
Chapter 50: Arrived in the imperial capital

"Dou Qi Huayi, Dou Wang?"

The people below looked at Chen Mo, who was chasing the past, and they were shocked.

"Such a young King Dou..." Qiu Yun's beautiful eyes flickered, and a wave of sassy and heroic appearance appeared.

But when she came down from the blue beak eagle, a stunning girl in a blue vindictive armor, the fluctuations she had just surfaced disappeared in an instant.

"It's worthy of being the chief pavilion master." Tieshi showed his yearning, and immediately chopped a gangster in half with a backhand knife.

"King Dou?" The leader looked at the handsome young man who was chasing behind him, his face sank involuntarily, he clamped his horse's belly, slapped his horse's hip with the back of his knife, and opened the distance between the two.

Chen Mo frowned, and he found that Devil Wing was not as fast as his horse.

"Thousand Lei Jue!"


A pillar of thunder struck a big tree directly in front of him, and the tree fell at the sound.

The horse was frightened and the leader fell off his horse's back.

At the moment he fell to the ground, his palms slammed heavily on the ground, and his feet landed easily.

The gangster leader clasped the big sword in both hands, looking at Chen Mo who was in the air when he wanted to say something.

A thunderous pillar struck the top of his head without warning. The leader stopped abruptly when he reached his lips and fell to the ground.

"Ding, kill the four-star master, reward 940 luck points."

As the system's voice sounded, Chen Mo frowned slightly. Is there such a big difference between Dou Ling and Da Dou Shi?

A full difference of more than 3,000 points of luck.


Take off the undamaged ring from the corpse.

As a qualified cultivator, it is not a good habit not to search the corpse.

Clear the soul mark on the ring and leave your own.

Thoughts move.

Good guy, the treasures piled up in Na Jie almost lightened Chen Mo's eyes.

Chen Mo is certain that even if he is a master of fighting spirits, there are definitely not as many treasures in him.

More than a dozen elementary skills and fighting skills of the profound stage, a large number of medicines, and countless gold coins.

At this moment, the wealth accumulated by the gangster's head over the years is all cheaper than Chen Mo.

When Chen Mo returned to the official road, the battle on this side was over. The people in Lingyan Pavilion were cleaning the battlefield, collecting the ring from the corpse of the bandit.

"Hurrying to the imperial capital, such a coincidence..."

After cleaning up, Chen Mo asked Tieshi where he would **** the six people, and the latter replied that he was going to the imperial capital.

Hearing Chen Mo's whisper, Tie Shi just wanted to talk with a smile, and a soft female voice was spit out from the mouth of a sassy woman with short hair, "General...Pavilion Master, do you also want to go to the imperial capital? "

The woman didn't know if she was called by this title.

"This is?" Chen Mo was taken aback, unable to believe that this sassy-dressed woman could actually say such delicate words.

"Hello, this is Qiu Yun..." Qiu Yun didn't say that he was the employer of this trip, but gave a brief introduction.

"Hello." Chen Mo nodded, "Yes, we also have to go to the imperial capital."

"Then can I invite you to walk with us..." Qiuyun said with a trace of entanglement, as if he felt that his request was too excessive.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo thought for a while before agreeing.

The pharmacist conference will be held for more than half a month, and this period of time is enough to reach the imperial capital.

Tieshi couldn't believe that the chief pavilion owner actually agreed.

Not only Tieshi couldn't believe it, but Qiuyun who made this request also did the same. Soon she said with a touch of embarrassment: "When I get to the Imperial Capital, I will immediately make up for the commission after I have processed the batch of goods in my hand."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "No, how much commission you paid before is just the commission, without additional compensation."

"No, you not only saved my life, but you also agreed to **** us to the imperial capital. If you don't add a commission, I will feel sorry for it." Qiu Yun said what was in his heart.

"Really? How much commission do you pay, I'm very expensive." Seeing her insistence, Chen Mo couldn't help but teased.

Hearing this, Qiu Yun gave an amount.

Chen Mo was startled, this amount could hire a Dou Ling as a guard.

Chen Mo said, but Qiuyun must give it to him, and it was finally determined, with 20,000 gold coins as a commission.

The group of people set off again.


On the way, Chen Mo occasionally flew down to chat with Qiuyun.

From the chat, I learned that Qiu Yun was born in a small family in the imperial capital, and was the second daughter of the head of the family. Because he didn't want to get married so quickly, he came out to run the family affairs early.

When asked why he didn't take the flying beast of the Empire, Qiuyun hesitated and explained that her family was blacklisted by the empire for selling illegal drugs from the empire.

It is forbidden to ride in any transportation team officially built by the Empire.

The flight was quite boring. With so many people watching, Chen Mo could only secretly take advantage of Zhan Nalan Yanran's advantage, and did not dare to go too far.

During the flight, Chen Mo saw several pharmacists who took the green beak eagle and rushed to the direction of the imperial capital.

There are even some who, judging from the appearance, are not people who belong to the Gama Empire.

Of course, when Chen Mo was surprised by these alchemists from other countries, they were also full of astonishment when they saw Chen Mo's pomp, and there was a vague envy in their expressions.

With the **** of Chen Mo and his party, there was no further change on the road of Qiuyun's motorcade below.

After nine days passed like this.

A huge city built on the hillside, which can be called a magnificent city, crawling like a giant dragon, deeply shocked Chen Mo and others.

This city is much more majestic than the Black Rock City that Chen Mo had seen before.

The holy city of Gama, the name of the imperial capital of the Gama Empire.

No flights are allowed over the holy city, and there are military patrols at the gates of the city.

There is no need to pay for entering the city, but it needs to be checked by professionals.

Chen Mo is not in the queue for interrogation, they have a backstage.

Two days before arriving in the holy city, Nalan Yanran sent a letter back to the family, saying that it would probably arrive today.

And Nalan Su learned from the letter that not only her baby daughter came back with her, but also when she might become her son-in-law in the future.

Immediately at dawn, the housekeeper and guards were dispatched to greet Chen Mo and his party at the gate of the city.

"Junior Brother, let me introduce you. This is Uncle Liu." Nalan Yanran introduced.

"Hello, Master Chen Mo, I am the housekeeper of Nalan Mansion, you can add me to the housekeeper Liu." Liu Fu introduced himself in advance.

"Since Yanran calls you Uncle Liu, then I also call you Uncle Liu." Chen Mo smiled and said, "Uncle Liu."

Hearing that, Liu Fu's affection for Chen Mo has been rising.

Then, he greeted Chen Mo and others into the prepared carriage.

Naturally, Chen Mo's subordinates would not get into the carriage.

Qiu Yun also declined.

Are you kidding me?

If this is on the carriage, it is really shameless.

The guards took good care of the wind sparrow and the blue-beaked eagle.

In this way, a group of people entered the imperial capital in a high-profile manner.

After entering the city, Qiuyun and his party came to Chen Mo to retire, saying that they would come to Nalan Mansion to look for him after the goods were sold out.