
Chapter 42: An egg out of the King’s Treasure Box

Go back to the room and talk to Sharo, don't bother if there is nothing important.

Chen Mo sat cross-legged on the bed.

The colorful little snake slipped out of Chen Mo's sleeves, revealing a pitiful look.

"If it weren't for your usefulness to me, I would have paid you back long ago."

Seeing that it was not that the fire lotus seed did not eat, it was not that it did not eat the third-grade pill or the little snake that did not drink the dew, Chen Mo bitterly cursed, but he took out a fire lotus seed and fed it to it.

After eating a fire lotus seed, the little snake was satisfied, got into the bedding, and fell asleep again.

"Delicious lazy guy."

An angry glance at it, Chen Mo turned on the system.

Roughly nothing has changed.

The luck point is still 6460.

Only the lotus seeds of the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire Rosette that he put into the system, there are only 7 lotus seeds left.

It turned out to be 11, four of which were eaten by the little snake.

Click to open the King's Treasure Box.

As the music sounded, after the golden light flashed, an oval, colorful egg came into Chen Mo's eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the fantasy egg."

Click on the description of the fantasy egg: "This is an egg that can nurture all worlds. The cultivation period is 45 days. After the egg is broken, you can randomly obtain ancient beasts, magic weapons, supreme bodies, fairy saints... "

"In order to establish the intimacy between the fantasy egg and the host, the host can warm the egg with a little blood every day before the egg is broken."

After reading the description of Fantasy Egg, Chen Mo was stunned.

If this is the egg bred a treasure chest.

Isn't it an infinite matryoshka.

The egg opens the treasure chest, the treasure chest opens the egg...

There is also a 45-day waiting period.

Do you want to be so bad?

Throw the fantasy egg in the backpack and leave it alone.

A happy day starts with a lottery.

Let's start with ten silver treasure chests to add to the fun.

"Thank you for your support."

"Thank you for your support."

"Thank you for your support."


For ten consecutive thank you for your support, Chen Mo's mentality exploded.

"You black-minded system, if I smoke again, I will jump out of this restaurant."

"Thank you for your support."

"Depend on!"

Soon there was a ping-pong-pong sound in the room, like the sound of something breaking.

Draw one more time, and buy the remaining Po Erdan and Fuling Zidan.

"Thank you for your support."

Chen Mo's face turned black.

If the system can be materialized, Chen Mo will definitely blow it up.

Lottery is a thing that tests people's mentality. It's okay if you have no money, but if you find that your account balance is still a lot, you will desperately want to draw, the less you can draw, the more you want to draw, until the balance is used up.

Then, you have a state of wanting to die.

In a short period of time, I don't want to think about food.

Thinking about how I was so cheap just now, I wanted to go to the lottery, and I kept buying a few skins. Doesn't it smell good?

This is what Chen Mo is now, a bit above his head.

"I'll smoke one more, if I fail... I won't smoke anymore."


"Thank you for your support."

"Come again."

"Thank you for your support."

"I don't believe in evil anymore, there is a kind of always giving me thank you for your support."

"Thank you for your support."


"Healing Symbol x1."

"It's shipped, come again."

"Thank you for your support."


Draw until only 2160 luck points are left.

Except for a healing talisman, thank you all for your support.

The probability of winning the silver treasure chest is too low.

Killing Chen Mo will no longer draw silver treasure chests.

With these remaining lucky points, I can't buy anything or do anything.


Chen Mo clicked on the golden treasure chest.

It may be that all previous bad luck has been lost.

The first golden treasure chest was shipped.

"Ding, get the Dharmakaya, roll up the **** buddha."

Seeing the shipment.

Chen Mo deliberately went to the Dharmakaya category in the mall to take a look. The Hell Buddhism was in the forefront. There are three volumes, and each volume is as high as hundreds of thousands of luck points.

With a slight movement of mind, Chen Mo opened the scroll of Hell's Buddha and looked at it. One volume is all Sanskrit. Fortunately, the system has a hidden language translation function, so Chen Mo can roughly understand it.

The Buddha is the Buddha.

After the cultivation reaches the greatest achievement, there will be a Buddha Dharma body of hundreds of meters condensed behind him, which is in charge of the **** world.

The law body moves, **** follows, and ghosts are suppressed.

It has a powerful restraint effect on ghosts and soul bodies.

This prize is really profitable.

There were 1160 points of luck left, and Chen Mo kept it and didn't smoke any more.


All day long, apart from eating and drinking Lazar, Chen Mo never left the room.

The next day, Chen Mo broke through the three-star battle master.

On the third day, Ji Yan Jue started.

On the fourth day, Ji Yan Jue Xiaocheng.

On the fifth day, two particles were awakened again in the body.

On the sixth day, after swallowing the promotion pill, Chen Mo stepped into the five-star Doushi.

On the seventh day, take a break to get closer to the relationship between Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran, and increase goodwill.

On the eighth day, retreat, the second level of cultivating idols, the devil's wings in the art of flying essence.

On the ninth day, retreat.

The tenth day, the eleventh day, and the twelfth day are still closed.

On the thirteenth day, Demon Wings practiced successfully, during which time a particle was awakened again.

On the fourteenth day, consolidate the Demon Wings.

On the fifteenth day, which was similar to the Qixi Festival in the mainland of vindictiveness, Chen Mo made time to date the two women separately.

On the sixteenth day, when there was no one in private, Yun Yun no longer resisted Chen Mo's embrace.

On the twenty-first day, when there was no one, Chen Mo could kiss Yunyun unscrupulously.

On the twenty-eighth day, after many days of comprehension of the Dharmakaya, the Buddha of Hell finally realized the eyebrows.

On the thirty-fifth day, when Chen Mo woke up, he found that he was holding a soft object in his hand, surrounded by his right arm. It was not empty like before, but a soft, hot...

Chen Momeng opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was a half-naked body lying next to him, almost in close contact.

Look up.

Looking at the stunning face like a dancing creature, Chen Mo suddenly took a breath.

"Medusa... Queen!"

In the next moment, Chen Mo's hair was everywhere, and the only thought left in his heart was to escape from here.

However, just as he slowly pulled out his hand, a pair of cold eyes were staring at Chen Mo with a little bit of sorrow.

"Guru." Chen Mo's throat rolled slightly.

He remembered that last night, another particle was awakened.

At this moment, a total of 11 particles were awakened in the body, so I hope to use the luck of the awakened particles to break through the Five-Star Fighter.

It turned out that the required energy was not enough, and he swallowed three fire lotus seeds one after another before breaking through the Five Star Fighting Master.

However, the energy of the three fire lotus seeds is too much, resulting in a little energy left in the body after the breakthrough, and the blood is used to catch the energy and release the energy to warm and nourish the fantasy egg.

Then the colorful little snake was attracted by the fantasy egg and got out.

Then, Chen Mo fell asleep because he was too tired.

When I woke up, there was a scene in front of me.

"By the way, my fantasy egg..."

Chen Mo was shocked, maybe the colorful little snake ate the fantasy egg and caused Queen Medusa to come out.

Chen Mo quickly opened the quilt and took a look.

Then he got into trouble.