
Chapter 155: Fighting to create a plan!

One day is over again.

As night fell, the night sky resembled a navy blue curtain, dotted with stars.

When Chen Mo was thinking about attacking Queen Medusa, the waiter reported:

Nalan Yanran has arrived at Wu Ling.

Not seen in the past two years, Nalan Yanran has become more watery, her lordosis and backward warping are very impressive, and she has transformed into a mature imperial sister.

She wears a moon-white dress with a white ribbon tied around her waist, and she has a curvy figure that can be held in one hand.

Seeing Chen Mo's slightly stunned gaze, Nalan's sweet and white jade fingers slid between her long black hair, her eyebrows were not drawn, her skin was white and greasy without applying powder, her lips curled up, carrying Three points wittyly said: "Why? In less than two years, I didn't know the senior sister?"

Chen Mo motioned to let the maid in the dormitory retreat.

Immediately flashing past, she hugged Nalan Yanran, whispered in her ears, and tried her best to say: "How is it possible, I think Senior Sister, but it's a matter of thinking. I haven't seen you for two years, and it's a lot..."

Chen Mo took advantage of everything.

"Junior Brother, you..." Nalan Yanran's face was blushing, so she didn't even move her hands when she met, and immediately annoyed: "I haven't seen the teacher yet."

"Not bad for this night." Chen Mo hugged Nalan Yanran and walked toward the bed.

"After a day's journey, I'm all sweaty..."

"I do not mind!"



Fenglei Pavilion.

"Where did you hear it?" said a middle-aged man wearing a robe with the Fenglei Pavilion logo in a hall.

"Elder Hong, these disciples are also heard in Fangshi today. That person came from the northwest region. It is said that in the Wanbao Pavilion of Lingyan Pavilion, there are three thousand thunderbolts in the collection." The disciple in Fenglei robe Xiao Xiao Soundtrack.

During this period of time, it is inevitable that some people will not be able to mix in the Northwest region, or the remnants of the Heavenly Snake League will flow to Zhongzhou.

The circulation of people will naturally lead to the breeding of gossip.

Although everyone didn't believe the words of the Fallen Saint, it also made Lingyange's power gradually gain a certain reputation in Zhongzhou.

"Lingyan Pavilion?" Hong Tao, the elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement, had obviously heard of this force, and immediately sneered: "It's the Lingyan Pavilion that claims to have two Tier 8 monsters, but also slaughter the sage?"

The disciple replied: "Exactly."

"The rumors are not true, so let's retreat!" Hong Tao said.

"Yes." The disciple fisted and left.

Hong Tao was originally not a person who judged true or false in a single word.

The reason is that Lingyan Pavilion is too evil.

The first time Hong Tao heard Lingyan Pavilion was two months ago, he said that Lingyan Pavilion had an eighth-tier Heavenly Demon Phoenix.

Because of this, even the pavilion master was alarmed.

After all, Feng Lei Pavilion had some involvement with the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

But when Feng Lei Pavilion was about to check it out, another news came out that the other party still had a Tier 8 monster.

But when you think this is over, this is not the end.

What Lingyan Pavilion's chief pavilion master has three attributes, several kinds of different fires, can kill Dou Zun, and even in the end, the saints have fallen.

The more you say it, the more exaggerated, and everything is more incredible. If you say one thing, someone might take it seriously, but when you even say five or six things, the truth will become fake.

Later, the people in Zhongzhou had already heard this as a joke.

Such a powerful force can slay the Four Pavilions and Three Valleys, how can they still stay in the northwest region, which is regarded as a barren land by the Zhongzhou people?

Undoubtedly, they are lying.


Among the beast domains, the three major beast families are the strongest.

They belong to the Taixu Gulong clan.

Tian Yaohuang clan.

Nine Netherworld Python clan.

Among the three major beast families, the Nine Nether Ground Python clan has the largest number of sub-groups, and its sphere of influence is also huge. Of course, in exchange for the number, the bloodline of the current Nine Nether Ground Python becomes more and more. Not pure.

"Huh?" A powerful man from the Nine Nether Divine Python clan flew over a city, frowning, because just now, it had a thought of surrender.

The strong man patted his head, he must have worked too hard last night and had hallucinations.

At the gate of the city, the green barbarians and the white teeth dare not expose their breath.

Their luck was too bad. During the transmission of the space channel, they encountered a space storm, and they were transmitted to the Beast Realm by mistake.

After inquiring, the place where they were was actually still the territory of Jiu Nether Di Ming Python.

"Holy woman, you must not expose, or we are all over." Seeing that Bai Fang was about to leave the city, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

The petite figure shrouded in the green robe nodded silently.

Fortunately, God bless, the guard at the gate of the city only interrogated a few words before letting a few people out of the city.

After leaving the city, they hurriedly left the territory of Jiu Nether Di Ming Python and rushed towards the area controlled by the human race overnight.


Wuling City.

Nalan Yanran seemed to be suffocating her madness for a long time. How could she be able to solve it overnight if she hadn't seen her for two years.

In the past few days, Nalan Yanran has not been out of Chen Mo's bedroom.

After that, Chen Mo was a little bit horrified when he saw the woman.

Therefore, Chen Mo simply decided to abstain from **** for a period of time.

During this time, Chen Mo once again picked up the alchemy that had been abandoned for a long time and began to practice.

Now Chen Mo's soul has reached the peak of the spiritual realm, only a step away from the heavens.

But this foot is extremely difficult.

Chen Mo took countless soul-enhancing pills, combined with the tempering of Shen Lei Mu and Yang Shen Qingxin Jue, but he still couldn't break this bottleneck.

It's like a bottomless pit.

Therefore, Chen Mo didn't force it anymore, just let the flow go.

The soul realm reaches the peak of the spiritual realm, and the improvement of alchemy is not a star or a half. Although the technique is a bit clumsy, the refining of the fifth-grade pill can be described as a handy.

After refining a few furnaces of the five-grade pill to retrieve the feel.

Chen Mo started to refining six-tier pill, and it was Pozong Pill and Huangji Pill with greater difficulty coefficient among them.

Chen Mo decided that he wanted to build Dou Zong in batches.

After exploding more than 20 furnaces, the first batch of Dou Zong Dan and Huang Ji Dan were refined one after another. Although the quality was not very good, they finally succeeded in refining.

As an experiment, Chen Mo gave it to those newly joined Dou Huang.

Although his appearance was not good, he still allowed a strong man at the top of Dou Huang to be promoted to Dou Zong, allowing three two-star Dou Huang to break through to three stars.

After confirming the usefulness, Chen Mo hurriedly refined the next batch with the successful experience of the previous batch. The Emperor Ji Dan and Dou Zong Dan refined from this batch were better than the previous batch in terms of appearance and purity. too much.

This time, Chen Mo gave these pills to the old people who joined Lingyan Pavilion in the early stage, Yun Yun, Yin Lao and others.

After taking Yun Yun, she was directly promoted to Jiuxing Dou Huang.

Elder Yin also successfully advanced to Dou Zong.