
Chapter 19: Chen Mo's true strength

The plain words exploded like thunder in the huge square.

At the next moment, the voice was full of voices.

Everyone looked at Chen Mo. The female disciples who resented Chen Mo because of Mo Li's defeat had a slight scorn and sarcasm on their faces.

From their point of view, it was a coincidence that you defeated Senior Brother Mo Li, and even challenged Senior Sister Nalan recklessly.

Yun Yun was also full of shock, slightly confused in her heart: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Yun Hai, who had originally stared at Chen Mo with a warrior intent and wanted to fight him, said in astonishment: "Are you serious?"

"I think he has won a few games in a row. He must have been swollen. He has no self-knowledge at all. He actually wanted to challenge Senior Sister Nalan."

Mo Li sneered. Most of his sarcasm came from his jealousy of Chen Mo.

Nalan Yanran stared at Chen Mo tightly with her eyes fixed on the handsome face of the boy.

This sixteen-year-old boy with a two-star warrior had a talent that far surpassed his peers, and even surpassed himself.

This strange emotion that was inferior to him rose, causing her heart that had been calm for many years to beat slightly.

"I accept your challenge." Nalan Yanran calmed down her emotions and said: "However, I will not be merciful."

Chen Mo nodded, and said with full fighting spirit: "Let's fight!"

Nalan Yanran's hand giving ring light flashed, and a pale blue long sword appeared in her hand.

As the referee's voice sounded, her jade hand was raised, and the tip of her sword pointed directly at Chen Mo.

Qianying shot out and took the lead.

It seemed that he wanted to kill Chen Mo with a single move, just like the battle against Yunhai.

The others who were still standing on the court evaded one after another.

In the center of the square, Chen Mo slowly closed his eyes, and with a bang, a purple flame instantly enveloped Chen Mo's body. The hot temperature made even the air feel a scorching sensation.

Immediately Chen Mo opened his eyes and stretched out his right hand slightly. In a blink of an eye, the Spear of the Underworld condensed.

During the high-speed swing, the black tornado appeared again.

"It's this turtle shell again, Senior Sister Nalan broke it."

Off the court, a disciple shouted loudly.

Nalan Yanran, who was already close to Chen Mo, didn't panic at all, as if she had already had a way to crack the black tornado.

A bit of toes on the ground, the figure soared up in the air, the long sword in his hand trembled rapidly, and immediately moved slowly, and every time the long sword moved by one point, there was a substantial sword-shaped afterimage left under it.

"Wind Spirit Fractal Sword."

Nalan Yanran sneered coldly, and five sword-shaped afterimages appeared instantly, slamming heavily on the black tornado.

Destroy the black tornado with a force of destruction.

Then the remaining momentum blasted towards Chen Mo.


The sound like a muffled thunder blew out in the middle of the field, and the next moment, a figure was blown out like a cannonball.

When he was about to fly out of the square, a black spear was suddenly thrown out by the figure and plunged into the huge boulder on the edge of the square.

Chen Mo grabbed the spear, flicked it, and returned to the center of the square again.


The figure that had just stood up spouted a mouthful of blood and knelt on one knee.

With just one move, the black tornado was broken, and Chen Mo vomited blood again.

Nalan Yanran's strength was stronger than Chen Mo had imagined.

Yun Yun on the highest stone seat suddenly stood up when he saw this scene.

She just wanted to persuade Chen Mo to surrender, feeling the weird gazes around her, and finally endured it.

hold on.

"Senior Brother Mo Li couldn't break the tortoise shell, but it was broken by Senior Sister Nalan with one move."

Off the court, a disciple was surprised. The next moment, this sentence was like a stone thrown into the calm lake, and cheers resounded fiercely around the square.

"Senior Sister Nalan is mighty."

"Senior Sister Nalan is domineering."

"The second star warrior Qu Qu, dare to challenge Senior Sister Nalan, so I don't want to give up."

"Chen Mo's courage to challenge Yanran really admires me, but although he has the ability to leapfrog to challenge, there is too much gap between him and Yanran, and his current strength cannot make up for this gap." Yun Leng looked at the scene below and commented.

More than a dozen white-robed elders below nodded in agreement.

"Junior Brother, are you okay?" Nalan Yanran asked slightly worried.

Since she didn't know the final defensive power of the black tornado, Nalan Yanran made a little heavier attack.

"I can't kill yet." Chen Mo slowly stood up, wiped away the remaining blood stains at the corners of his mouth, and immediately sucked the Spear of the Underworld with his backhand.

The Spear of the Underworld that had been inserted into the edge of the square dissipated and reunited in the palm of Chen Mo's hand.

"As expected to be Senior Sister Nalan, her strength is really extraordinary." In order to make Nalan Yanran go all out, Chen Mo looked at her and suddenly smiled and said: "But this level of attack is not enough to make me surrender."

"So, go ahead."

As soon as the voice fell, the purple fire on Chen Mo's body instantly expanded and more than doubled, and the two awakened particles in his body were ignited one after another.

The power of the two giant elephants is stronger than Tianyuan, and a majestic energy flows throughout the body, and the blessing of 20,000 catties doubles the energy in Chen Mo's body.

But from the outside world, Chen Mo's cultivation level jumped directly from the two-star fighter to the four-star fighter.


The audience was shocked.

Fa Ma frowned. As the president of the Gama Empire Alchemist Association, with his soul strength, he didn't even notice that Chen Mo was hiding his strength.

"How many hole cards does this little guy have? It's really amazing."

Furukawa's expression was not much different from Fa Ma, and Chen Mo really surprised everyone too much.

Yu Guang glanced at Yun Yun and seemed to say, where did you get this kind of seedlings?

"Is this your confidence to challenge Senior Sister Nalan?" Yun Hai muttered softly as he watched this scene.

"This guy, no, it's impossible..." Mo Li gritted his teeth tightly, and the expression on his face was constantly changing, a bit unable to accept the facts before him.

In the previous battle with Chen Mo, even though Mo Li lost, he was not convinced, thinking that Chen Mo also had a strong reserve of defense and vindictive energy.

And now, he has a deep sense of frustration.

"Is this your true strength?" Nalan Yanran's beautiful eyes had a trace of solemnity. Chen Mo has the talent for leapfrogging challenges, and can defeat Mo Li of the Five Star Fighter with the strength of the Two Star Fighter.

Now his strength has soared to a four-star battle division.


"Perhaps, I can also fight seriously."

Feeling the sudden surge of Nalan Yanran's momentum and the surging energy rising from within, Chen Mo raised his eyes and said, "Are you also beginning to show your true strength?"

Nalan Yanran held a long sword in her jade hand, wrapped her body in a pale blue veil, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo, and her red lips opened slightly: "Take me this trick to see."

"The extreme wind, the split wind whirls."

The space in front of Nalan Yanran jittered, and as the long sword waved, several azure wind blades flashed out of thin air, tearing away towards Chen Mo.