
Chapter 150: Kill Half Saint!

Tu Sheng!

With the fall of Chen Mo's words, the whole Qinghan almost fell silent.

In this continent where Dou Emperor has disappeared.

The saint is the strongest.

Anyone who understands this aspect knows how many years there hasn't been a fallen saint in the Douqi Continent.

Looking at Chen Mo with incredible gazes, it seemed that he was crazy.

Tong Xuan also couldn't help but sneered.

Do you want to kill the saint too?

Let's take the old man's trick first!

Although Chen Mo's explosive strength is higher than that of Dou Wang, anyone with a little eye can tell that Chen Mo's cultivation is only Dou Wang.

However, in the next moment, Chen Mo seemed to prove his strength.

The right fist wrapped in underworld blasted out, easily smashing the dazzling ball of light thrown by Tong Xuan.

The audience was shocked.

Let's not say whether Tong Xuan is using all his strength.

Even if it is a light blow, as a saint's attack, it is not something a fighting king can take.

Not to mention that Chen Mo not only took it, but seemed quite relaxed.

"Sure enough, that old man will take a look today to see how capable you are." The old man Tong Xuan looked at Chen Mo, who exuded a weird aura, and said in a deep voice.

Tongxuan knit a strange seal with one hand, and immediately shouted: "The seal of the sky!"

When the shout fell, Tong Xuan's hand suddenly burst into a strong light, and as the light emerged, his palm suddenly pushed forward, the void shook slightly at this moment, a golden handprint slowly appeared, and he patted Chen Mo. .

"Jieyin?" Chen Mo murmured: "Me too!"

Chen Mo quickly picked up the seal technique, and when the three breaths were less than three breaths, the seal was completed, and the terrifying oppressive force was condensed from the front of Chen Mo.

The huge invisible handprint collided with Tongxuan's golden handprint.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the two handprints were in that moment, brilliantly touching each other, and the sound of shaking the sky resounded through the world.

A terrifying energy storm spread from the sky, and the entire void was shattered, and a series of dark cracks were drawn. Fortunately, it broke out in the sky. If it were inside the city, I am afraid that half of the city would be destroyed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The figures fell one after another, and all those who were still in the air before were knocked down to the ground by the energy wave, and a human-shaped pit was created.

Su Huang crawled out of the humanoid pit and immediately spouted a mouthful of blood.

And like Jia Xingtian, Jin Lao and other Dou Zong one-star, two-star, are all seriously injured at this moment.

Even the demon puppet crawled out of the humanoid pit, feeling a little confused.

However, it still carried out the instructions given by Chen Mo, and rushed towards the previously locked Dou Zong.

The earth demon puppet is the pinnacle of the fighting sect. With its full burst, how can the four-star fighting sect be able to resist it? What's more, the four-star fighting sect was also affected by the energy wave. Before he could react, he was punched. Blasted his head.

The soul body that had just emerged was also abruptly torn apart by the earth puppet.

The fierce technique caused Yun Yun and others to take a breath.

What kind of monster is this again?

"Withdraw!" Su Huang waved his arm and decided to leave the battlefield temporarily, and wait until Tong Xuan's side is over.

The Celestial Snake Alliance instantly evacuated the central battlefield here, but did not leave the city, but watched the battle on the edge of the city.

This not only broke away from the explosion point of the damage, but also ensured that Qinggang City was under his own control. Once Tong Xuan wins, Su Huang and his party can immediately capture Yun Yun and others.

Yun Yun and the others didn't care, they no longer have this physical strength, and after the earth demon puppets killed the target, they stopped in place without instructions.


Above the sky, as the energy storm spread, both figures retreated violently. After the entire sky was cleared, only two people remained.

"Ahem..." Tong Xuan stopped his footsteps, his complexion became serious, as if the attack just now caused him some damage.

Chen Mo flicked his wings and stopped his retreat, his face was a bit ferocious, and his red eyes seemed to be stained with blood.

"How is it possible." Tong Xuan was shocked. This is the fourth seal of Emperor Yin Jue. How could he catch...

But astonished, astonished, the demeanor of an expert can't be lost, just when Tong Xuan wanted to talk nonsense.

Chen Mo, whose consciousness has been gradually invaded by hostility, just wanted to fight, and said, "Old dog, if only this means is available, then die!"

"The second type of the Emperor's Profound Thunder Seal, Zhentian!"

Chen Mo gave a cold shout, and suddenly a dark black light burst out of his palm, with mysterious handprints changing out.

After a while, the black light on the hand became more and more intense, and it immediately turned into a black energy palm print about Zhang Xu.

A terrifying force of space diffused from the palm print, causing the space around the palm print to burst and open at this moment...

"Go!" Chen Mo suddenly waved his arm, and the black energy palmprint instantly rushed towards Tongxuan. For a while, the energy of the world suddenly rioted, as if some could not bear the palmprint.

Tong Xuan's face suddenly turned ugly, because he actually felt a trace of danger in this palm print.

Tong Xuan gritted his teeth and said: "Impossible! Will the old man be afraid of fighting kings?"

"It seems that the lady's request, the old man, can't be fulfilled." Tong Xuan groaned, and immediately looked at Chen Mo with cold eyes: "Boy, you forced the old man..."

A vigorous aura spread from Tongxuan's body, a steady stream of sage power gushing out of his body, Tongxuan's one-handed seal, and as the speed of the seal got faster and faster, the sage's power gushing out Gradually condensed into a golden handprint of more than ten feet.

"Gudiyin." Tong Xuan yelled, and the golden handprint was shot down.


Suddenly, two powerful handprints collided together, and the intense fluctuations instantly shattered the surrounding void into dark spaces hundreds of meters long.

For a time, it seemed that the world was rolling.


After that, everyone saw a shocking scene. The huge golden handprint condensed by Tong Xuan was actually defeated by the black handprint with only Zhang Xu.

And the latter still had plenty of energy, and slapped Tong Xuan's body fiercely.

Tong Xuan's figure, like a missile launched, shot towards the sky behind him.

Chen Mo's body and Zhou Leihu suddenly appeared, the Spear of Underworld in his hand condensed, and he chased towards Tong Xuan who flew upside down.

But for a while, Chen Mo caught up with Tong Xuan who was flying upside down, and he had become a blood man at this time.

In his saying that the ancients would not let you go, the tip of the spear pierced his heart and passed by.

Chen Mo also stirred up specially.


As a plume of blood splashed out, Tong Xuan's vitality gradually dissipated, but when his vitality dissipated completely, it seemed to have crushed something, and a small golden light escaped into the void.

In a moment, Chen Mo pulled the weak Xuan Xuan soul body from the corpse, when he was about to squeeze its soul power and swallow it.

"Er dare!" An incomparably majestic anger sounded from the depths of the void.

Chen Mo squeezed with one hand!