
Chapter 157: Gu Xun'er is out!


Ancient world.

In the three-story small attic, in the secret room, a young woman in a purple dress sits on a stone bed with her jade hands folded together like a lotus flower, forming a complex and cumbersome seal.

With the change of its seal tactics, golden light flashed in the woman's eyes, which was a ray of golden flame.

The dazzling golden flame, like the same sun, surged out of the woman's body, and the entire secret room was filled with golden light.

For a moment, as the temperature increased, the surrounding walls of the secret room made of meteorite from the sky fell off like mottled.

Outside the attic, the golden flames dyed half of the sky red, and a flame phantom like a golden lotus appeared on the horizon.

The entire ancient world was shaken at this moment, and powerful and terrifying figures flew out from a corner of the towering cloud.

Looking at the changes in the attic, bursts of strange sounds resounded in this world.

"The Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan was really surrendered by the girl Xun'er."

In the secret room, as the golden emperor Fentianyan was surrendered, the woman's cultivation level rose one after another.

Fighting emperor eight stars.

Fighting Emperor Jiuxing.



Just like the sound of a beer bottle being capped, he broke through the bottleneck of Dou Huang's peak in one fell swoop, and was promoted to Dou Zong.

The woman in the purple skirt gently raised her jade hand, a flower that seemed to be able to incinerate everything in heaven and earth into a golden flame, slowly rising away.

The woman in the purple dress braved golden eyes, suddenly a ray of cold light flashed, and muttered to herself: "My Gu Xun'er, I'm out of customs!"


On the other side, Chen Mo and Yun Yun rushed to Tianya City.

Because of this city, there is the only wormhole in the northwest region that leads to Zhongzhou.

And Tianya City is located in a mountain called Tianqing that is thousands of miles away from the Black Point Region.

It was even tens of thousands of miles away from Wuling City. Even with the speed of the two people, they would have to travel overnight for nearly a month.

Of course, Chen Mo could also fly directly to Zhongzhou, but it would take him nearly half a year to rush from Wuling to Zhongzhou at his fastest speed.

And if you take the space wormhole, it only takes about a month, plus the time to reach Tianya City, at most two and a half months, you can reach Zhongzhou.

Fortunately, Yun Yun insisted on following, otherwise Chen Mo would be tortured to death for more than two months on the road.

Because they want to be sympathetic to Yun Yun, the two stopped to rest every three days.

If Chen Mo was alone, he would have to fly for seven or eight days.

However, the mutual company of the two is not lonely during this period of flight.

Canaan College.

With the extinguishment of the Tianfen Gas Refining Tower and the rise of Lingyan Pavilion, the college has faded out of people's vision in the past two years.

The number of new students recruited every year is not only limited, but there are not many good seedlings.

It is estimated that the good seedlings in the entire northwestern region were recruited by the school opened by Lingyan Pavilion two years ago.

[In this matter, Chen Mo himself did not expect that the role of the school would be so great.

This is a suggestion that Yao Ye submitted to cultivate outstanding members of Lingyan Pavilion. After Chen Mo nodded and agreed, he continued to grow and develop in Yao Ye's hands. ]Narration added.

Canaan College, which has no new blood injection, is doomed to decline.

"Elder, another group of veteran students are leaving the college." In an attic, Hu Gan, the vice president of the Outer Academy, looked at the weeds that grew up on the academy square and sighed.

When the veteran students find that staying in the academy has little effect on their own cultivation, they will yearn for the outside world, and the affairs in the academy gradually become a little slack.

As a few veteran students left the academy at the beginning, when the elders did not all report the blame.

Follow the trend effect.

With the first batch, there is the second batch.

After going back and forth, there are now fewer than 30 students in the inner courtyard of the college.

"Let them go out and search for a better sky!"

Su Qian looked very open, but judging from the sadness he hadn't let go of for a long time, the academy became what it is now, making him feel like a sinner in this academy.

"Let's go, let's go, the academy is not a prison..."

Su Qiancang's voice resounded above the academy.

On the back of a griffin beast heading to Tianya City, Xin Lan rubbed Zi Yan's head and smiled and said, "When you arrive in Zhongzhou, do you want to go to my family to play, although Ye's family has fallen, maybe it can help you. Unlock some of your secrets."

Xinlan stayed in the academy for so long, but finally did not find anyone to help the family return to Danta. Now that the academy has fallen, it is even more impossible.

In desperation, Xinlan had no choice but to embark on the way home, but at this moment, the great elder troubled Xinlan with one thing, and that was to bring Zi Yan with her.

I hope to solve the mystery of Zi Yan's ontology on the land of Zhongzhou.

Xinlan didn't refuse, Ziyan was stronger than herself, but bringing her to her was helpful.

"Then thank Sister Xinlan." Zi Yan did not refuse, and went to a strange place. Zi Yan's face was also very confused.


"Mainland Central China has an extremely large area, so in every big city..."

Chen Mo never thought that one day he would be an instructor, answering Yun Yun's questions endlessly, and Chen Mo had been talking about it for almost half an hour.

"Which powers are particularly strong in Zhongzhou?" It took more than a month to hurry, and at most two or three days to reach Tianya City, Yun Yun was a little excited, like a curious baby, pestering Chen Mo to ask questions.

After all, Yun Yun remembered that Chen Mo had said that he was from Zhongzhou.

Yun Yun threw another question. Maybe someone else would have been annoyed long ago, but Chen Mo didn't dare. This is her own woman and should be spoiled.

"In theory, there are eight ancient clans, one hall and one tower, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions, but in reality, you only need to remember the eight ancient clans and one hall and one tower." Chen Mo said.

"Why?" Yun Yun looked puzzled.

"Because of the Erzong Sangu Sifang Pavilion, in front of your husband is a scum." Chen Mo raised his head and said arrogantly.

"Here again..." Yun Yunsu covered her face with her hands, a little helpless.

Having said everything, Chen Mo simply told Yun Yun the details of these forces he knew.

"Soul Palace, Soul Clan, Ancient Clan..." After hearing Chen Mo's words, Yun Yun realized how terrifying the enemies he provoked back then.

"Don't worry, these tribes won't make a move easily."

Chen Mo originally thought that a little change would happen when he arrived.

But after waiting for two years in the northwest area, neither the Soul Palace nor the ancient clan came to the strongest, Chen Mo understood that it was the same as the original.

Especially for the Soul Palace, if you send a Heavenly Lord in the early stage, you won't have Xiao Yan copy all of your hometown in the later stage, even the boss of the Soul Race is destroyed or is it sealed?

There are also agreements such as those who are more than five-star fighting sages can't make moves.