
Chapter 39: Leave

"Sure enough, they are together."

The eight people share the same hatred, and together they picked up the Yin Jue.

They believed that if this group of humans hadn't appeared, Her Majesty's evolution would have been smooth, and it would definitely not become what it is now.

And what makes them most angry is the cunning of this group of humans.

Leaving on the surface, secretly, in fact, he had already sent spies to sneak into the city.

Even more weird techniques were used to bring out Her Majesty the Queen.


At the moment when the eight people were Jieyin, a circle of faint black and green light energy shields appeared out of thin air, enveloping them firmly.

"Eight Snake Asura Seal, Kai!"

With Yuemei as the dominant force, the light suddenly burst into the palms of the eight people. In an instant, a huge black-green energy column of several meters in the eight Dao Dao suddenly burst out of the palms of the eight people.

Condensed on top of the eight people's heads into an energy snake with a length of hundreds of feet, black and green.

At the moment the energy snake appeared, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind was strong, and the full moon hanging in the sky was also blocked by dark clouds.

"Fuck, shouldn't it be the five-snake venom seal? How did it become the eight-snake asura seal?" Chen Mo's face was full of surprise when he looked at the energy giant snake that was dozens of meters larger than in the novel.

"Earth-level fusion fighting skills..." Yun Yunxiu's eyebrows frowned, and there was a trace of dignity in her beautiful eyes, because the breath of the energy giant snake was far beyond her.

"Go." Yun Yun grabbed Chen Mo's robe, the latter picked up the little snake, and took advantage of the situation to hug the former's thin waist.

Yun Yun tapped the yellow sand on her toes. Behind her, a pair of cyan feather wings condensed, and her wings shook, and her figure flew towards the sky fiercely.

"Huh, want to run."

Yue Mei snorted coldly, and the eight people simultaneously pinched the Yin Jue. The huge energy snake above the head gathered momentum, twisting its huge body, and attacked the two Yun Yun at a fast speed.

The energy giant snake swims fast in the void, at an astonishing speed, even if Yun Yun, who is the Emperor of Dou, feels stunned.

Noting the strong sound of breaking air behind him, Yun Yun grasped the hilt of the sword fiercely, and suddenly became fierce. The long sword in his hand trembled suddenly. There was a deep light almost as small as a thumb. Yun Yun turned around and shot out instantly.

"The wind is extremely dead."

When the light appeared, even the night sky was much brighter.

Chen Mo felt that Yun Yun's ultimate move was much stronger than when he was in the Warcraft Mountains. If he expected it, this should be the effect brought by the purple spirit crystal.

The moment the light cuts the head of the giant snake, the latter's speed has dropped significantly.

But the next moment, both of them took a deep breath.

Only a slit was cut out of the giant snake's head. Judging from the huge size of the giant snake, this slit is undoubtedly equivalent to a human finger being cut off.

The giant snake shook its head, as if the attack just tickled it, its speed suddenly increased, and the offensive rushed toward the two of them unabated.

The whistling sound produced by the movement of the body resounded through the desert.

Yun Yun's complexion changed, the attack didn't work, she could only dodge with Chen Mo around.

Fortunately, at this time, several people from Furukawa just arrived.

"What is this?" Furukawa felt a faint of danger from the giant snake's body.

"This is the fusion fighting skill of the leader of the snake man. The teacher's attack will not work on it. Please attack a few of them soon." Yun Yun had no time to be distracted. Chen Mo pointed to the eight people below and said.

At this moment, the snake's tail of the giant snake slammed into the void on Yun Yun's side, and the location of the slap caused turbulence in the void.

At this time, a few people noticed the eight chiefs below, with solemn expressions. The Snake-Human tribe's fusion fighting skills were quite famous in the Douqi Continent, and they had also heard of them.

But I never thought it would be so powerful.

"Your boy's so great face has caused the leaders of the eight tribes to mobilize to deal with you alone. Even if it is me, I can't enjoy this treatment."

Yan Shi praised him in a different way. From his body, fierce fighting spirit also surged out, and his figure swooped down, coldly shouting: "Let me learn how powerful the eight leaders are."

Feng Li followed suit.

"Thousand Lei Jue."

In the night sky, thunder sounded, and a fierce thunder struck the seemingly weaker flame thorn below.

As a mage, the six elders would not choose melee combat.

Looking at the two kings who had been famous for a long time, swooping over, the expressions of the leaders of the eight tribes suddenly became gloomy.

The Eight Snake Shuluo seals require eight of them to join hands in order to maintain the strongest power. Once one of them is interrupted, although the giant snake will not dissipate, its power will be greatly reduced.

"Damn it! Lulu, Earth Rock, Yan Thorn, you should deal with it, and we will change the Five Snake Venom Shrine Seal."

After Yue Mei finished speaking, three people immediately pulled out of the eight, fighting Qi Huayi, and flew towards the Yan Shi three.

After losing three people and changing to the five-snake venom seal, the size of the giant snake has shrunk sharply, from just over one hundred feet to over ten feet now.

But even so, the momentum it exudes cannot be underestimated.

"Oh? Do you look down on the alchemist so much?"

Seeing that everyone else was responding, and only oneself was hanging aside, a trace of anger emerged in Furukawa's heart.

Anyhow, I am also a fighting king.

"Fireball technique." Furukawa screamed and waved his palm. The light blue flame quickly condensed into a fireball in front of him, and threw it towards the five people below.

As soon as the light blue flame appeared, the surrounding temperature rose sharply. Although it was not comparable to a different flame, it was much stronger than an ordinary flame.

Although the five people do not look at the fighting power of Furukawa, they are after all a fighting king. If he intervenes in the battle, it will be difficult to maintain the five snake venom seal.

Once the five snake venom seals are broken, leaving the female Dou Huang free to take action, they will inevitably be broken by each and it will be difficult to save their lives.

If only the high priest was there.

In a few moments, the five people understood that the situation was already at a disadvantage, and if they continued to fight, they and others would be in danger of life.

"The grievances you made with my Snake-Human race today will be returned in the coming day." If you lose the battle, Yue Mei took a deep look at Chen Mo, remembering his face, and then sneered coldly, "Withdraw." !"

"But Her Majesty..." Yan Thorn, who was fighting with Yan Shi, couldn't help but hesitated when she heard Yue Mei's words. He immediately understood the current situation and took a very unwilling look at what appeared to be harmless to humans and animals. Chen Mo, with his hands knotted, followed the violent crack of his body, several energy snakes flew towards the desert in all directions.

The same is true for a few people in Yuemei.

Yun Yun and the others did not chase them, but instead turned their eyes to Chen Mo.

The meaning is self-evident.

What did you do?

Before making them leave, staring at you with such hatred?