
Chapter 151: Yun Yun is in danger?


Tong Xuan's soul body was like broken glass slag, suddenly turning into pieces, and finally reduced to soul power, which was swallowed by Chen Mo in one bite.

After a while, Chen Mo chewed a bit, and laughed like crazy: "The soul of the saint is really delicious!"


The gaze of the audience became extremely horrified at this moment, even with a deep unbelievable.

"This guy has become stronger again!" Queen Medusa exclaimed in surprise.

Yun Yun looked at Chen Mo's gaze, from the joy before, to excitement, worry, shock, and current admiration.

At this moment, Yun Yun seems to be Chen Mo's fan girl.

"Really...really let him slaughter... sage..." Su Huang felt his whole body trembling, and he waved his arm slightly, just as he was about to retreat slightly.


An icy voice that can turn people into ice is transmitted from a certain space.

Su Huang stopped.

He still wants to see it again.

Chen Mo's eyes were suddenly cold and cold, his brows frowned slightly, and the fingers of his right hand rubbed lightly, both Yin and Yang flames appeared, and the same was true of his left hand, and the bone spirit appeared coldly.

Then Chen Mo slapped his hands hard, and the two strange fires trembled violently for a while, and they merged together.

The terrifying energies of heaven and earth are getting irritable at this moment.

It's not over yet, next, Falling Heart Flame, Wind Fury Dragon Flame, and Thunder Fire began to merge one by one.

At the same time, the space where the sound was made slowly became distorted, and dazzling golden light burst out of it.

Haoran's saint aura suddenly spread, much stronger than Tong Xuan.

"Guru." A voice swallowing saliva sounded from below.

It is another saint.

With the emergence of golden light, a dry palm protruded from the crack in the space, and then did not wait for it to come out completely.

A six-color fire lotus suspended in the palm of Chen Mo's palm is already condensed.

In the direction of the space crack, Chen Mo flicked his finger, and the six-color fire lotus in his hand suddenly rotated at high speed, turned into a flame, and flew away.

There was no sound in the places passed along the way, but the space quietly collapsed in the places where it passed.

The six-color fire lotus went very smoothly, plunged into the cracks in the twisted space, and the palm that just stretched out didn't seem to wait for the fire lotus to explode, so it squeezed it.


For only a moment, the heaven and the earth were silent, as if time had stopped, but this silence only lasted for an instant, and an explosion that made the heaven and the earth tremble suddenly sounded.

In that space crack, it exploded...

A huge flame storm of thousands of meters long swept away from the place where it exploded, and that large area of ​​space burst into pieces of dark cavities in this instant.

If it were not exploded in a space crack, even if it exploded in the air, the people in Qinggang City would have to be destroyed, but if it exploded in a space crack, the consequences could only be borne by the person whose face had not yet been exposed.

First, the outstretched palm directly turned into nothingness, and then the body that was still not coming out of the space, then shattered and turned into dots and dots to be swallowed by flame energy.

at the same time.

In the ancient world of the ancient peoples far away, the ancient South China Sea, who was meditating in the secret room, was hit hard, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of the ancient South Sea mouth, obviously hurting its origin.

"Boldly stand up, dare to destroy my Dousheng clone."

It turned out that what Tong Xuan had crushed was the scroll that summoned the clone of Ancient Nanhai Dousheng. If the ancient Nanhai body were to come, the distance between Zhongzhou and the northwest region would not be reachable in a short time even if a spatial passage was constructed.

As for space shifting, that is a method that Six Star Fighting Saints can possess.

The Dousheng clone was destroyed, and the current strength of Gu Nanhai was greatly reduced.

Gu Nanhai couldn't wait to let the elders of the clan open up the space channel and go personally, but he resisted it.

Because at the moment when his identity was annihilated, he actually felt the breath of the soul hall on the spot.

When Gu Nanhai came out of the secret room, he decided to personally report to the patriarch and discuss the plan.

Qingkang City.

In a certain place, the two cold breaths gradually disappeared.

"Drink..." Chen Mo let out a low growl from his throat looking at the direction where the cold breath disappeared.

At this time, Chen Mo's eyes were red, and his face could no longer be described as ferocious.

I don't know if it's blood vessels or blue veins, it's all over Chen Mo's face. The long hair **** and draped over his shoulders doesn't know when, and a strong spirit of darkness envelops Chen Mo's whole body.

Like a fierce beast showing its horrible fangs, Chen Mo, who hadn't had much fun just now, locked onto Su Huang and the others on the city wall.

A thunder arc suddenly appeared and flashed out.

Su Huang's face changed in fear, and the shadow of the helping hand that was about to appear was destroyed by Chen Mo before he even saw it. Now that he saw that his life was threatening, Su Huang waved his arm and hurriedly fled.

However, at this time, how could he escape? As the thunder exploded, a figure bathed in thunder light appeared in front of Su Huang.

Su Huang just wanted to say something to beg for mercy, and immediately suffered a pain in his chest. He looked down, not knowing when he had a black spear on his chest.

The flame attached to the spear burned up, swallowing Su Huang completely and instantly turned into nothingness.

Seeing Su Huang's misery, the other Dou Zongs would not dare to waste time saying anything to beg for mercy. They looked at each other before they separated and fled in one direction.

Chen Mo swung his spear and flicked it towards one of the directions. The black spear shot out, and instantly pierced a Dou Zong with exactly the same fate as Su Huang.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo knotted his hands, and as the thunder rolled above the sky, a huge pillar of thunder poured down.

The Dou Zong who was locked by the thunder column died instantly.

Every time a thunder pillar falls, a Dou Zong will die on the spot.

When the opponent's fighting sects were all dead, Chen Mo's eyes were locked on the fleeing soldiers again.

A palm fell, and the soldiers were killed and wounded.

At this moment, even a fool felt that something was wrong with Chen Mo, and Yun Yunfei, who had recovered a little bit, tried to stop Chen Mo.

However, before getting close, Chen Mo slapped him lightly, and flew out in the air.

The expressions of Queen Medusa, Yunshan and others changed. Could this be a delusion?

Chen Mo didn't feel it. He was invaded by hostility and reason. Seeing that there was another plaything for him to play with, he swiftly ran away and caught up with Yun Yun that was flying out of it.

When she landed, she pinched her throat, and the strength in her hand gradually increased.

Chen Mo didn't kill her immediately, because from the previous situation, Chen Mo knew that no one could catch his own trick.

He now wants to kill a person slowly and enjoy the fun.

Chen Mo showed a devil's smile.

As his strength increased, Yun Yun soon became speechless, only the instinct of the body was gradually struggling.