
Chapter 52: Nalanjie wakes up

"Hello, uncle..."

Nalansu's ridiculous greeting made Chen Mo uncomfortable. He whispered, "Chen Mo."

"What? He is Chen Mo?"

"That Chen Mo who carries three attributes alone?"

"He is also a direct disciple of Sect Master Yun, and I heard that he is more talented than Miss Yanran."

"Not only that, I heard that he was also accepted as an apprentice by King Pill Guhe and became a pharmacist."

"You said, shouldn't he also come to remove the burned poison for the old Patriarch Nalan?"


Hearing Chen Mo's name, the dozen or so alchemists in the hall were very surprised.

In the imperial capital, although many people don't know Chen Mo, they must have heard of Chen Mo's name.

Some time ago, Chen Mo's name was even passed by word of mouth by the storytellers of major restaurants and bookstores.

Sect Master Yun's personal disciple, Dan King Guhe's personal disciple, under the blessing of this powerful identity, no one's background in the Jiama Empire can beat him.

"Liu Fu, didn't you let you prepare the wine bar and treat it well? Why did you bring the little brother here?" Nalansu scolded Liu Fu with a slight dissatisfaction.

"It has nothing to do with Uncle Liu. I brought my junior brother over. He said there is a way to get rid of the burned poison in Grandpa's body." Nalan Yanran said.

"Oh." Nalansu's gaze turned to Chen Mo, "little brother..."

"Uncle can call me by name." Chen Mo, the little brother's name, was a little bit crooked.

"Chen...Chen Mo, what Yan Ran said is true." Nalansu said.

Chen Mo nodded and said, "There are ways, but it does not necessarily guarantee success."

Chen Mo had to put his words on the front, and he didn't pretend to be forced by other provinces, but was ridiculed instead.

Upon hearing this, Nalansu nodded suddenly, thinking Chen Mo wanted to show it in front of her daughter.

Strange gazes all around looked over.

"Unexpectedly, he really came to detoxify Nalan's old Patriarch."

"People just said to try, but didn't say it would succeed."


Nalansu waved his hand, and the hall suddenly became quiet. He looked around and talked about the current situation of the old man.

Hearing this, the pharmacists heard that King Pill Gu He had no choice but to use the burned poison, so they couldn't help but shook their heads.

But Nalansu's promised reward was too generous, and a gray-haired old man walked into the side room first.

In less than ten minutes, he shook his head and walked out.

"Patriarch Nalan, the poison is too stubborn..."

Nalansu and Nalan Yanran both sighed in disappointment.

After that, a dozen or so pharmacists walked into the side rooms one by one, but they all shook their heads and walked out.

So far, the father and daughter are not holding out hope.

"Brother, thank you for your kindness, but... let's go first." Nalan Yanran knows Chen Mo's kindness, but more than a dozen pharmacists have no choice. Chen Mo will try again. If it doesn't succeed, wouldn't it be impossible to get down. tower.

Nalansu also said, "Chen Mo, you and Yanran should leave first."

"Try it, maybe you can succeed." Chen Mo insisted: "Uncle you also said that the father's situation is already in a dangerous state, why not be a dead horse doctor and try it."

Nalansu thought about it seriously, and it was true, "Then give it a try!"

Nalansu was very concerned about Chen Mo's face, maybe he will be the son-in-law of Nalan's family in the future.

Therefore, after deciding to let Chen Mo give it a try, he asked Liu Fu to pay more than a dozen pharmacists rich remuneration, and then sent them out of the hall.

In Nalansu's view, even if Chen Mo failed, he couldn't let outsiders read the jokes.

The three slowly approached the side room. Chen Mo gently opened the door. There was a lot of space in the room. In the middle position, a large bed was placed in it, and an old man with a pale yellow complexion was lying on it.

Around the bed, several maids were busy taking care of the elderly.

Chen Mo approached and took a look. Nalan Jie, who was once ranked among the top ten in the Gama Empire, was only a pile of skinny and skinny, and his face was full of dark colors, symbolizing the aura of death.

"so serious..."

Chen Mo, who was 30% sure, saw this scene, only one thing left.

"Junior Brother, can it work?" Nalan Yanran, who followed closely, was full of worries when she saw Nalanjie who was in a more serious condition.

Chen Mo didn't say a word, but with a thought, he took out the antidote talisman from the system, put it on the old man's forehead, and then recite the spell on the talisman paper.

Nalansu looked strange when he saw this peculiar scene behind him.

What is this.

As the spell sounded, the detoxification talisman burned out of thin air.

Seeing the fire, the maid's eyes projected, as if she wanted to come over to put out the fire, but Nalan Yanran's eyes stopped her.

The talisman burned out, and then a green light shot into the old man's brain.

After a while, the old man lying on the bed twitched all over, and the originally numb face gradually felt pain.

"The color has changed." The maid couldn't help but exclaimed.

Nalansu hurried forward.

Sure enough, the original dull face of the old man recovered a little ruddy on his face.

After a while, Nalanjie, whose face was more ruddy, suddenly opened his eyes, and the hoarse pain in his throat made him roar, and a cloud of dark dross splashed out of his mouth.

It was a cloud of black, smelly blood.

The maid hurriedly opened the window to scent.

"Old man..."


Looking at Nalanjie who suddenly woke up, the father and daughter hurriedly shouted.

"The poison has been discharged, and then you just need to take care of your body."

Chen Mo didn't expect that the detoxification talisman was as effective as the healing talisman. In a short period of time, even Dou Huang was helpless to burn the poison, and he was expelled like this.

No wonder there are no such talisman papers for sale in the system mall, and you can only rely on the treasure box to draw.

"This is?" Hearing a strange voice suddenly sounded in the room, Nalanjie turned his head slightly and looked at Chen Mo: "Little brother, did you save me?"

Chen Mo has a black line on his face. Your son is just me, and you call me that way now.

Speaking of this, does the senior sister have to call me grandfather.

Seeing Chen Mo's weird look, Nalan Jie didn't know why.

The corner of Nalansu's mouth twitched slightly, and he also discovered this problem. He immediately said, "It was Chen Mo who rescued you. His Yanran's junior is also a direct disciple of Sect Master Yun."

Then, I talked about Chen Mo.

Then, the three of them exaggerated to Chen Mo.

During the conversation, even though Nalan Yanran was interested in Chen Mo from Nalansu's mouth, Nalanjie still reprimanded Nalan about her resignation.

But the degree of anger is not as strong as before.

The words vaguely seemed to be going to Wutan City in person to make a complaint to the Xiao family.


As the time of the Alchemist Conference is approaching.

More and more pharmacists, and forces from hearing the wind, flooded into the imperial capital like a tide.

The Mittel family, known as a wealthy country, has held several auctions in succession in the past few days.

The day before the Alchemist Conference.

Chen Mo received an invitation from the Mittel family.

Invite him to participate in an auction.