
Chapter 5: The seal is lifted and the action begins

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?" It was vaguely the cold voice before, but at this time she told Chen Mo the answer with extreme confidence and a hint of anger.

"Instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction..." Feeling the coldness of his neck, Chen Mo couldn't help but his legs tightened, and then he coughed dryly, "The weather is great today."

With that, he moved the long sword back against his neck.

This is not counseling, this is from the heart.

Yun Yun didn't continue to be true, it seems that the reaction just now was just out of her own reservedness and reminding Chen Mo not to make an inch.

So, after putting the long sword into the ring, he turned around and walked out of the cave first.

Above the sky, the scorching sun is high.

On a small hillside, Yun Yun turned her back to Chen Mo, if she didn't consider whether the samurai suit would match the half plain skirt.

Yun Yun now is just like when he fought with the Amethyst Wing Lion King, so graceful and noble, and the arrogance carried in the coldness made people feel ashamed.

If there is a heroine halo in the original work, it would be enough to throw Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Yixian and so on, only Medusa can compare.

Girls or something, there is no Yujie tempting.

Of course, children only make choices. As Chen Mo with an adult soul, he chooses everything.

As if perceiving Chen Mo's fiery gaze, Yun Yun slowly turned around, her beautiful eyes lifted lightly, and she looked at the frivolous dark eyes that she thought was frivolous, and said flatly: "It's inevitable that you are a little restless at your age, wait. After entering the Yunlan Sect, I will introduce a woman with the same talent as you to meet you."

"Who is it?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Yun Yun looked into the distance, and a group of low-level monsters were still searching for her, and said coldly: "It's very persevering..."

Chen Mo knew who she was talking about, and was about to pick up the conversation, but saw Yun Yun say to herself: "You have broken through to Master Dou, so I have to spend a little less time. I am a wind attribute, and I will inject some vindictiveness later. Into your body and increase your speed..."

Yun Yun told Chen Mo about her plan.

Chen Mo knew that the highlight was coming, and he was a little expectant.

One second, two seconds...Ten seconds have passed, and the system has not moved.

"Damn it, isn't it? Other people's systems have jumped out of the task at this time. You haven't moved yet, are you so salty?" Chen Mo vomited.

Still nothing happened.

"Well, no, no, who told me to be helpful."

Yun Yun on the side saw that Chen Mo did not respond after speaking, thinking that he was unwilling, and felt a little sad inexplicably.

Just when she was about to go alone, Chen Mo's smiling voice sounded in her ears, "Come on then."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yun didn't see any reaction, she took the initiative to pull up her jade hand and gently placed it on her back.

Looking at Chen Mo's somewhat dark back, Yun Yun looked down at the clothes she was wearing, her cheeks blushing inexplicably, Feidan didn't care about him pulling his hand without his consent, but smiled knowingly.

Then, as soon as...Bah, a raging vindictive energy poured in, like a warm current, flowing in Chen Mo's meridians.

Before Chen Mo carefully felt the ripples brought by Yunyun Yu's hands on his back.

"Ding, a three-star pinnacle fighting emperor takes the initiative to spread the power for your host, and can spend 310 points of luck to snoop on his cultivation."

"Ding, because he takes the initiative to transmit power to the host, I am reminded that anyone who is snooped will lose the ability to be snooped."

"Fuck, there is this kind of operation."

A string of information flashed by, and then the system gave Chen Mo two options.

Chen Mo stared at the confirmation option. He had a feeling that as long as he thought, the system could immediately drain Yun Yun's cultivation base with his hand on his back.


Chen Mo thought a move.

What a joke.

I am now planning Yun Yun this person, if she loses her cultivation base, it would be too personal.

What's more, a beauty bodyguard with immeasurable accomplishment is not more fragrant than the cultivation base of Samsung Douhuang?

This vigorous flow of the bucket gave Chen Mo an indescribable sense of fulfillment, as if he could hold a plow by himself, ploughing for many miles.

As the bones slammed, Chen Mo trembled, and his whole body seemed to be sublimated, beyond words.

"These vindictive spirits are enough for you to use one hour. During this hour, your speed will increase to several times your original speed. In terms of speed alone, even a big fighting master can't compare to you..."

At the end of the speech, Yun Yun deliberately warned, "If you can't find an opportunity, don't take risks with your body, so as not to..."

"I know that life matters." Chen Mo knew that Yun Yun was worried about herself, pretending to be leisurely.

But he knew in his heart that if he could get the purple spirit crystal, he would be one step closer to the beauty he was holding.

From the original work, Xiao Yan didn't have much difficulty in obtaining purple spirit crystals. Instead, there were unexpected gains. Today's self is much stronger than Xiao Yan at the time, and there is no reason to fail.

Of course, the premise is that Xiao Yan doesn't come out and mess up.

But based on Chen Mo's experience collected from thousands of novels.

Where there are treasures, there must be a protagonist.

The stronger the treasure, the greater the probability of the protagonist appearing.

The protagonist's halo is so terrifying.

If it does show up and there are medicines, I can't beat it at all!

How to do?

How to do?


If I remember correctly, the novel seems to say that after entering the Warcraft Mountains, as long as Xiao Yan is not in danger of his life, Yao will never make a move.

In this case.


I beat Xiao Yan and he m...

No, Chen Mo shook his head, still had to stay steady, in case something happened...

"Pop!" Yun Yun watched as a lustful smile flashed across Chen Mo's face, and immediately slapped his forehead with a palm, and said coldly, "What are you thinking about?"

Looking at Yun Yun, who arrived in front of him at some unknown time, Chen Mo coughed dryly and said solemnly: "I am thinking of a crooked idea, I am thinking about how I can help you get the purple spirit crystal."



"By the way, if I really help you get purple spirit crystals, do you have any rewards for me?"

"What reward do you want?"

"October parent-child...I haven't thought about it yet, anyway, you promise me first." Chen Mo almost said what was in his heart.

Yun Yun shook her head, "If you don't say what it is, I won't promise you."

"In short, you will not be asked to violate the requirements of your conscience."

"I won't go against my conscience, then... okay." Yun Yun thought about the film meeting and agreed.

"Then get started!"

Chen Mo hugged Yun Yun's thin waist quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't fly."

"Teacher, if this continues, when will I be promoted to Master Dou!" Xiao Yan swung the profound ruler skillfully, sweating profusely all over his body.

"Why? Want to give up?" Yao Lao frowned.

"Where did the teacher want to go?" Xiao Yan stopped waving the profound ruler and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I was thinking, what realm is Nalan Yanran with Yunlan Mountain as a resource transporter? "

"It turns out that there is pressure." Yao Lao stretched his brows and smiled, "It is a good thing to have pressure. Although you have not yet been promoted to the battle master, with your current strength, the average one-star battle master is not your opponent at all."

"Cultivation in this way will last up to two months..."


"Human woman, you dare to show up, and you will take your life today in order to avenge you for destroying the horns."

There was a thunderous beast roar in the distance, which made Yao Lao pause slightly and was a little surprised. Then he laughed and said, "It seems that it won't take two months."