
Chapter 25: Chen Mo is famous again

"Who is Chen Mo, is he as good as he said?" In a corner of the restaurant, the little doctor said in a low voice, holding on to his cheek.

"Despicable and shameless person, what this storyteller said is nothing but nonsense." Xiao Yan said angrily. If it weren't for the crowds here, he would smash the table in front of him when he heard Chen Mo's name.

"Mr. Storyteller's words are really exaggerated. Although the kid is acting weird, he is far from being so exaggerated." Yao Lao said secretly.

"Do you know him?" Little Doctor Immortal asked.

"I met him in the Warcraft Mountains before, but unfortunately I didn't fight him." Xiao Yan held his wrist, with a trace of regret: "It's only been a few days, and the strength will definitely not be so exaggerated."

Xiao Yan naturally wouldn't tell the little doctor immortal that he had fallen into the field.

How clever the little doctor is. From the way Xiao Yan gritted his teeth just now, he heard that there must have been a conflict between the two.

But Xiao Yan didn't say, she wouldn't be so stupid to ask, but bitterly said something to Xiao Yan, "Well, then he is definitely not a good person."

Xiao Yan did not continue this topic, stood up, and walked towards the old man who was counting money with cramps.

"Give me a notebook."

"Three gold coins."

In one room, the two of them looked blushing, this is really a notebook.

"This bookstore is so bold, I'm not afraid to anger Yun Lanzong." Looking at the book with illustrations, Xiao Yixian blushed and quickly turned his face away.

"These are all made by small workshops. The empire government has also severely cracked down on the princess's affairs, but the ban has not stopped, but the ban has become more and more popular. But it also has a certain effect. Larger towns are definitely not bought. Only..."

Xiao Yan came slowly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian looked at him with a weird face, "How do you understand so clearly?"

"Well, cough, haven't you seen a pig run without eating pork?" Xiao Yan said with a slight embarrassment, "I heard it."

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

Yun Lanzong,

In the middle of the night, a purple thunder and lightning broke through the clouds. Accompanied by violent wind and rain, it smashed into the sky above Yunlan Mountain. The light produced made the entire Yunlan Mountain seem like daylight.

The disciple's residence.

The disciples covered their ears and complained incomparably: "Here again, this **** thunder and lightning is coming again, do you know how I spent these nights?"

"Since the day it rained, the thunder and lightning has not been interrupted. What's the matter with this weather?"


Another purple thunder and lightning struck.

Many elders walked out of the palace and looked at the back mountain of Yunlanzong.

The light flashed by in this short period of time.

The elders can see.

On the back mountain, a weird-shaped, tattered bamboo card was suspended in mid-air, crumbling.

Under the sign, there is a long rope, and under the rope, a figure sitting crosswise and unable to see his face is tied.

Not long in between, another lightning bolt, accompanied by fierce wind and rain and deafening thunder, struck the crumbling sign like the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, everyone clearly saw that the thunder and lightning followed the rope under the card and passed into the body of the figure.

A terrifying electric current flickered in that figure, and as the body twitched, everyone even saw the distribution of its bones throughout the body.

"Oh my God, who is this? It's actually practicing with the help of thunder and lightning."

"It looks familiar, isn't it Chen Mo?"

"It's him." Yun Leng was affirmed in the uncertain eyes of several white-robed elders.


The other elders looked shocked, and they had never heard of this kind of training method that was struck by lightning.

Above the huge boulders in the back mountain.

Three days of lightning strike practice.

Master Chen Mo has gradually adapted to this kind of thunder and lightning.

Sure enough, the step of the idol's jailbreaking force had to be struck by lightning.

Crazy lightning entered his body, cutting his flesh and bones like a knife, but Chen Mokang came down.

The anti-riot energy transformed by thunder and lightning flows through his muscles, bones, and meridians, and finally turns into a whirlpool, gathering in his lower abdomen cyclone.


The sound of an egg cracking spread out from Chen Mo's body. The two particles awakened one after another, and the power of the two giant elephants was added. The vindictive energy around Chen Moqi poured into his body like crazy.

Chen Mo's momentum is rising steadily. If someone with a strong soul is watching at this time, you can see that the electric current vortex at Chen Mo's cyclone has turned into a violent thunder giant elephant, hissing long in his cyclone.


Lightning continued to smash down, and the simple kite made by Chen Mo had reached the edge of fragmentation. At this time, it happened to be nothing.

Lei Guangzhao reflected the shocked faces of the elders.

In their stunned gaze, Chen Mo's cultivation base broke through from the Second Star Fighter to the Three Star Fighter, and gradually climbed, until the peak of the Three Star Fighter was stopped.

Yun Leng no longer knew what to say.

Because Yun Leng's shock at this time can no longer be expressed in words.

"You guy, don't you know how to keep a low profile?"

Yun Yun appeared long ago, she took Nalan Yanran, and the two stood in the air, protected by the light blue wings behind her, and the fierce wind and rain couldn't get close to them.

Just under the silent gaze of the two, two sounds of breaking the wind sounded, and two figures suddenly appeared behind Yun Yun and on the roof of the palace.

The visitor was King Pill Gu He, and immediately behind him was Liu Ling, who had just returned from the Imperial Capital after completing the third-rank alchemist exam.

Wearing a robe of a pharmacist, Liu Ling is quite young and looks only twenty-two. His deep gaze first glanced at the back mountain where thunder continued to sound, and then looked at Nalan Yanran, smiling with her soft voice. Said: "Long time no see, Yan Ran."

Upon hearing the movement, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran looked back at them.

The former nodded for a moment, and then returned his gaze to the back mountain. The latter glanced at the badge worn on Liu Ling's robe, and after saying something congratulations on becoming a third-tier alchemist, he also looked at it. Take it back.

Liu Ling was startled, his brows wrinkled slightly unnoticeably, and he raised his eyes to look at the back mountain of Yunlan Mountain. With the help of the dazzling thunder light, on a huge rock, a figure with thunder and fire moved around in the dark night.

"he is?"

"Chen Mo, this time the Inner Sect is the best." Furukawa smiled softly: "You just came back and forgot to tell you that he is also a new disciple of the teacher."

"The teacher's new disciple? Chen Mo..." Liu Ling muttered in a low voice, and was startled immediately, "It's him!"

No wonder it's familiar.

Liu Ling had heard this name from the mouth of the president, Fa Yu, when he was appraising a third-tier pharmacist in the Alchemist Association of the Imperial Capital.