
Chapter 24: Build power, Lingyan Pavilion

In the end, Chen Mo chose the body like a dragon for his body fighting technique, and he chose the Extreme Flame Art for his attack fighting technique.

After bidding farewell to the brother and sister Liu Zilong, Chen Mo went straight back to the palace where he lived.

But as soon as I arrived at the palace, I saw Gu He, Yun Yun, and Nalan Yanran who had been waiting for a long time.

"Test wood properties?"

"Well, the prerequisites for becoming a pharmacist, first, you must have a fire attribute, and secondly, you must be mixed with a touch of wood energy, and you must have a strong soul perception." Furukawa said: "You have met two points. With a hint of woodiness, I am confident that you can become a pharmacist."

Chen Mo knows this, but he doesn't have wood attributes.

The wood source pill obtained in the previous lottery has not been effective even after swallowing it.

Chen Mo was disappointed.

But if you don't get discouraged, it won't work. Once you have enough luck, you just need to find someone to spy on it.

But the three of them stared at him, and Chen Mo couldn't refuse, so he calmly said, "Try it."

Yun Yun didn't hold much hope, because Chen Mo's body, she knew quite in detail, and she didn't find any wooden attributes.

Of course, there is also a very small possibility, I did not find out.

Nalan Yanran looked at Chen Mo tightly with beautiful eyes, a light flashing in her eyes.

Thunder and fire dual attributes, super high combat talent, if you have wood attributes and become a pharmacist, Chen Mo's achievements will become unimaginable.

Furukawa held Chen Mo's hand, injected a ray of his soul power, and began to detect it.

As time passed, Furukawa frowned, and he really didn't find wood properties.

Perhaps his expectations of him are too high.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, Furukawa's eyes lit up, and a faint wood qi slowly rose from the cyclone of Chen Mo.

Yun Yun was shocked when she saw this scene, and quickly asked, "Really?"

Furukawa nodded, "Not very strong, but very weak."

"Can Junior Brother become a pharmacist?" Nalan Yanran asked, even more anxious than Chen Mo.

Furukawa glanced at Nalan Yanran with a weird look, and then smiled knowingly: "Although it is very weak, as long as there is, I have a way to make him a pharmacist."

In this regard, Furukawa is extremely confident.

"Then trouble Elder Furukawa." Yun Yun knew what Furukawa meant, and obviously he also valued Chen Mo's talent and wanted to accept him as a disciple. In this regard, Yun Yun is very open about it, and no one has specified a person. There can only be one teacher in a lifetime.

Chen Mo refused. At this time, he had to firm his position, but he couldn't clearly refuse. While gaining Yun Yun's favor, he also had to become a pharmacist.

"Thank you for the kindness of Elder Furukawa. Since I have already worshipped the Sect Master as my teacher, I will not switch to others."

Furukawa's expression changed, and he immediately laughed and said, "Who told you to switch to someone else? I asked you to worship me as a teacher, but it didn't make you and Sect Master cut off the relationship between master and apprentice."

Furukawa thought Chen Mo would be wrong.

Yun Yun was very pleased, and didn't waste my two nights to save you.

Furukawa's words are exactly what Chen Mo meant.

Chen Mo didn't agree too quickly, because that would expose him. Instead, he looked at Yun Yun hesitantly, and after receiving Yun Yun's nod, he bowed and said, "Tui'er pays homage to the teacher."

"No gift, no gift." Furukawa was also very happy to receive such a talented disciple. He immediately took out a bunch of bottles and jars from Na Jie and handed them to Chen Mo.

"This is a meeting gift for your teacher, so I won't accept it soon."

Chen Mo didn't accept it immediately, but refused to make a complete set of the play, and then reluctantly accepted it.

Seeing that the newly recruited disciple not only has extraordinary talents, but also understands etiquette so well, Furukawa simply waved his hand: "In addition to the five-level pill obtained by the competition, the teacher will give you an extra five-level pill. ."

Both Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran were shocked, and they had two fifth-grade pill when they shot them. Even Nalan Yanran, who grew up in the resource pile, was quite envious.

Chen Mo swallowed with excitement, he was worthy of being a Sixth-Rank Alchemist, his shot was majestic, and he immediately said, "Thank you, teacher."

"Since I'm a teacher, I don't need to say thank you in the future." Furukawa said, "Have you thought of which two five-tier medicinal pills you want?"

"Long Li Dan and Blood Lotus Pill."

Long Lidan was selected by Chen Mo long ago, and it can give the user an extremely tyrannical power in a short period of time. This power has nothing to do with the increase in fighting energy, but is extremely pure internal body power.

The extra blood lotus pill was to protect the human body from fire damage. It was something that Chen Mo could not refining and prepare if he got a strange fire after preventing it.

Furukawa nodded, "From tomorrow, every hour of the day, you come to the alchemy room to find me and teach your alchemy to your teacher."

After speaking, He Yun Yun nodded and left.

After Furukawa left, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran both looked at Chen Mo with shocked eyes, and then said in unison: "You are simply a monster."


Time passed quickly.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In addition to communicating with Yun Yun through the use of fighting skills, Chen Mo wandered around the palace, alchemy room, and back mountains every day.

It was during this time that a force named Lingyan Pavilion was established in Yunlanzong.

The patron Chen Mo.

On the first day of establishment, the members included Nalan Yanran, Yunhai, Liu Zilong, Liu Xuanyue, Yunya, and more than fifty unnamed runners.

Thanks to Chen Mo's fame and the newly added Pill King Guhe disciple's name.

New disciples join every day.

In just three days, the number of people in Lingyan Pavilion reached one hundred and ten.

Inside the palace.

Chen Mo looked at the red dot on the system map, which was smaller than Sesame, placed outside, which was as large as one-third of the Yunlanzong Square.

Within this range, he is invincible. (In Yunlanzong, within such a large area.)

As for how to expand this range, it has to do with the number of Lingyan Pavilion, the cultivation base of the members, and the sense of belonging.

The first two are not difficult to understand.

The sense of belonging refers to the sincerity of members towards Lingyan Pavilion.

For example, if you join Lingyan Pavilion today and want to retire tomorrow, the sense of belonging is obviously not enough.

But how to increase the sense of belonging?

Not being greedy for money is a hooliganism.

Chen Mo looked at the sense of belonging. Except for Nalan Yanran and Yunhai, who were higher than 50, the sense of belonging was below 30.


Gama Empire.

Qingshan Town.

"It is rumored that Chen Mo, the son of thunder and lightning, defeated Nalan Yan, the arrogant daughter of heaven, on the square of Yunlanzong that day. Then, the grandfather of Yunlan ancestor gave Chen Mo a dream, so that he would awaken the wood attribute the day after tomorrow, and he was killed by King Dan the next day. Furukawa became a direct disciple and taught alchemy."

In a certain restaurant, an elderly storyteller, with Allegro, happily told about Chen Mo's deeds.

"Edit, continue to edit, a person's soul will always have only one attribute, so what is called Chen Mo, one person has three, so why don't you make it more exaggerated."

"That's right, the two-star battle division defeated the seven-star battle division, this bull has blown to the sky, everyone here, who has seen so many leapfrogs and successful challenges?"


In the restaurant, most people listened very enthusiastically, but this does not mean that they believe it, but tells the story. It is always necessary to exaggerate it.

The other small group of people was stunned, and the bragging was not based on reality, who would believe it.

"The old man didn't say anything about it. The grandson of his friend's friend is the named disciple of Yun Lanzong. This is what he saw with his own eyes."

The old man allegro patted the table and said, "Well, that's all for today's story. These are the fanbooks just sent by the bookstore. The price is only..."

"I want a copy."

"I want one too."

"I have two copies."