
Chapter 36: Queen Medusa swallowed a strange fire

"Gan, I can't swim, I can only plan on my back."

When Chen Mo plunged into the lake, he suddenly discovered the fact that he couldn't swim no matter in his previous life or in the present.

Therefore, he could only turn over, lay on his back on the lake, and "drift" with difficulty.

The lake water is extremely toxic, and strands of deep purple liquid that is imperceptible to the naked eye slowly emerge, but when encountering the thunder fire around Chen Mo's body, they are all incinerated into strands of black smoke.

With both hands as oars, his arms slid rapidly in a spiral, bringing out a water mark on his body, gradually approaching the island.

But just as Chen Mo was about to go ashore, a giant snake covered with green scales and a triangular head appeared on the lake behind Chen Mo, swimming quickly with a hideous mouth open.


The legs instantly turned into small electric motors, an unqualified snorkeling, and then climbed up to the island with rolling.

The giant snake was in awe of the island, and did not swim ashore, and could only wander continuously outside the island.

The island is not very big, but the vegetation is unusually lush.

Chen Mo could still feel the temperature of the strange fire even though it was far away.

Following the temperature of the abnormal fire, Chen Mo walked all the way, through the bamboo forest, and then bypassed a few trails. A circular open area was greeted by Chen Mo's eyes.

"Ding, you can spend 130,000 gas points to snoop when you find Qinglian's heart fire."

"Ding, there are a lot of ice cold springs found, you can spend eight thousand gas points to snoop."

"Ding, I found a Tier 6 demon, a semi-completely colorful Sky Swallowing Python, which can spend 9,999 points of luck to snoop."

The sound of the system sounded, and Chen Mogao couldn't afford it because of the high price.

"You can rest for me." Chen Mo hid behind a huge boulder and watched Queen Medusa dance on the crystal rosette.

Queen Medusa wore an expensive purple brocade robe, enclosing her graceful body, her slender and white waist was bare, and her plump and hot exquisite figure twisted with the dance, releasing seductive temptation.

Most importantly, Queen Medusa also put on a set of makeup.

Chen Mo doesn't know what this makeup is called.

But beautiful is over.

Chen Mo slapped himself fiercely, "You silly critics, you can even be tempted by snakes..."

At this time, Chen Mo discovered that in the fight, there were all kinds of beauties.

There are loli, the royal sister, the little sister next door, the princess, the queen...

It is a pity that Chen Mo is not a collector.

After the dance performance, Medusa's eyes were staring at the blue flames in the small pond, and a rare hesitation flashed on her coquettish cheeks.

But just an instant, it was firm.

Palm seals.

In the next moment, a perfect body like white jade appeared naked in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo chanted a clear heart mantra, "Do not see evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..."

But his gaze, without the slightest concealment, stared at this scene.

Old color approved.

Chen Mo was about to move somewhere, besides the instinctive reaction of being a man, there was also a kind of charm that Medusa had innately possessed.

Chen Mo suddenly envied Xiao Yan.

This kind of fun is beyond imagination.

In the end, Queen Medusa closed her hands together, and her jade hands were constantly changing with strange handprints. With the changes of the handprints, the energy of heaven and earth suddenly became irritable, forming a huge vortex over the small island and rushing straight to the top of the sky.

The body of Queen Medusa is constantly changing.

Then, a giant purple snake measuring ten feet long was standing in suspension.

This is the essence of Queen Medusa.

outside world.

Everyone looked at the energy pillar that soared to the top of the sky, full of shock.

Then, all the snake men of the snake man tribe knelt and bowed, as if performing a rigorous ceremony.

"Queen Medusa has begun to evolve." The black-robed man suspended in mid-air beyond the city wall muttered softly.

"You go back first, although this kind of evolution has no rules, but once the evolution is successful, I can't protect you." The black-robed man continued: "As for the different fire, if Medusa's evolution fails, there is a chance, I Get it back for you."

"then you..."

"I want to stay and witness this crucial moment."


Chen Mo fell silent while looking at the purple giant snake that swallowed the fire from the heart of Qinglian.

What the hell?

what happened?

Didn't the novel say that Medusa got into the fire?

Why did you swallow it?

What happened to this?

Chen Mo has many question marks.

After the purple giant snake swallowed the different fire, it quickly got into the small pool full of ice and cold springs.

Then, the screams of screams kept coming from Koike.

Chen Mo could vaguely see that the huge body of the purple snake was constantly tumbling in the small pool, and the hot temperature boiled the water in the pool, raising the energetic aura.

Then, a blue flame rose in the small pond, and in the blink of an eye, the purple giant snake was enveloped in it.

The scales of the snake fell one by one, and the red blood trickled out.

The tingling caused the purple snake's body to be twisted in a twist shape, and the strange fire wrapped around the purple snake's body.

For a moment, the huge body of the purple snake was scorched black by the fire, and the huge snake head fell into the small pool with a bang, splashing a large amount of water.

The violent energy dissipated, and the huge vortex hanging over the island disappeared, as if everything had returned to peace.

"Finally, it failed." Outside, the black robe man sighed in a low voice, ignoring the snake men who had begun to fall into despair, and flew straight away from the city.

"Your Majesty the Queen." In the city, the snakes prayed for the queen.

The violent energy disappeared, and the queen's screams disappeared, all as if to announce the failure of Queen Medusa's evolution.

Snakes are also aware that the queen may have failed evolution, but they are unwilling to believe this fact.

"No, it really failed to evolve?" Chen Mo also fell into suspicion. Queen Medusa could not have failed evolution, but she swallowed the strange fire directly in her belly, which made Chen Mo a little unsure. .

This does not follow the original plot.

Chen Mo walked towards Xiaochi. Although Queen Medusa had failed to evolve, he hoped that Qinglian's heart would still be hot.

In the small pool, the charred huge snake body was lying quietly in the pool water, and the cyan flame burning on its body also disappeared.

"Isn't it? Qinglian's heart is gone, then I'm here for nothing..." Chen Mo stared at the scene dumbfounded.

"No, if Queen Medusa fails to evolve, why didn't the system inform me that the mission failed." After a short pause, Chen Mo discovered something was wrong.


after a little while.

In the scorched huge snake body, there was a sound like an egg breaking, and small cracks appeared on the snake's body.

As the snake's body shattered, colorful rays of light dazzled from it.

When all the light disappeared, a small snake with colorful light and shadow emerged from the dark corpse.

There is no vision of heaven and earth.

Queen Medusa succeeded in this evolution.