
Chapter 49: Do not leave alive

The employment department of Lingyan Pavilion is divided into four teams: A, B, C, and D.

Qiuyun hired team C, which was composed of a big battle division and nine battle divisions.

Although Team C was established for a short time, it also received corresponding training.

Therefore, when surrounded by bandits, Tieshi and others did not panic, but protected the five Qiuyun.

After all, their task is to **** them to the imperial capital safely. If there is a problem with their safety, the reputation of Lingyan Pavilion will be corrupted.

In the future, who would dare to ask Lingyan Pavilion to **** him.

Qiuyun has seen big scenes when she walks south and north, and she hasn't been too flustered. She turned over and dismounted and said calmly: "You guys, if you have something to say, if you want money, I understand the rules. This is not a respect, but hope. You guys give face and let us and the team go there."

Qiu Yun took out a pre-prepared package from the ring, which had a certain weight, and threw it over.

The leader of the culprit is a brawny man holding a nine-ring sword with a hideous face.

I took the package and weighed it. The weight was not light, but it did not say anything. Instead, he glanced at the pedestrian Qiuyun.

Immediately, his gaze became greedy and stayed in the hands of Na Jie: "So many of you are going to pass, just give it this? Even if I promised, these brothers under me would not agree..."

"No." The culprits behind him responded.

"What's more, your face is worth a few dollars." The leader said greedily.

Qiuyun's face sank, and his right hand touched the long whip hung around his waist.

"This boss, this time is our Lingyan Pavilion escort, but I hope that the boss will look at the face of Lingyan Pavilion and let us pass." Tieshi stepped forward, unlike Qiuyun, Tieshi's tone was a little bit tough.

Hearing this, the leader's expression changed. He had obviously heard of Lingyan Pavilion. Apart from other words, the cities around the northeast border were all within Lingyan Pavilion's sphere of influence.

But he was not frightened by Lingyange's reputation. He had been in this business for so many years and relied on boldness.

He even robbed the official transport team, let alone Lingyan Pavilion.

It's just a little trickier.

A ruthless look flashed in the leader's eyes, and he didn't say much nonsense. The nine-ring sword in his hand was slashed toward the iron stone.

The leader can see that this team of guards is headed by Tieshi, and the aura radiating from her body is also Tieshi's most powerful.

His cultivation base should be the same as his own, at the level of the Great Fighter.

Seeing that the boss took the lead, the hundreds of big guys who surrounded the caravan unanimously attacked the dozens of people in the circle.

Qiu Yun and others quickly responded.

Qiu Yun and Tieshi's people are all above the Doushi, and their overall strength is relatively high.

Although the number of gangsters is large, most of them are trash fish, even those below the fighters.

After a short time of confrontation, the culprit was killed or injured.

The leader saw that some fishes were dead, and his confidant was still alive. He didn't panic at all, and there was a group of missing people.

As long as he has money, he can pull a lot of this kind of miscellaneous fish.

In the battle with Iron Stone, the leader had the upper hand.

The Nine Rings Broadsword slashed fiercely on the back of the iron stone. Amidst the sound of gold and iron delivery, sparks were wiped out. The blade's blade did not penetrate into the flesh due to the resistance of the chain.

"My four-star master's cultivation base can't be contended by only two stars?" The leader grinned.

Tie Shi touched his back, touched the blood from the wound, his expression was solemn, and his eyes scanned the situation around his eyes. After a long period of consumption, their side was gradually at a disadvantage.

"Cover the employer, withdraw!"

Tieshi gave an order, and the surviving members of Team C abandon the carriage and move closer to Qiuyun and his group, covering them towards the dense forest beside the official road and flashing away.

And he stepped on the ground, his body turned into a shadow, and immediately followed.

"Want to run? Then you underestimated me?"

The leader's **** were placed beside his mouth, and he whistled.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo..."

When the iron and stone group retreated toward the dense forest, a large sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded in the forest, and countless arrows glowing with cold light shot out with fierce strength overwhelmingly.

In this rain of arrows covered indiscriminately, the two of Qiuyun and his party, and the three of Team C, fell in a pool of blood one after another.

At the center of the official road, everyone who had retreated before was forced to shrink together again.

At this time, in the deep forests around the official road, hundreds of gangsters came out again. They were armed with crossbows, and the two leading men were actually the masters of cultivation.

This crossbow team is the elite of the leader.

It is also the confidence of the leader.

"The third child, don't you blame your younger siblings for not being able to raise them?" The leader pointed at Qiuyun with a big knife, "This girl must be a good child, and the eldest brother is the master and gave her to you."

"Thank you, boss." The one who was called as the youngest was a thin-faced young man among the two big fighting masters who came out. He glanced at Qiu Yun he was referring to, quite satisfied.

The leader nodded, "As for the others, follow the old rules and don't keep alive."

With the leader's fall, the two big battle masters who came out after that took the lead and slashed up.

However, just before rushing forward.

Hearing a bang, a silver thunder pillar fell from the sky and slammed fiercely on the thin-faced young man rushing forward.

In just a few moments, a big living person who had just been fine, turned into a ball of coke in a blink of an eye.

"My people in Lingyan Pavilion, you dare to move, so bold."

Above the sky, suddenly, dozens of dark shadows appeared.

The black shadows gathered together, and even the sun was covered.

When they came to the sky above their heads, dozens of dark shadows swooped down.

At this time, they could clearly see that these were dozens of flying beasts. Except for the leading flying beast, there was a man and a woman standing on top of the flying beasts. The rest of the beasts were all men in black robes standing uniformly.

"It's the chief pavilion master." Tie Shi exclaimed. Once he was fortunate enough to meet Chen Mo when he went to discuss matters with Sha Luo.

"Pavilion Master..." Qiuyun, who had already taken out the dagger from the ring, and planned to wipe his neck at any time once he was caught, was taken aback, and immediately as if he had seen the savior, he quickly put away the dagger, and Bing. The team members cheered together.

The sudden scene made the leader red eyes. The man who had just died was not only his subordinate, but also his brother.

He has not been dazzled by hatred, otherwise he would not be able to cross Heiqi Mountain for many years. Seeing the situation reversed, the other party has appeared the legendary general pavilion master.

He shouted with a big arm, "Withdraw!"

Before he finished his words, he touched the ground with his toes, leaned forward and flew towards a dense forest first.

"Don't keep alive."

Chen Mo commanded, the devil's wings spread out behind him, and he chased him in the direction where the leader was fleeing.