
Chapter 37: Be surrounded

This is a slender little snake about seven centimeters long, covered with colorful scales, purple and blue pupils, with a weird breath.

The most striking thing is the flame mark on the forehead of the snake.

It is in the shape of lotus petals.

Qinglian's heart of the earth is on fire.

Medusa not only succeeded in evolution, but also refined the heart of Qinglian.

The little snake is not very ferocious, and even looks cute, which makes people feel the urge to raise it. But its small body contained terrifying energy that made Douhuang strong people feel scared.

"Next, is to complete the task and abduct Queen Medusa."

Chen Mo squatted down and put on a kind face. He even took out a lotus seed without hesitation and coaxed: "Little guy, come to me, I have something delicious."

As he said, his mouth also made the sound of inducing the chickens to eat in the previous life.

The colorful little snake shook its tiny tail, purple and green pupils, staring at Chen Mo in front of him, his body slowly squirming, and tentatively moving towards the front.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and placed the lotus seed in front of it.

He sniffed the lotus seed with his head, then stretched out the letter and licked it. After feeling that the smell was not bad, he was caught in his mouth.

After swallowing his abdomen, Colorful Little Snake raised his small head and made a few soft neighs at Chen Mo, with a soft tone, as if he was acting like a baby.

Chen Mo took the opportunity to stretch out his palm, and after the little snake turned around the palm twice, he climbed up.

After climbing onto the palm of his hand, the little snake rubbed Chen Mo's thumb with its head again, seeming to be greedy for the smell of lotus seeds and still want to eat it.

Chen Mo painfully fed it another one.

This time, it seemed to be full, curled up in Chen Mo's palm, and fell asleep.

At this moment, the system prompts that the task has been completed and awards are issued.

A random reward of 1600 luck points.

King's Treasure Box x1.

Open the system menu and check it out.

Name: Chen Mo

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Samsung Fighting Master

Lucky points: 6460

Fighting skills: the spear of the **** of the underworld, like a dragon, with a thousand thunder tactics.

Props: Astringent Pill, Desire Pill, Promotion Pill, King's Treasure Box x1.

Function: Treasure box lottery, shopping mall, peeping.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion.

After the secret path came out, Chen Mo quickly put the curled up colorful snake into his arms.

As for whether he will be suffocated, it is not what Chen Mo should worry about.

Go back the way you came.

After a while, Chen Mo sneaked out of the temple.

But when he first left the temple, he ran into the leaders of the eight tribes and an old man in gray robes, rushed to the temple to check Her Majesty the Queen.

"The high priest meant that Her Majesty the Queen seemed to have failed evolution, but it was not."

"Yes, Her Majesty, I have brought you up since I was young. I know that she has not fallen so easily."

Chen Mo hurriedly pressed his body behind a stone pillar, not daring to breathe.

Fortunately, with the help of the dark night, as the voice faded away, Chen Mo avoided.

However, when Chen Mo arrived in the middle of the city, he discovered that because of Medusa's failure to evolve, martial law had begun throughout the city.

There are hordes of guards patrolling inside and out.

In the middle of the city, it was much brighter than the temple, and Chen Mo was spotted by a team of guards before he walked far.

However, this is not the main thing.

The most important thing is that the city gate is about to be closed.

"Damn it, fight it."

The spear of the underworld condensed in his hand, and like a dragon, Chen Mo flew towards the city gate.


"Blow the whistle, there are intruders."

The whistle blew, and more and more patrols discovered Chen Mo.

The eight leaders who were rushing to the inside of the temple also changed their expressions when they heard the whistle.

"Could it be that those humans are back again."

The eight people rushed towards the gate of the city.

"Get out of me, stop me, die!"

The strength of the patrol team is not very strong.

Just as the door was about to close, a black spear was thrown out of Chen Mo's hand, and at the moment it was about to close, it was inserted into the crack of the door.

The figure quickly followed, and the whole body's strength gathered on the right knee.

Kneeling and kicking the door abruptly opened.

After breaking through the city gate, Chen Mo fled without hesitation.

On the other side, Yue Mei and others also rushed to the gate of the city, looking at the figure fleeing away, and shouted coldly: "Come if you want, and leave if you want. What is the place to be a snake man?"


The eight figures turned into streamers, and chased them in the direction where Chen Mo escaped.


"Huh, **** escaped, it's really exciting."

Chen Mo stopped and took a breath.

The luck point has risen from 6,460 to 6,600.

Just when he was about to open the King's Treasure Box, he wanted to see what he could get out.

With only a sigh, a large area of ​​trees to the left of Chen Mo suddenly withered.

Chen Mo turned his head and saw that a streamer was rushing towards him, and after that streamer, there were seven streamers on his heels.

Chen Mo's scalp is numb.

There are eight fighting kings to chase after him, which is too dear to me.

Without thinking about anything, he escaped again.

But how could a mere fighting master run away in front of the eight fighting kings.

Soon, Chen Mo was surrounded by groups of eight.

Time went back to a quarter of an hour ago.

The Six Elders and Furukawa and his party met.

"Sixth elders, why are you here?" Yun Yun, who was wearing a black robe, was taken aback and asked.

"What? You said Chen Mo entered the snake tribe?"

After listening to the six elders' narration, Yun Yun frowned, and a great pressure erupted from her body. After speaking, she turned around and flew towards the position of the snake-man tribe.

The few people beside him couldn't help but feel shocked. They just faced the eight chiefs of the snake-man tribe, and they didn't see her like that.

Furukawa's complexion changed, and he gave a fist to Yan Shi and Feng Li, "Two, please."


"Little guy, I am so impatient with my snake-man tribe who dare to break into my snake-man tribe, little guy?" Yuemei's red lips slightly opened, and thousands of colorful snakes came from the oasis. Everywhere, climbed out.

"Yue Mei, why do you talk so much nonsense? Let me tear this kid up." Yan Ting was grumpy, and looked like he was about to tear Chen Mo in half.

The other six tribal leaders are not good at all, and the way they want Chen Mo to die is strange and strange.

Chen Mo rolled his throat slightly and swallowed, "Well, everyone, if you have something to say, you will lose your demeanor."

"Demeanor? Can that thing be eaten?" Yan Ci didn't want to say a word of nonsense at all. He raised his sledgehammer and was about to hit Chen Mo.

"Wait, stop." At this time, Chen Mo quickly took out the colorful snake hidden in his arms and said: "Don't do it, your Queen is in my hands."

"Boy, what about fooling ghosts? Look at the hammer." Yan Ci didn't believe him at all, and the hammer fell down, but was blocked by Yue Mei.

"Yue Mei, what are you doing?"

"Yan Thorn, wait, that seems to be your Majesty the Queen."

Yue Mei has seen from an ancient book in the clan that Her Majesty the Queen is a sixth-order beast purple serpent. After evolution, she can become an ancient alien beast that can compete with the fighting sage strong, a colorful sky swallowing python.

"Its body is colorful, its pupils are slightly purple, its body is fragrant, and its power reaches the sky..." Yue Mei affirmed: "Yes, that is Her Majesty the Queen."