
Chapter 23: Choosing body skills

The cultivation base became a two-star battle master, and his luck point directly rose to 2040 points, a full increase of 2000 points.

This time the system finally had a conscience.

With so many points of luck, what do you use to do something?

I opened the mall and looked at it. Even the high-end Chen Mo couldn't afford it.

As for the low-end, it can no longer satisfy the current Chen Mo.

Only the treasure chest draws.

First try the water in a silver treasure chest.

With a squeak, 2040 luck point becomes 1940 luck point.

Then, a silver treasure chest fell from the sky. Accompanied by cheerful music, the treasure chest was opened.

The four words bling.

"Thank you for your support."


Come again.

"Second Grade Pill Medicine Desire Pill."

Uh, listening to the name is not a serious medicine.

Come again.

"Thank you for your support."

"Three-grade pill, promotion pill, is only useful for the fighting master. After swallowing, it can be upgraded to one star, one person can only swallow one, and the second one has no effect."

Not bad this time, continue.

"Thank you for your support."

"Thank you for your support."

"Thank you for your support."


Thank you for your support five times in a row, and the luck point has been reduced to 1140.

Chen Mo wanted to vomit blood.

This probability of winning is too low.

"Come again, if you still thank you for your support, I won't smoke." Chen Mo secretly said.

"Six-pin pill, Muyuan Pill, after swallowing, there is a certain chance that the user will get wood attributes."

"It's shipped, it's shipped. Does it seem that my European spirit is still good?" Chen Mo felt that his luck was finally here, and he decided to take a big one.

Spend 1,000 luck points to open a golden treasure chest.

There was another scream, and the music sounded. The difference is that the unboxing music of the golden treasure box is more atmospheric than the silver, and the unboxing special effects are also advanced.

If the opening special effect of the silver treasure box is fifty cents, the gold one can reach one.

With the golden light flashing, a golden card appeared in Chen Mo's eyes.

"Douzong experience card, after using it, the user can obtain the strength of the Douzong for a short period of time, and use it for half an hour."

"Haha, I didn't know that my luck was coming. This wave is not a loss." Chen Mo happily withdrew from the system.

"You mean, Medusa has a strange fire in her hand?"

"Yes, four months ago, I sensed the breath of the strange fire in the desert, and after searching along the way, I picked up a few **** colorful snake scales." Furukawa whispered, "It must be when Medusa took the strange fire. Hurt by it."

"As far as I know, if the Queen of Medusa reaches the peak of the Emperor of Fighting, if the opportunity is sufficient, it can carry out a strange evolution and advance to the Fighting Sect, and what is necessary for this evolution is the strange fire."

"I think that Abnormal Fire is so important to Medusa, and I must be reluctant to exchange it easily." Yun Yun said flatly. In her words, there was a kind of meaning that Furukawa would interrupt this idea.

Furukawa's body shook slightly and he understood Yun Yun's meaning, but the importance of the different fire to him made Furukawa reluctant to give up easily. Instead, he said: "For this trip, I have prepared two Sixth-Rank Dou Ling Pills. And a seventh-grade transformation pill."

"Seven-rank Huaxing Pill?" Yun Yun was surprised, when will Furuhe be able to refine the seventh-rank pill.

Furukawa gave a dry cough. Of course, he wouldn't say that this seventh-grade transformation pill is a bargaining chip to cheat you, but said: "In a ruin."

"Even so, the probability of exchange is extremely low, not to mention, by myself..."

"Don't worry about that, I also invited Yan Shi and Feng Li's friends."

"In that case, when will we leave." After all, Yun Yun owes Furukawa favor.

"When they arrive, you can prepare properly."

"Well, you will notify me when the time comes."

Yun Lanzong

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"This name is too popular. There are ten fantasy novels, and there are nine sects where there is a collection of exercises called Cangjing Pavilion." Chen Mo vomited.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is seven stories high. Since the creation of the Yunlan Sect, it has collected countless exercises, fighting skills, and body techniques with complete attributes in all aspects.

The fourth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is open to all the disciples of Yunlanzong.

Above the fourth floor, only disciples whose cultivation has reached the level of a fighting master are eligible to enter.

Chen Mo's name has been known to everyone in the Yunlan Sect in the past two days.

Therefore, when Chen Mo came to the fourth floor or above, he only handed in the jade identification card to the steward. After confirming that it was correct, he entered the fifth floor without checking the repair status.

On the fifth level, there are not many disciples, only a few people are looking down to find the fighting skills they need.

When she saw Chen Mo, Wei Wei expressed surprise, and then several people who knew each other got together and began to whisper.

Chen Mo faintly heard the battle scenes when several people were telling how they defeated Nalan Yanran yesterday.

After shook his head and chuckled lightly, he found the physical and mental fighting skills he needed.

According to their attributes, each shelf is placed with different types of exercises.

There is no classification of fighting skills, and it seems that there is no restriction on attributes, but it is obviously easier to cultivate fighting skills with the same attribute, and the training speed is also faster.

Chen Mo came to the shelf of the fire attribute and thunder attribute, and after flipping through a few books at random, he found that they were all the elementary skills of the profound stage, and then walked towards the sixth floor.

"It deserves to be a great man who can defeat Senior Sister Nalan, even the elementary Xuan-level can't look down upon it."

"Don't you know, in less than a day, books about his deeds are selling well."

"Book? Borrow one to talk..."

On the sixth floor, there were fewer disciples than those on the fifth floor. There were only a handful of two people, one man and one woman. Judging from their appearance, they were much older than Chen Mo.

The appearance is also very ordinary.

Chen Mo's face was very recognizable, and was quickly recognized by the two.

"Junior Brother Chen Mo, hello, my name is Liu Zilong."

"My name is Liu Xuanyue."

"Hello, hello." Chen Mo responded politely.

The two are brothers and sisters, their cultivation bases are both in Dadou, and they are old disciples of the inner sect.

"Junior brother is here to choose the body and fighting skills, right?" said the elder brother Liu Zilong.

Chen Mo nodded. There is nothing to conceal about this. The weaknesses in these two aspects must be known to everyone since the competition ended yesterday.

Hearing this, the brothers and sisters were overjoyed. As old disciples who were about to graduate and had no backing behind, Zhengshou didn't know how to indulge Chen Mo. Now the opportunity is here.

"Junior brother entered the sect for a short period of time. I don't know if the fighting skills of the sect are relatively strong. How about letting me introduce him?" Liu Zilong's posture is very low. Although his cultivation base is stronger than Chen Mo, his talent is worse. Hundreds of streets.

He is now twenty-seven, and he has only one star.

"Okay." Chen Mo didn't want it for nothing.

"The strongest body fighting skill in the sect is the intermediate-level mysterious body like a dragon, and it is also of the thunder attribute, and it is very suitable for the junior sister, followed by the Feng Feixu that the junior sister Nalan is now practicing."

"There is also the explosive step of the intermediate stage of the mysterious stage, and the elementary stage of Ta Xue Wuhen."

"In terms of attack fighting skills, the strongest is the Wind Extreme series cultivated by Sect Master and Junior Sister Nalan, followed by the Profound Stage Intermediate Thousand Thunder Technique, which is also a thunder attribute fighting technique."