
Chapter 159: Demon Snake Xia Mang!

"The Luo family's ancestors were so lavish, he even gave us a fifth-class spaceship."

Chen Mo lay in the cabin with Yun Yun in his arms, enjoying the grapes that Yun Yun personally peeled and delivered to his mouth, while injecting vindictive energy into the energy injection points.

"Like his age, the relationship accident has been touched." Yun Yun knew that the gift was so expensive that he did not owe him two, but the two owed him a favor.

Yun Yun watched Chen Mo maneuver the spaceship for a while, and she must have been tired, and said softly: "You take a break, I'll come!"

"Why are you here?" Chen Mo's arms tightened, and the peeling grapes in Yun Yun's hand fell into the cabin.


Feeling the heat somewhere, Yun Yun felt embarrassed, and quickly pushed his chest to get up.

But after standing up for a while, as Chen Mo's arm tightened again, Yun Yun's body pressed tightly against Chen Mo's body.

Lips are on each other.

In the dark space channel, in addition to the sound of the flashing silver light, there are also some strange sounds one after another.

The speed of the fast-flying spacecraft also slowly slowed down.

"You will ruin me." There was a shallow lazy sound from the spaceship.

"How is it possible, I love you so much." Chen Mo waved his palm, and a vigorous black vindictive air rushed out, and finally got into the energy input point.

As the hull trembled slightly, the last thrust burst out from the stern, and with a squeak, the slowly slowing down spaceship turned into a bright golden light and shot away at the end of the emptiness.

It would take half a year to pass through the space wormhole, but it can be reduced to less than a month.

Chen Mo and Yun Yun changed their posts in turns.

Finally, twenty-three days.

With a gleam of light at the end of the darkness, the two knew that Zhongzhou had arrived.

This is a lush and vast plain. On the plain, there are many gravel squares.

This is a transit station. After exiting here, you can go to any area in Zhongzhou.

The square was quite silent. For a moment, with a gust of wind blowing, a silver halo suddenly appeared in the center of the square. After a while, a ship's shadow flashed out of the halo.

Immediately, the ship shadow quickly became smaller, and two of them came down from it, it was Chen Mo and Yun Yun.

The trip to the space wormhole was extremely smooth.

"Is this Zhongzhou?" Seeing no one around, Yun Yun stretched out his arms and took a deep breath, revealing a little girl-like nature.

"Yes, this is Zhongzhou."

Chen Mo took out a folded map from Na Jie, which was sent by the person Chen Mo sent to Zhongzhou to establish the branch cabinet half a year ago.

This is a simplified map of Zhongzhou. The location of the square is marked on it, and a route to the branch pavilion is drawn with a red pen.

Zhongzhou Beiyu, Tianbei City.

This is the place where the sub-chamber of Lingyan Pavilion was established, and it is also the place where the two of them are going.

"Let's go!"

The wings of freedom ejected from Chen Mo's back and slowly lifted into the air, while Yun Yun stepped on the void step by step, slowly rising into the sky, following Chen Mo's footsteps.

There are many deserts in the northern part of Zhongzhou.

In the past few days on the road, the two passed through several deserts.

There were few people in the desert, and the two drove like stars and moons, but no one disturbed them.

"Sister Yun Yun, Wanshe Gorge is right in front of you. Let's rest there before we go on our way."

Oasis is rarely seen due to the desert. The two have been flying for more than five days. Seeing a touch of green, they naturally want to stop and take a break.

Yun Yun responded warmly.

Not far away, a rather steep mountain rose from the ground. In the center of the mountain, there was a crack that seemed to be split.

The crack is quite huge, like a canyon, here is Wanshe Gorge.

On the outskirts of Wanshe Gorge, there was a caravan of nearly a hundred people parked. They held the weapons in their hands and stared at the surrounding dignifiedly.

"Be careful, everyone. You're about to enter Wanshe Gorge. Take out the snake-repellent powder and sprinkle it along the way. Keep quiet. As long as you don't disturb Xia Mang, you should be able to pass smoothly."

In front of the vehicle, a middle-aged man of five big and three thick screamed loudly.


The middle-aged man's voice fell, and there was a sound of appetite.


The middle-aged man waved his hand solemnly, before he looked at the carriage behind him with a faint fragrance, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Snake-like yin, Xia Mang, as the king of snakes in this valley, is even more exuberant. Seeing a beautiful woman is like a beast in heat.

If the lady on this trip is not there and pay some money for passing, it may be over.

But if you let Na Xia Mang see Miss.


Hope everything goes well!

The middle-aged man hoped in his heart.

At this moment, the team slowly entered the Wanshe Gorge. In order not to cause too much movement, the team's wagon wheels and horseshoes were wrapped with a layer of cloth.

From the look of everyone sneaking into the canyon cautiously, it can be seen that the demon snake Xia Mang has caused people's fear.

A few people entered the middle of the canyon in this way. However, as they wished, the road ahead was blocked by giant snakes as soon as they reached the middle. The surrounding dense forest and the rear were surrounded by the densely densely drilled venomous snakes. stand up.

As the encirclement formed, a gloomy strange laughter sounded from the sky, and immediately a dark green figure flew down from the top of the canyon.

"After passing through the emperor's turf, I want to pass without paying something. It is too much to put the emperor in his eyes."

The dark green figure fell.

Appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Human body and limbs are covered with dark green scales all over the body. There is a hideous snake head behind his head, and his tiny eyes emit a cold light that catches people.

With just this appearance, nearly a hundred guards who guarded the convoy were frightened.

The middle-aged man in front of him looked at Xia Mang in front of him, his face sinking, and he was in danger.

"You must understand the rules. Pay tolls. By the way..." Xia Mang showed a wicked smile and fixed his eyes on a carriage behind the convoy. go."


As soon as Xia Mang's words fell, a beautiful figure flashed out by lifting the curtain of the car, and finally stood on a tree, looking at Xia Mang below.

Although Qianying was covered with a red veil, Xia Mang couldn't help swallowing saliva from her plump figure:

"It seems that the harvest this time is not bad! Even if it looks a little bit different, the taste is absolutely wonderful..."

Such foul language.

The figure on the cheeks covered by the red veil was cold, a ray of killing intent flashed in his eyes, a slender hand held it, and a three-foot long sword flashed out.

Under the sun, the long sword flashed with a cold and terrifying white light.