
Chapter 28: Gradually approaching the truth of the matter

Black Rock City.

This is the city that Chen Mo has come to for the first time since he came to this world, and its scale is more majestic than Chen Mo imagined.

According to the map information, this city named Black Rock City can be among the best among all the large cities in the Gama Empire.

Chen Mo's purpose here is to take a short rest and let the Blue Beak Eagle recover his body before setting off.

No flights are allowed over Black Rock City.

The two controlled the blue-beaked eagle to fly straight down and landed at the gate of the city.

"It's a blue-beaked eagle."

"Yunyun Yinjian, these two are disciples of the Yunlan Sect."

The arrival of the two made the already noisy crowd even more lively, and everyone looked at them enviously.

The behemoth Yunlanzong has already planted a shadow in the hearts of the people of the Jiama Empire.

After paying the tax at the gate of the city, he was released smoothly.

Chen Mo was wearing a white disciple robe, his figure was tall and straight, his face was carved like a sculpted face, and his angular face was beautifully handsome, leading the green beaked eagle to walk in front of him.

Nalan Yanran, who followed closely behind, wore a set of tight-fitting disciple robes, soft and delicate, delicate and pleasant, and graceful steps, which made people have a kind of pleasing beauty.

Good-looking men and pretty women.

The two walked together, like a couple of gods and goddesses, and their identity as a disciple of the Yunlanzong frequently attracted the attention of pedestrians.

"Sister, let's find a restaurant to have a meal first, and take a rest before leaving." While it was still early, Chen Mo didn't plan to spend the night here, but to replenish a bit of his body and rush to the next city.

Nalan Yanran nodded. Although the Tagore Desert made her feel a little dangerous, being with Chen Mo made her happy.

The cries and shouts on both sides of the street, the crowds at the street stalls, and many new things like marquees, came into Chen Mo's eyes.

Strange cities, strange streets, strangers.

At this time, he actually felt a sense of loneliness in his heart.

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, what are you thinking about Chen Mo? Anyway, you were an orphan in your previous life. What's the difference between the two worlds for you?"

Chen Mo laughed at himself, sniffing the faint scent of Nalan Yanran around him, letting him understand that the most important thing is to grasp what is in front of him.

Chen Mo stopped when he passed a stall selling jewelry.

Chen Mo pointed to a light blue hosta with a phoenix pattern on it and asked, "Boss, how do you sell this hairpin?"

The boss is a middle-aged man who looks very responsible. He raised his head and glanced at the dressing of the two of them. He knew it was not easy to mess with, and he did not make a random price. Gold coins are fine."

He promptly threw out a small bag of gold coins, and Chen Mo brought it to Nalan Yanran without saying a word.

Nalan Yanran was stunned, and a blush rose rapidly on Qiao's face, staring blankly at Chen Mo tearing the jade hairpin into her hair.

"It's beautiful," Chen Mo praised.

"This hosta is really worthy of this young lady." The boss said just right.

Chen Mo's praise made Nalan Yanran feel happy, and stretched out her jade hand to touch the hosta on her head. Although this hosta is not as expensive as any of her own, in her heart, this hosta is more than all her previous hosta. The value added together.

At the same time, Nalan Yanran also thought about it elsewhere, "Junior Brother gave me a hosta, what does he mean? Will he like me too?"

Chen Mo didn't know that she thought so much for a while. She was nothing more than a whim. If she wasn't by her side, Chen Mo would want to buy two more so that she could give it to others.

On the way to the restaurant, there was an episode, that is, when passing a relatively deserted street, a man who was selling books in the corner saw the two appear, like frightened rabbits, and hurriedly packed his things and left.


At the climax of the story, the storyteller gave an allegro in his hands, looking like he saw a ghost, and he couldn't tell it anymore.

The upright guests in the restaurant shouted, "What happened to the storyteller? What happened to the kid?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? You just continue to talk about it, the master is not bad for your storytelling money."

The fascinated restaurant shopkeeper who was listening, heard someone knock on the counter, turned his head to look, and looked like a storyteller, and said very nervously: "Two...two, staying in...store or eating."

At the same time in my heart: "It's over, it's over, I really fell into the eyes of money."

Thinking of the recent incidents involving Chen Mo, he went to a bookstore that was not officially registered with the empire, bought a popular fan book, and hired a famous storyteller to talk about it.

The first two days were okay, but what I said today is a bit involved.

Even if it involves h, someone from the Yunlan Sect came here today.

"Serve two signature dishes and a pot of good wine. There are two blue-beaked eagles outside, ready to eat and serve them." Chen Mo threw out a bag of gold coins and looked at the shopkeeper strangely. Is he so scary?


Chen Mo found an empty place to sit down, and when they passed the storyteller, their whole person was like a puddle of mud, and they spread directly down.

At this time, the guests finally realized something.

"Yunyun Yinjian is a disciple of Yunlanzong."

"From the perspective of their dressing, body and temperament, it seems that their status in the Yunlanzong is not low."

Inside the restaurant, whispered.

Fortunately, most people don't know what Chen Mo looks like. If they knew that the two of them at this time were the words of the protagonist in the story, there would be no one in the restaurant.

Secretly arranged and even thought of the disciple of Yin Yunlanzong, tut tut...

"Is the Yunlanzong's reputation in the outside world not good?"

"Very good, every admission season, there are many people signing up."

"That's weird, how come they see us are the same as seeing ghosts."

When the two were curious, Xiao Er walked up tremblingly with a jug of wine, hurriedly put down the jug and just wanted to leave, Chen Mo grabbed his arm.

"Gong... Son, when do you tell me...?" Some of the little ones couldn't stand up straight.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

Mr. Storyteller has packed his things and is ready to slip away.

"I asked you, what happened here just now? Also, why are you so afraid of me?" Chen Mo lied.

Of course Xiao Er didn't dare to tell the truth, who could only answer two sentences perfunctorily.

Chen Mo is not a villain after all. Without evidence, he can't force others to tell why.

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't ask any more, everyone was relieved.

After taking a break and leaving the restaurant.

Chen Mo saw the book seller in that deserted street again.

When the man saw Chen Mo, he strayed again.

This time, Chen Mo didn't let him run away.

If the body wanders the dragon body technique, it appears in front of the man in a blink of an eye.

Chen Mo and Nalan Yanran went one after another, blocking him in the middle of the street.