
Chapter 21: First, the name Dongyunlan

"How can there be such a fierce monster."

This is the voice of the people, the thunder giant elephant roared like a devil, and even the void shook, the surrounding vindictiveness became disordered, and thunder surged.


A loud thunderous sound, at this moment, resounded through the entire Yunlan Mountain, the aftermath of the collision of two volcano-level energy, even the ground was sunken in.

The huge stone stele in the center of the square, if it hadn't been sheltered by Yun Yun himself, would have broken and died.

Before the aftermath of the horror dissipated, even the air became distorted. Through the energy wave that gradually dissipated, it could be seen that the huge thunder elephant swallowed the red sun, and most of the illusory figure disappeared.

However, there was still a horrible aftermath, like a demon descending, and swept past Nalan Yanran.


As a hazy blood mist appeared in the air, the giant thunder elephant dissipated, and Nalan Yanran's delicate body was like a tidbit of fiasco, following the wind, falling down.

It can be seen that before the Thunder Colossus attacked, Nalan Yanran used a high-level posture to evade, but the area covered by the Thunder Colossus was too wide and still enveloped Nalan Yanran in.

Chen Mo took advantage of the companion amethyst source energy in his body that hadn't been exhausted, rushing freely through the meridians, staring at the place where Nalan had landed beautifully, and shot away.

Finally, when Nalan Yanran's body was still tens of centimeters above the ground, Chen Mo slid, kneeled to the ground, and caught her.

But before he had time to check her condition, the energy that was about to be exhausted ran wildly in Chen Mo's little body.

Chen Mo passed out into a coma.

Before he fell into a coma, Chen Mo could vaguely feel that his head fell in a very soft position.

At this moment, the whole room was silent.

Everyone recalled the thunderstorm, the ancient giant elephant entwined with purple fire, and the scene where Nalan Yanran fell from mid-air.

Nalan Yanran, as the strongest existence of the younger generation of Yunlanzong, condensed a cyclone at the age of thirteen and became a fighter. At the age of sixteen, she became a fighter, and at the age of eighteen he was already a seven-star fighter.

This kind of cultivation speed fully beats the disciples of Yunlanzong's same generation.

However, it was this kind of existence that was so good that people didn't dare to climb, and was defeated by a young man who was only sixteen years old and only a two-star fighter who was brought back by the Sect Master three days ago.

Perhaps it was because Nalan Yanran's image in the hearts of everyone was too good. After a long time of immersion, a small number of people still couldn't accept this fact.

The referee has not pronounced the result yet, because Chen Mo is already in a coma, while Nalan Yanran is seriously injured but is still awake.

Strictly speaking, although Nalan Yanran was shot down by Chen Mo, but did not admit defeat, the referee could not pronounce Nalan Yanran to lose.

Instead, Chen Mo was in a coma...

Nalan Yanran fell on Chen Mo's body, while Chen Mo's head was in her arms. The former stared at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes. After a while, she was a little silly.

With dual attributes of thunder and fire, the sixteen-year-old two-star Douxing has the ability to leapfrog the seven-star Douxing master.

All these made Nalan Yanran care about the position of Chen Mo Pillow.

Immediately he said slowly: "I admit defeat."

"Chen Mo, win." At the same time, the referee's voice sounded.

At the same moment, Sect Master Yun Yun flew down from the high platform, and the jade hand Nalan's light flashed. First he fed a pill to the two of them, and immediately said: "From now on, Chen Mo, it is me. The second disciple who passed on by himself was also the first in the inner sect in this competition."

No one in the square objected, and even the elders group strongly supported it.

The elder Yun Leng even decided in his heart that waiting for the big show to end, in his own name, let someone give Chen Mo some healing medicine and cultivation resources.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Yun Yun gave Jia Xingtian and the others on the high platform. After giving a gift, the jade hand raised, and a cyan tornado appeared underneath the two of them. As Yun Yun lifted into the sky, the cyan tornado It was also lifted up with the two of them, and slowly disappeared into the depths of Yunlan Mountain.

Yun Yun is gone. As Yun Leng, who is second only to the suzerain, naturally takes on the role of giving rewards to the top ten disciples.

"Nalansu, it seems that the divorce a year ago was a very right decision. Perhaps, your Nalan family will have a good son-in-law." At this time, Mu Chen is no longer teasing, but jealous.

I am jealous that I don't have a flower-like descendant.

"Tsk tusk, you didn't see Yanran's eyes staring at the kid, you are obviously obsessed." Mittel Tengshan thought for a few days whether or not to invite Chen Mo to come as a guest.

Nalansu was in a very good mood. He felt that what Mu Chen said made sense. Chen Mogang was able to pick up Yanran, indicating that he was also interested in Yanran.

If you work harder, maybe next year, you can hold your grandson yourself.

Jia Xingtian left, his mood was not very good, who called Chen Mo a disciple of Yun Lanzong.

Fa Ma and Furukawa got together, "He has fire attributes and strong soul energy. Check it out. If there is a trace of wood attributes, I can guarantee that he is also a very good genius in alchemy."

"Do you want to grab someone?"

"What is robbing people? The Alchemist Association doesn't mind that he is a disciple of the Yunlan Sect."

"In terms of alchemy, you have been losing to me."

"Do you want to..."

"Yes, the real meaning of what I said just now is, if the wood attribute is checked out, you want to grab someone from me?"


"Teacher, how is he, Junior Brother?"

Although Nalan Yanran was seriously injured, after some conditioning, she got better. She looked at Chen Mo, who was unconscious on the bed and whose body was like a stove, asked.

"Slightly better than the night before, the main energy consumption is too large, and the physical function is not depleted." Yun Yun said after feeding Chen Mo a Tier 4 pill again.

"The night before?" Nalan Yanran seemed to have discovered something.

Yun Yun coughed, and there was a blush on her pretty face. She simply turned her back to Nalan Yanran, so she was not found. She immediately said: "This happened to him the night before. It's worse than today, but... "

Yun Yun paused for a while, "Hugh...just rest for one night."

Nalan Yanran didn't doubt that he was there, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo's face tightly, and after hesitating for a while, she said, "Teacher, then I will stay to take care of the younger brother tonight."

"No." Yun Yun replied very quickly. Seeing Nalan's surprised eyes, Yun Yun explained: "You are also very injured, and you have hurt your foundation. Come to my room at night, and I will help you treat it."

"It hurts the foundation, no, teacher." Nalan Yanran was even more surprised.

"Yes, it's just hidden deep, you didn't find it." After speaking, Yun Yun took Nalan Yanran and left the side hall without giving her a chance to ask further.

Late at night.

After confirming that Nalan Yanran would not wake up, a figure sneaked into the side hall.