
Chapter 154: Gentle Township!

Both of them had injuries, and Chen Mo had already taken care of it just now, and he was not hungry yet.

When Chen Mo left, Yun Yun didn't hold her back either. She said silently in her heart: "You have to hang this stinky boy for a few days."

After leaving Yun Yun, Chen Mo went to find Queen Medusa.

This time it was really just to deliver medicine, because Medusa closed the door and asked him to leave the medicine.

Chen Mo sighed, put two pills in a jade bottle, put them at the door, and left.

As soon as Chen Mo left for a while, the room opened with a creak.


The sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

After a while, the coquettish woman wearing a red palace costume walked out of the room awkwardly, glanced left and right, confirmed that no one was watching, then picked up the jade bottle on the ground.

Walk into the house and close the door.

In the next few days, it seemed as if an agreement had been made.

The woman who had intimate contact with Chen Mo in everything was extremely tacit, and Chen Mo was not seen behind closed doors.

This made Chen Mo very puzzled, as if he was a demon in sex.

In a flash, another few days passed, during which Chen Mo took back the demon puppet that had been thrown in the city.

At the same time, as he swallowed the pill for curing dark diseases, the dark diseases in Chen Mo's body were almost healed.

But Chen Mo soon discovered a problem. As long as he urged the idols to suppress the prison energy, the hostile spirit that was temporarily hidden in his body would emerge. Although it was only a little bit, Chen Mo still felt it.

Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, Chen Mo tried to mobilize 50% of his power.


A trace of dark underworld permeated from Chen Mo's body and diffused in the room, his eyes gradually turning red.

But this is still under Chen Mo's control.

Try to mobilize 60%.

It can still be controlled.


A hoarse roar came from Chen Mo's mouth, and Chen Mo hurriedly stopped.

Sixty percent, with Chen Mo's current control, he can only use sixty percent of his original strength, and no matter how much he can hold it.

In this way, Chen Mo was very upset. He possessed all the original powers, so that even if he faced the real One-Star Fighting Saint, Chen Mo was not in the slightest.

But today's Chen Mo, with this 60% strength, it is estimated that he can only exert a strength comparable to that of Nine Star Dou Zun.

It's normal to be uncomfortable after dropping so much at once.

"I hope this Cultivation Cleansing Curse can work..."

Chen Mo cross-legged on the bed to comprehend the Nourishment and Purification Curse.

The Yang Shen Qingxin Mantra is not divided into several layers, just like a paper.

But this prose is raw and difficult to understand, and Chen Mo has to exert a lot of attention to comprehend it.

Once the enlightenment understands it, once you are controlled by hostility again, you can meditate silently to suppress it.


Ling Yan Pavilion did not expand. In the previous battle, Ling Yan Pavilion suffered heavy casualties. Almost all the high-level members were seriously injured. The middle-level Dou Wang was even killed by the Heavenly Snake Alliance.

Such a heavy price cannot be recovered in a short while.

Everything seemed to be calm again. The ancients didn't know why, and didn't come to seek revenge.

Chen Mo and his party returned to Wuling City for recuperation.

Time passed bit by bit.

In a blink of an eye, one year has passed.

During this period of time, Chen Mo's cultivation level didn't make any progress, and they were all used to cultivate the Mental Cultivation Curse and the five rounds of Lihuofa obtained from Venerable Tianhuo, and the Emperor Seal Art of Tongxuan.

All three are slightly less successful.

Chen Mo was not stingy either, and directly asked the concubine Ya, who had returned from the Black Point Region, to put the transcripts of the Five-wheel Lihuo Method and the Diyin Jue in Wanbao Pavilion.

However, due to the peculiarities of the five-wheeled fire method, Chen Mo specially marked that he wanted to practice this method, his body had at least four kinds of flames.

The Di Yin Jue requires five seals to gather together, and each seal has a corresponding cultivation base.

But even so.

When the two fighting skills were put into Wanbao Pavilion, within a month, the entire northwestern region knew about it.

But no one dared to **** it. You must know that in the battle a year ago, there were many survivors who witnessed it, and not everyone's mouth was very serious.

It is said that there is no impermeable wall in the world, and the news of the fall of the saint, like a storm, swept across the entire northwestern region.

If it weren't for Zhongzhou to be too far from here, I'm afraid the news would have to reach Zhongzhou.

There was no way, I couldn't fight, and I wanted to practice fighting skills that were as powerful as the heavenly ranks, so I could only join Lingyan Pavilion.

In one year, Lingyan Pavilion attracted six Sanxiu Douzong, nearly ten Douwang, and there were more than 20 Douwang.

For a time, Lingyan Pavilion's strength skyrocketed.

In order to obtain the contribution points exchange, Chen Mo and his party did not make a move, and Lingyan Pavilion wiped out the remaining forces of the Heavenly Snake Alliance.

The vast northwestern region is completely under the control of Lingyan Pavilion.

As for the women around Chen Mo, they didn't practice these two disciplines. Chen Mo directly gave them the first two forms of the Heavenly Emperor's Profound Thunder Seal.

In one year, the injuries on their bodies were almost healed, and they were just right for cultivation.

But what is strange is that Yun Yun, Yi Qingyao, and Mu Qian did not move in their stomachs for so long.

Chen Mo is about to be depressed. Check carefully, it is not the problem in that area.

In order to determine whether it is a physical problem, the four of them have been sneaking up on drugs that can conceive a child recently.

However, it was almost a month later, and there was still no reaction at all.

In order to solve this problem, Chen Mo also deliberately went to the system pill column to search several times.

The medicines related to this kind of medicine are all medicines for fetus maintenance, fetal protection, and childbirth. There is no one to help pregnancy.

This is so fucking, there are so many women, but no children.

Chen Mo thought about it later, and felt that it should be his own problem.

After all, one or two are not pregnant, it is possible for both parties, but three are not pregnant, you have to think about yourself.

Gongfa, blood.

Both are possible, but neither can be resolved.

In this regard, Chen Mo can only hope that his strength will improve, and there will be a way.

It is worth mentioning that Nalan Yanran left the gate of life and death.

Now I am coming from Longyou County towards Wuling City, and I will be able to arrive in a short time.

Since Lingyan Pavilion unified the northwestern region, Chen Mo lived a leisurely life, and there was no strong invasion.

Cultivation during the day, and at night, like the emperor turning over the concubine's sign, you can go to sleep wherever you turn it.

It's a pity that the three people's wish to sleep together has never been realized.

Mu Qianqian did not object or agree, but Yi Qingyao and Yun Yun did not agree with anything they said.

The key thing cannot be forced, and Chen Mo didn't mention it again.

However, the relationship between Chen Mo and Queen Medusa has been in an ambiguous period. It is okay to kiss the little mouth and take advantage of it, and wants to go further.

It's over if she can beat you or not.