
Chapter 29: Destroying the bookstore, another source of luck

"You...what do you want to do? Come... come, the Yun Lanzong disciple hit someone." The man yelled in panic.

Although this street was relatively deserted, the man's shouting still attracted many people. Everyone looked at the book in the man's hand, and then looked at the disciple of Yun Lanzong who was blocking the man.

For a time, I understood something.

What's more, in this world where the power is respected, it's just a fight against an individual. Even if a man is killed, because the opponent is a disciple of the Yun Lanzong, the government will not hold it.

"I'm afraid that the person is over, doing this kind of marginal business, this time I finally met the righteous master."

"I don't know how the two people are related to Chen Mo in the book. If the relationship is good, he will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die."

Hearing the whispers from the crowd, Chen Mo seemed to understand something. He grabbed the man's robe and lifted him up as he was about to **** the book in his hand.

An illustrated picture fell out of the book.

It is an illustration that Zhang is not suitable for children. The boys and girls on the painting are very strange.

But after Chen Mo finished reading the contents of the book, his gloomy face looked like a volcanic eruption.


A vigorous fighting spirit rushed out of Chen Mo's body, a tyrannical aura exuded, and when he punched down, the man's figure shot directly backwards.

"Say, where did you come from these books?" Chen Mo approached step by step, cracks appeared on the bluestone slab under his feet.

"Junior brother..." Nalan Yanran didn't know why Chen Mo was suddenly so angry. She picked up the book on the ground and glanced at it. In an instant, a red cloud covered her face. Thinking of the volume of the book, her face gradually became cold. .

"Junior Brother, let me come."

In Jade's hand, a delicate ring flashed light, and the next moment, a pale blue strange long sword appeared in Nalan Yanran's hands. .

"Both of them are strong masters."

"Such a young fighting master must have a low status in Yunlanzong. If this is the case, you should know Chen Mo and so on."

"I'm too courageous. I heard that the heroine in the book is still the young master of Yunlanzong. This is about the face of Yunlanzong."

In the crowd, you and me, made Chen Mo's anger even more boiling. Depending on the situation, the spread seemed to be quite widespread.

Seeing the two approaching gradually, the man who was severely injured by a punch just now knelt down and begged for mercy, "My lord, forgive me, forgive me. "

"You mean, you got your book from the bookstore?"

"Yeah, I think about this kind of book, a lot of them are printed in the bookstore, and then handed over to people like us, secretly sold." The man did not dare to conceal it, and explained it word by word.

"Very...a lot." Nalan Yanran's teeth clenched tightly, and the long sword in her hand was slashing at any time.

"Where is the bookstore?" The anger in Chen Mo's eyes was about to explode at any time.

"In...outside the city."

"lead the way."

Out of the city, two blue-beaked eagles rushed into the clouds instantly.

Outside the city.

In a hidden valley.

In the bamboo house with a relatively large area, more than a dozen people are busy with their work in an orderly manner, and the floor is full of printed books.

A middle-aged man wearing a monocular blindfold with a rough figure and nicknamed Cyclops ordered: "Recently, the popularity of Chen Mo's affairs has gradually decreased. When this batch is printed, this production line can be stopped. Recently, the government The search is too strict, we have to..."


Before the words were over, the bamboo gate was shattered by a sword light.

Chen Mo carried the bloodless man and rushed in with Nalan Yanran.

"It's over, it's over." The man who originally thought that he could live by confessing his base camp, did not expect that this man and woman would turn out to be the man and woman in the book.

Throwing the man on the ground, Chen Mo scanned the dazzling array of books on the ground, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Senior Sister, don't show mercy under your hand." The black spear in his hand condensed, and Chen Mo took the lead to kill.

"Wang Cheng..." single-eyed at the man who was thrown on the ground, "they?"

"Boss, the two of them are Chen Mo and Nalan Yanran."

Hearing this, the one-eyed complexion changed and he was about to drive away. Chen Mo, with blood stains on his face, appeared in front of him as a scream sounded.

"Are you the owner of the bookstore?"


"I ask you, besides you have printed this kind of book here, are there any other bookstores that also print it?"

"I...I don't..." One-eyed was about to say that he didn't know, he really didn't know, but seeing Chen Mo's gloomy face, he immediately said: "I know, just... as long as you let it go... ."

The words were still on the lips, only to hear a scream, and the spear slashed.

The middle-aged man has one-eyed eyes, and there is no sound anymore.

"If you ask, you don't have to ask, let's get on the road early."

In the bamboo house, the one with the highest cultivation level is only the one-eyed boss, the three-star battle master.

For the two, it didn't take much effort at all.

Chen Mo saw that Nalan Yanran had finished cleaning up there, and did not even look at the man on the ground who was begging. He squeezed, and thunder rose on his palm.

Immediately afterwards, along with thick white smoke, the bamboo house in the valley was shrouded in flames.

In the dense forests.

By the side of a pool, the two of them removed the blood from their bodies and put on a new robe.

"They deserve to die." Nalan Yanran gritted her silver teeth and cursed.

She had heard of this kind of book before, but it happened to others, but now she has become the protagonist, and she can imagine her mood.

Chen Mo's expression was calm, but his mood was difficult to calm down, because after he killed those people, his luck point rose from 40 to 160.

The one-eyed one of the three-star Doushi provided him with a hundred luck points.

what is this?

Another source of luck points?


Black Rock City.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"The eastern border of the empire, a city near the Tagor Desert."

"The Tagore Desert." The woman wrote a few pens on the ticket made by Warcraft Skin, and when she handed it to Xiao Yan, she acted, "My lord, are you a pharmacist?"

"Well, there is a problem?" Xiao Yan frowned.

"No, no, it's just that in accordance with the rules of the empire, the alchemist can enjoy flying for free, and can take the alchemist's special flying mount."

"There is such a benefit?"

Xiao Yan boarded the flying beast, and soon, accompanied by a loud scream, the flying beast flapped its wings and flew out towards the eastern part of the empire.

the other side.

As the sky grew more and more, Chen Mo and Chen Mo also arrived in the city where they were going to spend the night tonight.

Hee Town.

In a luxurious restaurant.

"What, there is only one room left?"

"Well, the other rooms are full, only this one is left, do you want it?"

"Yes, just one, let's open it."