
Chapter 3: Make a quick breakthrough and advance to the master

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Night is coming!

Outside the cave, the roars of various monsters were mixed and continuous.

In the cave, the lone man and the widow were in the same room, separated by a flame, the two sat face to face, and no one spoke, but their hearts were not at peace.


A spark ejected from the flames, Yun Yun dusted his clothes, and said first: "Anyway, thank you!"

"A little effort." Chen Mo slightly touched his head embarrassedly. Can I tell you that I saved you with a purpose, and casually said: "Are you hurt better?"

Yun Yun scratched the hair on her face, frowned and sighed slightly: "The trauma is not a major problem, but the seal on her body may take several days to untie."



"I said there is nothing serious. I will hide here for this period of time. They will not find out so soon after the seal is lifted." Chen Mo wiped the sweat on his forehead, almost exposed.

"Are you hot?" asked the boy as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Ah, a bit." Chen Mo turned the subject away: "You...you don't have any other clothes in the ring?"

Yun Yun's plain skirt was broken, and Chen Mo only had one set of clothes, not that kind of robe, but a relatively tight-fitting martial artist's suit.

Therefore, until now, Yun Yun is still wearing that broken plain skirt. The exquisite body with the bumps and the looming white skin is really a crime.

It's okay not to say it. When they said that, the two fell silent again, Yun Yun's face showed a blush, and after a long time, she whispered: "No."

She didn't expect this to happen.

"If you don't mind..." Chen Mo untied his upper body and handed it to Yun Yun, "wear mine first."

Yun Yun was stunned, her beautiful eyes staring at the juvenile samurai uniform, and then her gaze moved to the juvenile's sturdy body, as if remembering something, the blush that hadn't dissipated on her face became more vivid.

"Thank you!" After hesitating for a while, Yun Yun still took it.

Putting it on her body, smelling the bursts of smell belonging to Chen Mo made Yun Yun shy. With a dry cough, he smiled and said: "You are so courageous. With the strength of the fighter, you dare to enter the inside of the Warcraft Mountains."

"What's this, I'm bolder than you imagined." Chen Mo thought like this, his greedy eyes swept across Yun Yun's body with a cover, and the actor possessed himself and said: "A journey of cultivation, Ben It's fighting against the sky and the earth. If you don't even have the courage, how can you talk about seeking the pinnacle of martial arts."

At this moment, a sudden momentum radiated from Chen Mo's body.

Yun Yun opened her mouth, a little stunned, her beautiful eyes flickered a few times, and she strangely believed in this young boy who was much younger than herself.

Yun Yun said: "By the way, your name?"

"Chen Mo." This name is unfamiliar to this world, and Chen Mo did not intend to conceal or make up a name.

As he said, Chen Mo added firewood, "How about you?"


"Yunzhi?" Chen Mo had a meal with firewood's hand. If I hadn't read a novel, I would almost believe you.

The firewood was thrown into the fire, making a crackling noise. Chen Mo clapped his hands, "Good name."

Yun Yun was a little guilty at first, but seeing Chen Mo didn't doubt it, this guilty conscience gradually dissipated.

The short conversation ended so slowly, Chen Mo sighed, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and my generation still needs to work hard!

Without the addition of firewood, the flames gradually diminished. Chen Mo closed his eyes, his whole body was in a meditative state, and his consciousness was immersed in this god-level exercise.

The idols are in prison.

Why is there only Kunou?

According to the mantra of the exercise method, "Enlighten the spirit with qi, form the image with the god...at one thought." Judging from it, this is correct!

It is indeed from the Holy King,

The castrated version?

According to the description, it is only the first level, which is equivalent to the intermediate level of the profound level of this world.

The second level is the Xuan-level advanced.

The third level reached the elementary level.

The fourth level reached the intermediate level.


The eighth level is the advanced level.

The ninth level is undoubtedly the emperor rank.

In other words, just the third stage of Shenxiang Prison Power, it killed all the techniques of this novice village in a flash.

If there were no castrated idols, there were 22 levels in total, what kind of situation would it be.

It's against the sky!


His current cultivation base is already the pinnacle of the Nine Star Fighters.

This is after opening the novice gift package, the system forcibly perfuses the energy in the body without any side effects.

In addition, the novice spree also washed his muscles and marrow for him once, and made him several years younger. He is now sixteen years old.

In that case, I will be promoted to the Fighting Master tonight!

Chen Mo can enlighten the image of the jailer.

"The human body is made up of 840 million particles. The particles are first transformed into giant elephants, and all of them are awakened to be comparable to idols. If each particle is cultivated into an idol, it will tear the sky and the earth and the stars will fall."

"In the initial practice, following the concept that the human body is composed of 840 million particles, it opens up the power of the human body's giant particles. Soon after, a keratinous membrane appears in the cortex, which can absorb most of the energy and use it for its own use."

In the lower abdomen, the cyclone revolved rapidly, and the surrounding vindictive energy surged into Chen Mo's body with the rotation of the cyclone, passing through the veins, and then blending into the cyclone.

After circulating for hundreds of weeks, Chen Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, between heaven and earth.

The incomparably majestic energies of heaven and earth rushed into the cave suddenly, and then all of the brain rushed into Chen Mo's body.

If you look closely, these energies still contain tiny Razers.

The sudden change caused Yun Yun, who was secretly looking at Chen Mo, to be stunned.

It's a breakthrough!

"It's just that this mighty world energy, I'm afraid Dou Ling won't be able to reach it."

Immediately, Yun Yun frowned tightly. This strange change would naturally attract the group of monsters who were searching for her.

It's dangerous.

Chen Mo also discovered this problem.

It seems to have to speed up.

He put the idols in prison for the first time to the extreme.

The whole body is like a huge black hole, continuously devouring the surrounding energy.

"Chen Mo, stop now, this will damage your foundation." Yun Yun discouraged.

With such a fast swallowing speed, it is too late for the energy to be absorbed into the body. Instead, the veins will be blocked by the impurities contained in the energy. If it is exaggerated, it will even explode.

Another cave not far from this cave.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes when he was cultivating, "Teacher, what's the matter? How can the energy of the world flow toward a place."

Elder Yao flew out from the ring, looked at that place, and whispered: "Someone is going to break through Dou Ling, and I'm promoted to Dou Wang!"

"King Dou!" Xiao Yan looked yearning.

"Boom!" Old Yao knocked Xiao Yan on the head and said with a smile: "You kid, you have a teacher, are you afraid that you won't be able to reach King Dou?"

"The teacher is right, my eyelids are shallow." Xiao Yan touched his head and smiled.


"What's the matter, teacher?"

"What a violent energy, that person has broken through successfully!"

"So fast!"

"This also surprised the teacher!"

"You, what are you doing?" Chen Mo's body was suddenly picked up, and his head plunged into Chen Mo's arms before he could react, especially when a sensitive location was touched, which made Yun Yun panic.

"Hurry up, this position is exposed." Before he could explain, Chen Mo rushed out of the cave with Yun Yun in his arms.