
Chapter 22: The different side of Nalan Yanran

"Why do you work so hard? It's okay to make the top ten..." Yun Yunyu gently rubbed Chen Mo's face with his hand, apparently attributed Chen Mo's fighting so hard to himself, he just wanted to fight for himself. , But also to prove to everyone that he has a good eye for others.

Yun Yun took off her clothes, and after the preparation the night before, she was already familiar with the road. Although there was still a blush on her face, the color was not as bright as the night before.

Chen Mo had a very fragrant dream, and the scene in the dream could not be for outsiders.

The next day.

Chen Mo woke up quietly, and stretched his waist dimly.

Suddenly, he found that his waist was no longer painful, his legs were no longer sore, and he was more energetic.

Chen Momeng sniffed.

Sure enough, one...two scents remained on the bedding.

One of the fragrance is the same as the day before yesterday. Whose one is that?

"Junior Brother, you are awake."

Suddenly, the door of the side hall was pushed open, and Nalan Yanran walked in lightly with a jade bowl.

When Qianying approached, a scent that was stronger than Yun Yun's body rushed over her face.

It is another fragrance remaining on the bedding.

"Junior Brother, this is the Ten Complete Tonic Soup I personally made for you. Drink it while it's hot."

In Chen Mo's surprised gaze, Nalan Yanran sat down by the bed, took a spoon with the jade spoon, and blew it gently on her lips, feeling that the temperature was about the same, before reaching out to Chen Mo's mouth.

It depends on the posture to feed it yourself.

Chen Mo was stunned. What is going on? When has our relationship been so close?

What's more, in Chen Mo's impression, he has not been fed since he was three years old. The online girlfriend feeding her boyfriend medicine and eating has never happened to him.

Therefore, this sudden scene made Chen Mo feel helpless.

What's the matter with this chick?

Seeing that Chen Mo hadn't spoken, Nalan Yanran thought he had acquiesced, and put it directly into his mouth and poured a spoonful of it.

"Puff." He was so gentle just now, and now so rude, Chen Mo choked out, all on Nalan Yanran's robe that was sprayed with soup.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've never fed anyone before, are you okay?"

Nalan Yanran didn't care about the robe soiled by the soup. Instead, she took out the handkerchief from Na Jie and wiped Chen Mo's mouth nervously.

Chen Mo was completely shocked.

Is this the Nalan Yanran he knows?

Or was she like this, but she didn't get along with her for how long and didn't find it?

The snow-white jade hand stretched out in front of him, took the handkerchief and wiped it against his mouth, giving Chen Mo the urge to bite it down.

"Do you still drink this soup?" Nalan Yanran said softly.

"I'll do it myself." Chen Mo took the jade bowl from Nalan Yanran's hand, looked at the robe soiled by the soup, and said immediately: "Sister, sorry, your clothes are dirty. Go change your robe."

"Huh?" Nalan Yanran blushed, only then did she remember the soiled robes and left the side hall quickly.

Only after a while, Nalan Yanran, who had changed into a light blue dress, walked in again, with long hair and a shawl, and a beautiful face that hadn't been adorned with powder, but was exquisite and refined.

The expression is no longer the coldness it was before, but a little shy.

Chen Mo, who was drinking the soup, looked at it for a while.

If Yun Yun is the sister type next door.

Then Nalan Yanran is a pure girl type.

If Chen Mo chooses.


Only for children.

If there is a chance, Chen Mo wants it all.

Seeing Chen Mo's dull eyes, Nalan Yanran was delighted and sat down in a position far away from Chen Mo.

When changing clothes just now, Nalan Yanran thought about it carefully. Just now, she seemed to be too proactive, and she didn't have any girlish reservations.

In order to prevent Chen Mo from misunderstanding, Nalan Yanran felt that it was better to proceed step by step.

After a while, when Chen Mo finished drinking the soup in the bowl, Nalan Yanran quickly asked, "How does it taste?"

"Very good." Chen Mo told the truth, putting the jade bowl aside, and was about to ask how you smell on the bedding. After thinking about it carefully, the topic was too frivolous, so he asked, "Where is the teacher?"

"The teacher is discussing something with Elder Furukawa." Nalan Yanran said, "That's right."

Suddenly, Nalan Yanran took out a lot of famous posts from Na Jie, stood up, and walked over.

"This is a famous post given to you by various forces."

"This letter belongs to the Mittel family, and their family's chambers of commerce are almost all over the Gama Empire."

"This letter belongs to the royal family"

"This letter is from Elder Furukawa, and it also comes with a five-tier pill refining book. You can choose a five-tier pill from it, and if you choose it, go to Elder Furukawa..."

Nalan Yanran explained to Chen Mo who sent these famous posts one by one, explaining clearly which ones can be collected, what benefits are collected, and what you have to pay.

Chen Mo understands that this is the benefit of strength. When you are strong enough, some great strength will come to win you over.

Even if you can't win, it doesn't hurt to make a good bond.

"Also, this gift is given to you by the great elder personally, and it contains your reward for being the number one this time and the extra training resources given by the great elder."

Nalan Yanran handed Chen Mo a simple black ring.

After Chen Mo recognized the Lord, he thought.

"Fuck, good guy, it's all some high-level fire and thunder attribute medicinal materials and pill. Great elder, really generous."

Consciousness returned to the outside world and saw Nalan Yanran still holding a black gilt name post in her hand. Chen Mo asked, "Whose is this?"

"This...this belongs to my father. He asked you when you have time and would like to invite you to be a guest at home."

Nalan Yanran knew what her father thought, so when Chen Mo asked, she was a little flustered.

"A guest?" Chen Mo replied, "I have time at any time."

The Nalan family seemed to be the imperial capital of the Gama Empire, and Chen Mo just wanted to go around.

By the way, pretend to be forced.

I must be a bit famous in the Gama Empire. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't pretend to be a force.

Hearing Chen Mo's answer, Nalan Yanran said excitedly: "Really, then I will reply."

After speaking, he left the side hall.

"Eh, your handkerchief."

Seeing Nalan Yanran leaving in a hurry, she even forgot to take the handkerchief, she couldn't help but smile: "This chick is very anxious."

The handkerchief was placed in the ring that Yunling gave away, and Chen Mo turned on the system.

Name: Chen Mo

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Two Star Fighting Master

Lucky Points: 2040

Cultivation Method: Deity Restraining Prison Power

Fighting Skill: Spear of the Underworld

Props: Two healing charms, astringent technique

Function: Treasure box lottery, shopping mall, peeping