
Chapter 27: Set off

Yun Yun's stern shout shocked Nalan Yanran, she hadn't seen the solemn expression of the teacher for a long time.

"Teacher, is it dangerous?" Nalan Yanran asked instead.

Yun Yun did not answer directly, but said: "If it goes well, you will be back soon."

Nalan Yanran didn't ask any more.

Chen Mo, who knew the end of the matter, did not ask.

Only when this thing goes smoothly can there be ghosts.

The snake-man tribe is not easy to mess with.

"Presumably you are very tired. Go back and rest." Yun Yun turned her back, a sad look appeared on her face.

Chen Mo took the lead to leave.

Nalan Yanran has been living with Yun Yun these days, in the main hall, but now listening to the meaning, it is obvious that she is going to live there.

Leaving the main hall, Nalan Yanran looked at the figure about to close the door of the side hall.

Nalan Yanran's face changed, and she almost forgot the important thing.

"Senior Sister Nalan, are you?" Looking at Nalan Yanran who had already stepped into the hall, Chen Mo thought with a squint in his heart: "Is it not destined to be peaceful tonight..."

"Tomorrow? Such a coincidence?"

Chen Mo looked embarrassed when Nalan Yanran told her to be a guest at her house tomorrow.

If he didn't release the task just now, he agreed, and he also wanted to go to the imperial capital.

But the mission has been released. Of course, you have to complete the mission first. The journey to the Snake Man Tribe can be a long journey.

Chen Mo assured that he was definitely not about to be moved because of Queen Medusa.

"Senior Sister Nalan, can you change the day."

"If you have something tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be fine." Nalan Yanran said very considerately.

"Uh, this, there will be the day after tomorrow..." Well, Chen Mo said honestly: "I'm going to do something very urgent, and it will take a long time, so..."

Nalan Yanran understood, but still didn't give up: "Can I go?"


"I see." Nalan Yanran turned around in disappointment, "I wish Junior Brother all the best."

Looking at Nalan Yanran's lost back and gradually moving away, Chen Mo was finally lustful, bah, couldn't bear it, and stopped Nalan Yanran.

"Senior Sister Nalan, if you are not tired, you will gather in the alchemy room tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Chen Mo regretted it and wished to slap himself.

Asked and answered in my heart.

"You already have Sister Yun Yun, why go to provoke Senior Sister Nalan."

"Senior Sister Nalan is so fragrant."

"Do you want to pedal two boats?"

"Not two..."

"It's not too tired, I'll go back and pack my things." Nalan Yanran left happily.

Early the next morning.

When Chen Mo got up, Yun Yun was no longer in the main hall.

Came to the alchemy room.

Sure enough, Furukawa was no longer there.

He packed up a lot of medicines for healing and restoring grudge. As soon as he came out, he met Nalan Yanran who came to gather, and Liu Ling who came to the alchemy room to refine the alchemy.

Nalan Yanran was dressed differently in normal times. She was wearing a tight-fitting disciple robe, her black hair was pulled up and **** on her temples, her eyes were watery, but because Liu Ling was on the side, she was slightly cold.

At this time, she had the temperament of a ranger.

As for Liu Ling, he still wears a robes of an apothecary. He can't bear to change this robes with identity characteristics.

Seeing Chen Mo, their expressions changed in opposite directions.

"Senior brother, early!" Politely greeted Liu Ling, and immediately said to Nalan Yanran: "Senior sister, let's go."

"Yeah." The girl said with a smile.

"Where are you going?"

Both of them did not answer, and left the alchemy room in parallel.

In order to deceive others, Chen Mo deliberately went to the mission hall to receive a mission with just the right degree of difficulty.

But because the two were so famous, they were soon surrounded by a large number of disciples, clamoring to go together.

After finally getting rid of it, when he was about to leave the sect, he was stopped by a deacon.

For some disciples with extraordinary talents, the elder group specially ordered the following, these disciples should report when they leave the sect.

After the report was completed, the deacon let the two of them leave.

At the same time, the Hall of the Elders.

"What? Chen Mo and Yanran left the sect together?"

"Well, before they left, they went to the mission hall to receive a mission to collect a Tier 4 herb."


"Elder, what should I do?"

"Send the sixth child to follow and protect them secretly."

Below Yunlanzong Mountain, there is a vast dense forest, and at a glance, it is the lush green that can't see the end.

Above the forest sea is the blue sky. At this moment, above the empty sky, two huge figures are flashing quickly.

Green-beaked eagle.

A flying beast raised by Yun Lanzong. This kind of beast is not big and can only take one or two people on one end. It has a mild temper and extremely fast speed. However, it costs too much to raise this kind of beast and has a short flight resistance time. Only those big sects with rich wealth would use this kind of beast as a sect transportation team.

The two blue-beaked eagles flew over the vast forest sea in less than half an hour.

The journey from Yunlanzong to the Tagore Desert takes two days.

But because the blue-beaked eagle is not able to fly, it needs at least two rests in the middle to replenish its physical strength. Therefore, if the speed is fast, it will also take three days.

The Tagore Desert is on the eastern border of the empire, and Chen Mo's first stop is the city named Black Rock City on the eastern line.

The two took the green beak eagle all the way to the east. Nalan Yanran only discovered the problem and asked, "Isn't the deserted city in the north of the empire? Why are we going to the east?"

"That mission is just a cover. Our real destination is the Tagore Desert."

"The Tagore Desert, isn't that the territory of the Snake Man Tribe? Junior Brother, aren't you going to enter the Snake Man Tribe's territory?"

"Hmm..." Chen Mo replied vaguely, but said in his heart, not just to enter the territory of the snake-man tribe, but to go deep into their base camp, and then bring out their queen.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran frowned. She originally thought she was out for a tour of the mountains and water, but now, maybe her life is in danger.

She worried: "Junior brother, why didn't you say earlier that you have to apply for the elders of the sect to go with you in this situation."

As soon as the words were spoken, Nalan Yanran regretted it. Since he took the task and did not go in the direction of the task, he obviously didn't want people to know it.

If you ask yourself this, isn't it obvious that you have no brains.

Chen Mo smiled without answering.

And this kind of acquiescence, Nalan Yanran collapsed the most.

The identity of the Yunlanzong disciple is quite useful in the middle of the empire, at least halfway through a few waves of people with a higher cultivation base, and when they saw the Yunlanzong disciple robes worn by the two, they didn't come up to make trouble.

But when it was near the border of the empire, it was completely different. The place was remote, the jurisdiction was lax, and the identity of the disciple of the Yun Lanzong was just a big fat fish in the eyes of the people over there.

Of course, it's not absolute. Those who have a large sphere of influence still have to give Yun Lanzong a few facets on the bright side.