
Chapter 30: Ice Emperor Haibodong

The room is large, but there is only one bed.

Chen Mo is purely a kind of colorless heart and boldness, but if you are bolder, maybe Yun Yun has already taken a long vacation in October.

"You sleep on the bed, I hit the floor." Chen Mo suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

Nalan hummed sweetly like a mosquito.

Since Chen Mo opened this room, she didn't refuse to follow, and she had anticipated in her heart what would happen tonight.

"Would you like to drink some wine before going to sleep?" Chen Mo had already laid the ground floor, took out from Na Jie and bought a pot of wine in the Black Rock City restaurant, and said.

"Okay...Okay." Nalan Yan suddenly, is this going to begin?

There was a set of drinking utensils in the room. Chen Mo poured a glass for Nalan Yanran. The latter did not refuse. She was overwhelmed with alcohol. After a few sips, her cheeks turned red.

Nalan Yanran picked up the wine glass and gently squeezed the wine glass. It was so touching. Looking at the face of Qianli who was close at hand, the flame that had been suppressed in Chen Mo's heart rose again.

Nalan Yanran quickly noticed the look in Chen Mo's eyes. The naked gaze made her feel frightened. Although she had already thought about what would happen, she became unstable again at this critical moment.

A cool breeze blew in through the window, the candle flickered, and the wine in the jug quickly reached the bottom.

The so-called wine brave men.

Looking at Nalan Yanran's delicate and delicious red lips, Chen Mo's head stuck on it uncontrollably.

Soon, I heard Nalan Yanran's feeble scream, turning into a whimper, and her mouth seemed to be blocked by something...

On the second day, the afterglow of the early morning had just spread to the ground, and Chen Mo helped Nalan Yanran, who had sprained her foot, out of the restaurant early.

Chen Mo couldn't think of it, didn't he just kiss her mouth, why did she sprain her ankle?

It made it difficult for the following things to proceed.

What a sin.

The boss who opened a house to Chen Mo and Chen Mo last night saw this scene and exclaimed: "The current youngsters can really play."

Because Nalan Yanran sprained her foot, she could only ride a blue-beaked eagle with Chen Mo, and the remaining blue-beaked eagle followed behind.

The former bears weight that should not be carried at this age.

For Nalan Yanran's safety, to prevent her from falling in the air, Chen Mo hugged her slender waist, really not to take advantage of her.

Nalan Yanran struggled for a while, seeing that she didn't break free, she turned her head and glared at Chen Mo, her eyes seemed to say something more, be honest with your hands.

However, he didn't struggle anymore, leaving Chen Mo's arms around him, unconsciously, he remembered what happened last night, his face flushed.

The speed of the Green Beak Eagle was really fast, and it arrived in this city close to the Tagore Desert in about two and a half days.


Due to the proximity to the desert, the weather here is relatively dry and hot, and the whole city seems to be in an oven, making the two people who came to Mocheng for the first time extremely uncomfortable.

When they came to the gate of the city, they didn't know if they were not wearing the robes of the Yunlanzong disciple, or because Mocheng was already heavily guarded, the two accepted meticulous cross-examination.

After paying the expensive entrance tax, the guards put the two into the city.

the other side.

Snake people tribe.

The leaders of the Eight Snake People tribe gathered in a luxurious hall.

"Yue Mei, what happened? Asked you to issue three commandments in a row? Those humans are very strong?" Mobas said.

"One Douwang, three Douwang, and four Doulings. I ran into them last night. They were very strong..." Yue Mei sighed lightly, straightened her waist, and said: "I ran away. ."

"Humans have gathered so many powerful men, what do they want to do? Do you want to go to war with my snake tribe?" Mobas said with a solemn expression.

"Listening to them, it seems to be looking for Her Majesty the Queen."


"I notified Her Majesty the Queen, and then let me notify you."

"What should we do now?"

"Deploy precautions first."

"Ancient map, should it be here, right?" Chen Mo was not sure about finding the door to the largest map shop in the city.

With a little uncertainty, the two slowly walked into the shop. There were not many people in the shop, and they were deserted.

Chen Mo looked for the owner of this shop for the first time, the former top ten powerhouse, Ice Emperor Haibodong.

It was not difficult to find, and soon Chen Mo stopped his gaze behind the counter, dressed in a sea-blue robe, and was putting the picture scroll on the old man.

According to the description in the novel, the ice emperor Haibodong was hit by Queen Medusa's snake seal, his body was rapidly aging, and even his strength was sealed to the level of fighting spirits.

Chen Mo looked at it carefully, and even Nalan Yanran, who was scanning the environment inside the shop curiously, also looked over.

"What's so good about a bad old man."

"What's the matter with you?" Haibodong noticed that the gaze stayed on him, did not leave, obviously not the person who came to buy the map, and said without looking back.

"I'm sure, who are you on earth?" Chen Mo's fingers lightly tapped on the counter.

Hai Bodong paused with his hand in sorting out the map, then turned his head, his muddy eyes glanced at Chen Mo, and after confirming that he hadn't seen it before, he replied: "I'm afraid you have found it wrong."

After speaking, Nalan Yanran walked over when she was about to turn her back to organize the map.

"It's the aura on this girl's body that makes me feel a touch of familiarity." Haibodong said.

"Old man, do you know me?"

"It's a bit familiar, and maybe the old man's eyes are dim and misunderstood." Haibodong felt that the fire poison in his body was about to break out, and became a little impatient. leave."

"Junior Brother, who are you looking for?" Nalan Yanran poked Chen Mo's waist with her finger, leaned in his ear, and whispered.

"You will know soon." Chen Mo smiled and said to Haibodong, "Really? The former top ten, Ice Emperor Haibodong, really isn't here?"


As soon as the voice fell, the icy air quickly filled the shop, and the faint mist also blocked Chen Mo's sight.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, thunder rose in his hand, incinerating the faint mist in front of him, and immediately said without hesitation: "It seems that I did not find the wrong thing. The old gentleman is the former ice emperor Haibodong."

Nalan Yanran was shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly sacrificed a long sword from Najie to prepare for the battle.

This is the existence of a city frozen by one person.

"who are you?"

Hai Bodong's body was covered with floating ice crystals. Just waiting for his thoughts, the ice crystals would fly out, instantly piercing Chen Mo into holes.

"Chen Mo." Chen Mo said lightly.

"Chen Mo?" Seeing the ice fog in the shop was incinerated by the strange flame in the young man's hand, Hai Bodong frowned, and immediately said coldly, "I don't care who you are, old man? Leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."