
Chapter 34: Compensation issues

The majestic aura emanating from the fist immediately enveloped everyone, a wave of people who had never felt a strong pressure before, causing their legs to kneel down unconsciously.

"This...Is this Dou Huang?" Sha Luo didn't know that this was the strength that Dou Zong had.

The most powerful master he has ever seen is Dou Huang. As for the existence above Dou Huang, it is probably a lifetime series.

"Is the Lord Pavilion so good?" The members of Ling Yan Pavilion were stunned to his jaw.

A strange light flashed in Nalan Yanran's beautiful eyes, "Junior Brother, is this the real power you hide?"

The Six Elders, who had not shown up, seemed to have seen a ghost at this time.

Douzong, how about playing?

"Little Yanzi..."

When Xiao Ding and Xiao Li saw this scene, their expressions changed. If this horrible punch is hit, I'm afraid Xiao Yanzi...

"Ah...Save me, the captain, save me..."

Just when the two were worried about Xiao Yan, the hot lava instantly swallowed several mercenaries from the Motie Mercenary Group.

The rest of the mercenaries were stained with magma, and they were all more or less injured.

Before the fight started, the Motie Mercenary Group had suffered more than half of it.

"Brothers, why are you still in a daze? Give me a ride." Sharo shouted loudly, with an expression that he was about to beat the dog.

Lingyan Pavilion swarmed up.

On Xiao Yan's side, the suppressed Yao Lao's soul power could only use half of his strength due to the power of the idols to suppress the prison.

Just barely dodge the thunder pillar, now this powerful punch is obviously inevitable.

He could only lift the Xuanzhong Ruler and stand in front of him, hoping to use the Xuanzhong Ruler's defense to withstand part of the attack.


A figure resembling a cannonball quickly shot backwards towards the rear.

Chen Mo naturally knew the truth of killing him when he was sick. He flashed in the air and appeared above Xiao Yan. The Spear of the Underworld in his hand condensed, and the tip of the spear pointed at the location of Xiao Yan's heart. Go down.

"Little Yanzi."

"Master Xiao Yan..."

Xiao Ding, Xiao Li, and Qinglin watched this scene in panic.

"Arrogant, fight with me, and dare to be distracted." Sha Luo slashed Xiao Ding's back with a sharp knife.


"Big Brother."

There was no result on one side, and the other side was already seriously injured. Xiao Li could only gritted his teeth and rushed to help Xiao Ding.

At this extremely urgent moment.

Only a screaming sound was heard, and the tip of the spear stabbed on an energy shield that suddenly appeared.

The energy shield shattered, but the next moment, Xiao Yan's figure was also a long distance away from Chen Mo.

"Are you finally able to give it up?" Ignoring Xiao Yan, who was half dead, Chen Mo raised his head and stared at nothingness.

In the next moment, a black shadow appeared strangely from nowhere.

This is an old man wearing a black robe, standing above the void, looking at everyone condescendingly.

"Do not use external force to stay in the void, the emperor is strong." The people below took a breath.

"It's another Dou Huang." For the low-level people, it was hard to see that Chen Mo and Xiao Yan had used external forces.

Seeing that the time for the experience card was about to end, Chen Mo frowned. When he also came out of the passage, he found a Douhuang strong man hiding in the void. Originally, he was surprised who it was.

Now it seems that it must be Ling Ying.

However, didn't he only show up during the three-year agreement?

Is this because of other changes caused by his own appearance?


He has been silently protecting Xiao Yan during this period?

Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he asked, "Are you going to protect him?"

"I didn't expect that in the small Jiama Empire, there are people with outstanding talents like you." Ling Ying didn't know where the trace was leaked, and the young man had discovered herself a long time ago.

Without hiding his purpose, he nodded and said, "This kid named Xiao Yan, today I will take him away anyway."

"Just rely on you?" Chen Mo glanced at the old man contemptuously.

"As far as I know, this power does not belong to you, and it must be time-limited. Once the time limit has passed..."

In the second half of the sentence, Ling Ying didn't say that this kind of blatant threat, as an experienced person, couldn't make it.

Especially when this force has not disappeared.

"Before the statute of limitations passes, I am sure to send you to **** in advance."

Chen Mo said coldly, if you said you would protect him, wouldn't I lose face.

Chen Mo didn't immediately make a move, Ling Ying knew that the other party was about to step down.

"Let's talk about how you are willing to let people go."

"It's very simple, let him get out of the Tagore Desert, and..."


Before Chen Mo finished talking about his conditions, he was interrupted by Xiao Yan. He came here to look for a different fire and promote Fen Jue. How could he leave.

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Chen Mo's body slowly lifted into the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was at the same height as Ling Ying's body.

Before the statute of limitations was about to pass, he had to solve the old man who was getting in the way.

"Wait." Ling Ying looked at the aura that was about to spread from the opposite body, panicking, the gap between Dou Huang and Dou Zong was still quite large.

"I promised."

"very good."

Both sides ignored Xiao Yan who was yelling below.

Ling Ying continued: "What are the other conditions, let's say it together."

"It's worthy of being from the Eight Great Clans, it's the atmosphere." In order to prevent him from waiting for his time limit to go back, Chen Mo pointed out his identity and added an unnecessarily powerful force to his back.

Ling Ying's pupils shrank, how did he know his identity, guessing in his heart: "He also belongs to the Eight Great Clans? Look at the previous Lei Fa, is it from the Thunder Clan?"

Chen Mo continued: "You know, as soon as I came out of the passage, he shouted and killed him. My subordinates were seriously injured because of my involvement. So, I want some medical expenses. It shouldn't be too much. ."

Hearing this, the members of Lingyan Pavilion below who were still alive and kicking immediately lay down and yelled in pain, "No way, my hands hurt."

"My leg hurts too."

"My whole body hurts..."

Ling Ying twitched the corners of her mouth. This exaggerated acting skill, please pretend to be a bit okay.

Without worrying about them, Ling Ying's black robe flicked, and the next moment, a bunch of bottles and jars were suspended in the air in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo accepted without any kind of politeness, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yan's compensation issue has been discussed, then let's talk about his two brothers."

Ling Ying frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Just now you only said to protect Xiaoyan, and you didn't say to protect his brother. The so-called one yard is one yard, what I said is very reasonable."

Sharo understood as soon as he heard it, and fell down immediately, vomiting blood.

"Look, my capable subordinates were beaten to vomit blood."

Ling Ying had another wave of pain.

Just when he thought it was gone.

"Let's talk about the compensation issue under his brother."

Ling Ying couldn't bear it, rolled his sleeves and slipped away with Xiao Yan and his two brothers.