
Chapter 41: Su Hongyu

"Different fire."

"Queen Medusa."


"Surrounded by eight tribal leaders."


Anything that can surprise people to the point of stunned, said in Yun Yun's mouth like a few treasures.

Nalan Yanran was stunned when she heard it, especially when she heard that Chen Mo was surrounded by eight fighting kings, and her heart raised her throat. Why did Junior Brother go to the snake-man tribe? She was left behind. Zhang far away.

Sharo and others behind him were surprised again and again.

Eight Douwang surrounded the chief pavilion owner.

The chief pavilion owner is really powerful.

After being surprised, everyone looked at Chen Mo with admiration, and there was a faint longing for it.

Especially when they later learned that the sect masters of King Pill King Guhe and Yunlanzong were both teachers of the chief pavilion master.

Astonishment, surprise, and excitement all surfaced for a while.

Lingyan Pavilion, he didn't make a mistake.

This patron, who has been better than the Gama Empire.

There is one thing Yun Yun didn't say, and that was Queen Medusa's business.

After all, it is hard to believe that the famous Queen Medusa, who frightened the Quartet, turned into a little snake like a demon pet, and was taken out of the desert to be humbled to please.

There are too many things happening today, and Yun Yun and others have many doubts.

Seeing that it can't be finished in just a few sentences, Sharo hurriedly ordered someone to prepare a table of wine and food.

What's the matter, talk about it at the wine table.

Wine is good wine, but people are not mortals.

After a few jars of wine, no one was drunk.

However, the colorful snake took a few sips, and the scales all over his body became dizzy. Then he got into Chen Mo's robe, wrapped his arm, and fell asleep.

The wine bureau lasted until midnight before it ended.


Sleep till dawn.

When Chen Mo's head was drowsy and opened his bewildered eyelids, a ray of sunlight hit his face through the gap between the windows.

Although he opened his eyes, it did not mean that he was awake. There was a ray of sunshine on his face in the early morning, and everyone would be very irritable.

Get up, get dressed, tidy up your appearance.

Looking at the handsome self in the bronze mirror, who was eclipsed by the sky, Chen Mo sighed.

If they weren't so handsome in the previous life, two stunning women would not fight for themselves, nor would they be dragged by one of the women to jump into the river, leading to crossing.

After passing through, I found out that I was more handsome than in my previous life.

Are you angry?

Chen Mo was very angry.

But the days are going to pass, the girls are going to be soaked, guns...

Ahem, digress.

Chen Mo gestured a smile into the mirror.

What disappointed Chen Mo was that he couldn't learn the crazy and wicked smiles in the novel.

Sure enough, people can't be too perfect.


Just when Chen Mo had finished cleaning up and was just about to wash, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and a graceful figure came in with a basin of water.

It was Nalan Yanran.

Putting the water basin on the wooden stand outside the bed, Nalan Yanran wetted the veil, wrung out the water, and handed it to Chen Mo, and said, "The teacher asks you when you will go back?"

"Teacher will go back today?" Chen Mo asked, wiping his face with a veil.

"Zongmen's affairs are busy, and Mocheng is close to the snake tribe, and there are many accidents. The teacher hopes that we will go back as soon as possible."

"The teacher is with us?" Chen Mo noticed the crux of the problem.

Nalan Yanran didn't know what she was thinking of, she blushed, nodded, and said, "Elder Furukawa, Elder Six, and the two seniors have already left first."

"I'm afraid I will have to stay in Mocheng for a while."

Chen Mo felt that he couldn't stay in the waves anymore. What was surrounded yesterday told him that the use of external force is only temporary, and only his own strength is really strong.

As a traverser who has turned on, if you don't get one star a day, and you don't break through the battle sage a year, you will lose the face of the traverser.

Nalan Yanran brought Chen Mo's words to Yun Yun. The latter didn't say anything and didn't leave. It seemed that she was going to stay longer.

After Nalan Yanran left.

Chen Mo had something to eat, and when he was about to start his practice today, the door of his room was knocked.

"Pavilion Master, the city lord of Mocheng is here, and brought a generous gift to see you, do you want to see?" Sha Luo's voice sounded.

"Mocheng City Lord?"

"Is there such a person in Doupo?"

"Could it be the expansion of Lingyan Pavilion that caught his attention?"

"No, what does it mean to bring a generous gift?"

Dispelling these thoughts in his mind, Chen Mo got up and opened the door of the room, "Go and see."

VIP rooms in the restaurant.

Chen Mo opened the door and walked in. He didn't know any Mocheng City Lord. As soon as he entered the door, he toasted: "The Lord of the City is coming, and if you miss it, you still hope that Lord City Lord will atone for your sins."

"Where, where, the pavilion master is polite." Seeing that Chen Mo was so polite, Su Hongcheng who was worried that he was arrogant and difficult to get along with, he sighed in relief.

Chen Mo was not polite anymore, and sat down opposite. Only then did he have the time to look at the middle-aged man.

Dressed luxuriously, looks plain, with a simple and honest look.

It's not as eye-catching as the woman behind him. She wore a red dress and looked beautiful. The figure was exquisite and exquisite under the red dress.

It's just that Chen Mo is worried whether she can see her feet if she lowers her head.

"I don't know why Lord City Lord came, these generous gifts..." Chen Mo quickly retracted his eyes and turned to look at the gift on the table.

"I have long heard about the talent of the pavilion master, and even the present-day Majesty has praised it. Now, when I see it, it is really extraordinary. In addition, the little girl idolizes you very much. Today, I have a special gift and come here to harass one or two." Su Hongcheng said. Set of a set.

"...Oh?" Chen Mo was taken aback, and immediately understood. Although Mocheng is remote and the news is not well informed, it has been a few days, and as the city lord appointed by the empire, he should know.

"Are you really the Chen Mo who defeated the Second Star Fighter Seven Star?" the girl behind Su Hongcheng asked.


"This is the old man's wife Su Hongyu."

"It's like a fake." It's a joy to be worshipped by beautiful women, especially those with two treasure mountains.

"Then can you go shopping with me?"

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, what's this all about.

Chen Mo refused.

Although she is beautiful, she is still a bit worse than Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran.

When Su Hongyu heard Chen Mo's refusal, not only was he not angry, but he became more interested.

The remarks she just said were only used to test Chen Mo.

"Hongyu, stop messing around." Su Hongcheng worried that she annoyed Chen Mo.

Su Hongyu listened very much to Su Hongcheng's words.

After another courtesy between the two parties, Chen Mo sent Su Hongcheng away.

"I didn't expect that savage witch would also follow." Sha Luo also listened to the report of his subordinates, thinking that only Su Hongcheng and a few subordinates would come, but he did not expect the grandmother to also come.

After hearing a few words from Shaluo, Chen Mo knew that the woman just now was not the superficially obedient appearance, but the little witch who often used Mocheng to make a fool of herself.