
Chapter 158: Repair, leave!

Seeing Chen Mo's relaxed look, Yun Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

She was afraid that her forced follow-up would become a burden to Chen Mo.

But she didn't know that when Chen Mo was not paying attention, the solemn color in her eyes flashed by.

I hope that there will be no accidents about the agreement or the like...

Looking at the shadow next to him, Chen Mo suddenly remembered something.

In the original work, Yun Yun seems to have become the suzerain of Huazong.

Chen Mo can't remember the details of exactly how it became.

Two days later.

When Chen Mo saw a section of mountains protruding from the distant ground, Chen Mo opened the map and followed the signs on the map.

Chen Mo knew that after crossing this mountain range, he would arrive at Tianya City.

As the only way to Tianya City, below the mountains, there are roads extending in all directions, and on those open roads that are not covered by trees, Chen Mo and Chen Mo can still see the figures coming and going.

There are even some people who started business in the mountains, yelling, even two people in the sky can hear it.

After entering the sky above the mountains, you can hear some sound of breaking through the air around them, but most of them are riding flying monsters and flying with condensed wings, only one or two, and they are all Douwang.

After seeing Chen Mo and Yun Yun, they both stopped and let Chen Mo go first.

There was envy and awe in everyone's eyes.

Flying in the air, that is a means that can only be possessed by the strongest fighting sect.

Obviously, under the shadow of Dou Zong's light, Chen Mo acted as a green leaf.

In this regard, the two looked at each other and smiled. This situation has been encountered several times before.

Flying over the mountains, the outline of a city appeared in the vision of the two.

The two quickly flashed past, and flew into the city under everyone's surprised eyes.

Immediately everyone looked at each other.

No flying over Tianya City.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows it.

But even so, everyone believed that the guards guarding the city would not dare to stop.

For Dou Zong, some rules can still be broken.

When the two entered the city, they flew directly towards the location of the space wormhole.

But when the two were about to reach the space wormhole, an old man who claimed to be the ancestor of the Luo family stopped them.

"Do you want to take the space channel?" Luo Cheng asked with a trace of respect. Such a young Dou Zong and Dou Huang powerhouse must have a terrifying force afterwards.

"Something?" Chen Mo's flying figure paused and raised his brows.

"Actually, some time ago, due to the space storm, there was a problem with the space wormhole. It is currently being repaired, but the amount of work is too large and a strong person is needed. I wonder if this lady can help. ?"

When asking for help, Luo Cheng's attitude is very low.

Hearing this, Yun Yun did not answer questions, but instead looked at Chen Mo.

In this regard, Luo Cheng's eyes narrowed, and the two of them turned out to be mainly Chen Mo, who had a low cultivation base.

Chen Mo said: "With her words, how long will the repair of the wormhole be completed?"

Chen Mo didn't want to wait for the completion of the repair of the wormhole in Tianya City, repair it early and leave early.

"If it's fast, it will be fine within an hour." Luo Cheng didn't expect the young man in front of him to talk so easily.

"Then lead the way!" Chen Mo didn't have what he wanted to pay, after all, he couldn't get what Chen Mo needed.

The three of them flew towards the wormhole.

After arriving, there were two Douzong waiting for a long time.

They are the two elders of the Han family who are thousands of miles around Tianya City.

Because Yun Yun came from the sky, for such a young Dou Zong, the two elders of the Han family held fists with a hint of respect and introduced themselves.

"Yun Yun." Yun Yunqing said coldly, she only showed her gentle side in front of Chen Mo.

"Yun Yun..." The two elders of the Han family glanced at each other, then nodded unanimously. The name is a bit familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere.

Even Luo Cheng fell into deep thought. As the controller of the Tianya City Space Wormhole, he knew a lot about the news.

This name, he seems to have heard others mention it.

But it is impolite to ask someone else's identity rashly. After Luo Cheng smiled, he didn't waste time and went straight to the subject.

Simply tell Yun Yun how to repair it.

Luo Cheng said solemnly: "Three, please help me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the space around the four people suddenly became distorted, and a force of space emerged, and immediately rushed into the space wormhole.

Since this place has been sealed off, no one has seen this scene.

But the second elder of the Han family and Luo Cheng Yu Guang glanced at them, and they were surprised.

Because Guan Yunyun is only a low-level fighting sect, but the surging space power is much larger than the three people, and judging from its relaxed appearance, it seems that this restoration did not make every effort.

Using only a part of the power of the space, it can surpass the power of the space that the three of them burst out with all their strength, which makes the three of them blush, secretly saying that they have all lived on the dogs for these years.

Before an hour arrived, Luo Cheng knew that the restoration was completed with the silver awns lingering around the space wormhole.

"It's okay!" Seeing that the repair was completed, Chen Mo immediately flew down and handed Yun Yun a high-level pill to restore vindictiveness.

Yun Yun shook his head faintly, the consumption of vindictive energy this time was less than 20%.

"This friend, this is a little bit of the old man's heart, and I hope I must accept it." Luo Cheng waved his hand and flew towards Chen Mo with a stream of light.

Chen Mo took it. It was a palm-sized wooden boat and a purple bead.

"This is?" Wooden boat Chen Mo knew, but Chen Mo didn't understand the purple beads.

"This is the old man's token. With this purple bead, you will be able to ride the Wormhole for free in the future." Luo Cheng smiled. Although the other party did not take the initiative to offer a reward, it is impossible for him not to give it.

"Thank you, then." Chen Mo said after receiving the ring, "Since the wormhole has been repaired, can it be used now?"

"It's okay anytime, but to be on the safe side, I suggest you wait a little longer."

"No, we're in a hurry." Chen Mo rejected Luo Cheng's proposal and stepped into the space wormhole with Yun Yun's thin waist.

Soon after the two stepped in, one of the two elders of the Han family patted his head and said, "I remember who Yun Yun is? The Lord Yun of Lingyan Pavilion, his real name is Yun Yun!"

Hearing this, Luo Cheng seemed to have awakened from memory, and suddenly said: "Yes, it is the Master Yun of Lingyan Pavilion."

With this, Luo Cheng took a breath and said in horror: "That man has a close relationship with Pavilion Master Yun, and Pavilion Master Yun is headed by this man, isn't this man..."

"The chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion." The three said at the same time.

One day after Chen Mo and Yun Yun stepped into the space wormhole, two women arrived at Tianya City.

Not far from the two women, there is also a griffon beast.

There are also two women on the Griffin Beast.