
Chapter 18: I want to challenge Sister Nalan

"Lost, Brother Mo Li actually lost."

"The Five-Star Fighter actually lost to the Two-Star Fighter, spanning three small levels, even the original Nalan Senior Sister couldn't do it."

With Mo Li's surrender, the entire square was silent. If Chen Mo had been surprised by the three thousand thunderstorms before, the head-on collision at this time had already left everyone stunned.

Strong defense, vigorous grudge, indestructible black spear.

In addition to Chen Mo's extraordinary talents, he also has an extremely powerful foundation to support Chen Mo's battle.

"Mo Li's defeat is not injustice, Chen Mo, this kid is simply a monster."

In the group of elders, a white-robed elder whispered. The other elders, including Yun Leng, nodded slightly, and the latter sighed, "The Sect Master has accepted another unicorn talent."

Chen Mo's victory also meant that he became the master, and it was confirmed.

The group of elders discussed with Yun Yun and made an announcement as soon as the big match was over.

When Chen Mo came off the scene, Yun Hai, Yun Ling, and Yun Fei expressed their congratulations. Even Nalan Yanran, who was sitting far away from Chen Mo, smiled and congratulated: "From today, you are me. My younger brother."

"Senior Sister." Chen Mo smiled.

Mo Li, who was defeated, looked at this scene with a gloomy expression, his hands hidden in his wide coat robe tightly clenched.


I follow behind you every day and keep pleased with you. You have always been unsmiling. Now, when you face a man who has only met for less than a day, you treat it like this.

The sharp nails pierced deeply into his palm, and Mo Li suddenly remembered the news from the family some time ago.

If it really doesn't work, you can use other methods. As long as you can turn Nalan Yanran into a woman from the Mo family, we don't object to your use of tricks.

"It seems that it's time to use this trick, you forced me."

Nalan Yanran didn't know Mo Li's calculations. After saying hello to Chen Mo, she changed back to that cold expression again.

On Chen Mo's side, several people in Yunhai kept chattering to ask Chen Mo what his cards were.

"It is said that it is a hole card, now I tell you, is it still a hole card?" Chen Mo said.


"Well, it's used to deal with Senior Sister Nalan." Chen Mo didn't conceal this point.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Yunhai looked at Chen Mo in amazement, and Yunhai touched Chen Mo's forehead with his hands, "I don't have a fever, how can I talk nonsense?"

"Of course I don't have a fever." Chen Mo patted Yunhai's hand with a look of questioning: "Why, can't I fight Senior Sister Nalan?"

"It's not a question of whether you can fight or not, but..."

"Boom!" A shock interrupted Yunhai's words, followed by the referee's words, "Zheng Tian, ​​win."

"It's Zheng Tian. Zheng Tian actually won and broke through the three-star battle master."

"Yunya is also good, you can't even beat Zheng Tian."

"Not only food, but also fast. How long has it passed until the end of the game, it didn't last for a quarter of an hour."

"I heard that Zheng Tian came from a remote mountain village in Daomu City. He couldn't even afford the basic cultivation liquid. He could only obtain cultivation resources by completing the sect mission."

"What is his background?" Chen Mo asked, looking down at Zheng Tian, ​​who was unremarkable in appearance and dress.

"No background, but this kid likes to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and make breakthroughs."

"In the last assessment of the outer door promotion to the inner door, his apparent strength was the nine-star fighter, and once he played, he became a one-star fighter."

"In the actual combat assessment a few months ago, he played against a disciple of a three-star fighter. He was always pressed and beaten by the latter, but he broke through, and the situation instantly reversed. change."

After Yun Hai spoke in detail, he brought the topic to Chen Mo again.

"Although you have won Mo Li, you must never think that you can defeat Senior Sister Nalan. Senior Sister Nalan and Mo Li are not on the same level."

"If you confront Senior Sister Nalan, the ending will be the same as Yunya." Yunhai pointed to Yunya who was beaten into a coma below, and said, "Perhaps you will be more serious than him."

"Really?" After Chen Mo listened, his fighting spirit became stronger, and Yun Hai was quite speechless.

"The next game, Yunhai will face Nalan Yanran."

The referee's voice sounded, and Yun Hai said: "Okay, I'm going to play, you'd better dispel that unrealistic idea. In the next challenge, maybe I will play the two games."

The cloud is on the sea field.

The cheers of the disciples around the square followed, shouting Sister Nalan's slogans.

On the contrary, Yun Hai, only Yun Ling and Yun Fei, cheered him on.

The two came to the center of the square, and with the referee's order, the battle officially began.

Then there is a spike.

That's right, the sea of ​​clouds of the five-star pinnacle fighting master was killed in seconds.

When Yunhai turned on the ice spirit physique, Nalan Yanran saw the right time and shot instantly, relying on the extremely fast speed of the wind attribute, she took the extreme wind-the whirlwind dance of the wind to take it away.

"Junior Brother, I know that your Bingling physique is terrible, so I won't waste time, and I forgive Senior Sister for being unreasonable."

"Ahem." Yunhai climbed out of the pit, and after tidying up some clothes, he smiled bitterly: "Senior Sister, even if I turn on the Ice Spirit Physique, I won't be Senior Sister's opponent. This way It's good to end early."

Nalan Yanran nodded, and stopped talking nonsense.

The referee's voice sounded slowly.

"Nalan Yanran, win."

Soon, 16 entered eight, and the quarterfinals were released.

The difference is, Nalan Yanran.

Chen Mo.

Zheng Tian.

And five unnamed runaways.

Finally, the top ten was selected by a duel from among the eight players who entered and eliminated eight.

In the end, Yun Hai and Mo Li came to the fore.

However, although the top ten has come out, it is not the real ranking.

Because you are in the top ten, you are qualified to pursue your own ranking and to compete for the first place.

Next, is the challenge.

I didn't say before the rules of the top ten challenge. It was because I had been following the previous rules. This point was deep in the hearts of the Yunlanzong disciples, so I didn't emphasize it either.

"I'm fifth. If you don't agree, just come to the fight." One of the runners stepped onto the court and yelled first.

"I'm fourth. If you don't agree, you can come to the fight." Mo Li compared his own strength. Except for Chen Mo, who defeated him before, only Nalan Yanran and Yun Hai ranked in front of him.

He has settled the fourth place.

"I'm not convinced, I want to challenge..."

"I'm not convinced..."

"me too."

After some challenges, the rankings from one to nine were arranged in order according to the strength.

Chen Mo looked at these nine people and touched his nose, "Is it finally finished? Next, it's me!"

In the eyes of the referee urging, Chen Mo said loudly: "I want to challenge Senior Sister Nalan."