
Chapter 156: Travel with the United States and go to Zhongzhou!

The so-called practice makes perfect, after more than a dozen furnaces have been refined.

The Emperor Ji Dan and Dou Zong Dan refined by Chen Mo this time can be rated at least nine points.

Both the Huangji Pill and the Douzong Pill had been taken, and Chen Mo asked Ya Fei to put the refined pill in Wanbao Pavilion and let the news go out, hoping to attract some Dou Huang to join.

With Chen Mo's alchemy practice these days, the outside world has changed frequently. At first, everyone looked on guard, but when they knew that it was Chen Mo's alchemy, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Pill refining caused the world to change, at least it was a sixth-grade pill.

And those alchemists who joined Lingyan Pavilion began to worship Chen Mo.

The twenty-year-old sixth-rank pharmacist, looking at the entire continent, there are several people who can compare.

The women who have had a relationship with Chen Mo have strange eyes, this is my man.

Chen Mo didn't know everyone's opinion, even if he knew it, he didn't feel much, or this kind of admiration was already commonplace for him.

Just when he was about to refine the Dou Ling Pill to raise the cultivation base for the Dou Kings, he remembered an important thing.

That is where the Juvenile Falling Heart Flame belongs.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo quickly took out the childhood Falling Heart Flame from the system.

With a burst of blazing heat, the flames that were originally only the size of a baby's fist have now become the size of an adult's fist.

With this kind of good thing, Chen Mo thought of Yun Yun for the first time, and Falling Heart Yan's heartburn was of great help in improving his cultivation.

However, Yun Yun refused, saying that it was of little use to her. Coupled with the reasons for practicing the Yin-Yang Universe Jue, Yun Yun's vindictive spirit began to change towards Yin and Han.

Although it won't be related to the fire attribute, it won't have much effect if swallowed.

It was the first time that Chen Mo saw a strange fire that someone would refuse.

No Yun Yun, Chen Mo next thought of Medusa, but Medusa returned to the snake-men tribe a few days ago, because the high priest of the snake-men tribe said that the tribe would migrate to a cold place.

The place was also found, in Fenglan County, a canyon.

As the queen of the snake-human race, she naturally led the tribe's migration.

In the end, it was given to Nalan Yanran.

As Chen Mo's woman, Nalan Yanran has the lowest strength. Even though she has been practicing in the closed door of life and death, her current cultivation level is only two stars.

Seeing such a valuable gift from Chen Mo, Nalan Yanran was moved to agree to Chen Mo's absurd request.

That night, Chen Mo finally understood what it was like to be served by two people.

Kidney can't eat it.

As early as the next morning, Chen Mo was stunned by a pee.

Pushing away the two women who hugged themselves tightly, as soon as they got out of bed, Chen Mo felt a soreness in his waist.

"What am I..."


Time flies, and another year has passed.

A lot happened this year.

Thorough penetration of the Yang Shen Qing Xin Jue.

This allowed Chen Mo to use 80% of his body's power to control the cultivation that he dared not let go of the previous year, but he was no longer restrained this year.

From the eight-star Dou Wang, his cultivation was promoted to two consecutive stars, and he was promoted to become the Dou Wang.

For the entire Lingyan Empire, Chen Mo thought about going wherever he wanted.

But he still can't do the whole northwest area.

Except for the Black Point Region, in the entire northwestern region, where he designated, he was invincible, and everything in that place was under his control.

Of course, the area referred to cannot exceed the Lingyan Empire, which is the original Izumo Empire.

Three thousand thunder and five rounds of Lihuo have been cultivated to great success, and the Emperor Heart Jue has cultivated to the fourth seal, the Tantian seal.

Chen Mo learned the yin and yang universe tactics ignorantly, but Yun Yun has cultivated to the point of Jianxin, can combine man and sword, and with the help of breaking through the emperor, reaching the realm of fighting sect.

By the way, Chen Mo also ate the girl from Yao Ye. Yao Ye was anxious for this day, but did not refuse that night. Instead, he cooperated with Chen Mo and unlocked...

After Chen Mo's stalker, Queen Medusa acquiesced that it was Chen Mo's woman, but Chen Mo never had the opportunity.

One day, warm sunlight poured down from the sky, shining on the entire Wuling City.

Chen Mo stepped on the void, looking into the distance of the sky, with a bit of enthusiasm and expectation, and muttered: "It's time to go to Zhongzhou."

Yun Yun watched the palace come out, looked at Chen Mo in the sky, flew up, leaned on Chen Mo's back, and said softly: "Are you leaving again?"

Chen Mo nodded slightly: "I have been resting for more than two years. This northwest region is indeed reckless. If I stay here, my cultivation level will not make much progress."

According to Chen Mo's original plan, he would leave a year ago.

Because at that time Lingyan Pavilion had completely mastered the northwest region, and there were many masters in the pavilion.

But in order to fear the sudden attack of the Soul Palace and the ancients, Chen Mo dragged on for a year.

Yun Yun agreed with Chen Mo's words. According to Chen Mo's previous practice speed, it was indeed unusual for him to break through Dou Wang in two years.

"I want to go with you." Yun Yun hugged Chen Mo, with a hint of coquettish tone in her speech.

"Isn't what you said last night was good? I'll go there first, and stand firm there before you come over."

Chen Mo turned around, running his fingers through Yun Yun's hair, enjoying the silky smoothness.

"Every time you go out for so long, who knows if you will bring a younger sister back this time." Yun Yun has already started to claim herself as an eldest wife, and said with a serious face: "I have to look at you this time."

Chen Mo wanted to say something, but he stopped seeing the firmness in Yun Yun's eyes.

Although Yun Yun obeys Chen Mo in everything, once a decision is made, she will not easily change it.

Yun Yun knew that Chen Mo was worried about herself, and she chuckled, "Didn't you send someone there long ago? What are you worried about? Is it because someone is afraid that you can't protect me?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but flushed, and he was talking big words when he rose up.

Sister Yun Yun will let you enter this vindictive continent, and I will protect you for your whole life.

No way, the bull that I have blown, no matter how hard it is, I can't let the bull fall.

Chen Mo patted his chest and promised: "This time, you won't be hurt by a single strand of hair."

Yun Yun hummed softly.

"Sister Yun Yun, let you experience what speed is."

Chen Mo said in a low voice, before Yun Yun could react, the two of them disappeared.

The next moment, the two appeared on the border of Lingyan Empire.

"This...this..." Yun Yun thought that he had seen everything that shocked Chen Mo over the past two years, but unexpectedly, this was just the tip of his iceberg.

Yun Yun was completely stunned.

Soon after Chen Mo left.

Two figures appeared in the sky above Wuling City, and a charming and cold voice sounded: "If you don't let this king be together, wouldn't this king go by himself?"