.

Yao Ye and Yao Yue retreated behind Jia Lao.

After that, the pharmacists who participated in the pharmacist meeting entered the arena.

Fa Ma announced the start of the Alchemist Conference.

Under the scorching sky, countless flames suddenly rose in the square. According to the prescription provided by the conference, the medicinal materials were thrown into the Danding according to the time.

After ten minutes, the refining was fast, and the pill was already formed.

Apart from a hand of thunder and fire, Chen Mo's alchemy can only be said to be remarkable, and he successfully passed the first round of assessment.

In the second round, the third-grade pill was refined, and Chen Mo barely passed it.

But when Chen Mo passed the second round, the VIP table caused an uproar.

"Sixteen-year-old third-tier pharmacist, my God!"

"As far as I know, he has only been in contact with alchemy for more than three months, and he has been able to independently refine the third-grade pill."

"This guy is a bit too strong..."

The eyes of Jia Lao and Fa Ma showed consternation.

After more than three months to become a third-tier apothecary, who can do it in the Jiama Empire over the years?

Even King Pill Guhe is far from it.

"It's no wonder Grandpa respects him so much, and he encouraged me to get in touch with him more last night..." Yao Ye's beautiful eyes flickered.