
Chapter 148: Dare to hurt her, I will punish you nine races!

"It's a while if you can resist it for a while..." Yun Yun's bare hand lifted up lightly, and then he waved abruptly: "Let's release an arrow!"

The words fell, and the soldiers who had been ready on the city wall suddenly appeared and squeezed the trigger of the powerful crossbow.

call out! call out! call out!

The dense rain of arrows overwhelmed the sky and covered the ground towards the army of the Heavenly Snake League.

But just when it was about to fall.

Time seemed to have stopped, all the crossbow arrows were stuck in the air, unable to move forward.

The space in front of Jianyu suddenly twisted, and all the crossbow arrows converged towards the twisted position. Each of the crossbow arrows was broken and bent, and finally twisted into a ball.

As the crossbow arrows continue to enter, the ball is getting bigger and bigger.

On the side of the Sky Snake League, Su Huang looked happy, he knew that Senior had taken the shot.

Su Huang waved his hand to stop the attack.

Above the city wall, Yun Yun's expression changed, and immediately became horrified, and said in shock: "Abandon the city, retreat!"

Queen Medusa's pupils shrank. Like Yun Yun, she seemed to perceive an unprecedented crisis, protecting Yun Yun and leaving the city wall.

Those who release crossbow arrows on the city wall are all elite troops of Lingyan Pavilion, whose cultivation base is above the Great Fighting Division. There is nothing to say about execution and efficiency.

Hearing Yun Yun's order, he jumped down from the city wall by appointment and escaped into the city without any stampede incidents.

And at the moment they just withdrew from the city wall, all the crossbow arrows that stagnated in the sky were twisted into a ball, and the powerful vindictive engulfed immediately blasted towards the city wall.

With a bang, Qinghan City was directly blown out of a gap, and the shock wave sent off some of the soldiers who had just been evacuated.

"Rush in!" Seeing the city wall burst open, Su Huang shouted and rushed forward first.

Several afterimages appeared in the air, and in an instant, Su Huang's figure appeared on the city wall.

"Want to run?" Su Huang looked at the orderly army in the city, and sighed. At the same time, he immediately shouted, the moment of violent momentum, the cold and sharp vindictiveness like a blade, he locked the cover. A weaker gray-shirted old man in the army evacuated.

Su Huang's attack was the first to move the whole body by the so-called pull, and then the several Dou Zong who arrived one by one locked the opponents they wanted to deal with, and flashed up.

"Your opponent is this king!" A colorful horse training instantly shattered the fierce fighting spirit that attacked Jia Xingtian, and a graceful purple robe figure stood in front of Su Huang.

Su Huang frowned. Every time something was about to happen, it was this woman who got in the way.

Su Huang waved his hand, and suddenly three Dou Zong surrounded him behind him. According to the plan agreed upon before the attack, the four besieged and killed the purple-robed woman first.

"I'll help you!" Yun Yun, who was covering the army's retreat, flew over, but was stopped by one person when she was not even close.

This person is a three-star Douzong.

"Your opponent is me."

Seeing this scene, Yunshan, Jiaxingtian, Long Yao, and Elder Jin also wanted to go up and help Medusa, but they were all blocked.

In this offensive, the entire army of the Heavenly Snake Alliance attacked. Unlike before, the base camp also hid a fighting sect to deal with possible reinforcements in Lingyan Pavilion.


Regarding the offensive of the Heavenly Snake League and his party, Yun Yun and others were at a disadvantage, but they were not far behind, because they knew that once they didn't kill the other party.

Looking at the posture on the opposite side, Queen Medusa is afraid that she will fall today.

Due to the retreat of the Lingyan Pavilion army, Qinggang City has been occupied by the Heavenly Snake League at this time.

The Emperor Dou in the Heavenly Snake Alliance, with a part of the army led by Wang Dou, chased Yaoye and his party.

The isolated and helpless Yun Yun and his party were surrounded by the Heavenly Snake League.

The two sides collided with anger, and within a few rounds, Queen Medusa was knocked down from the sky and fell into a private house.

The house was broken immediately, but before a meeting, with the dazzling colorful light radiating out, a colorful python of more than ten feet rose up from the broken house and faced it up.

"You don't need to keep your hands, I quickly cut this beast."

Su Huang and the other four watched Medusa transforming into its body, and immediately sacrificed the weapon they were good at from the ring.

"Be careful, she has a strange fire!"

Su Huang did not forget to remind him that he suffered a lot from the unusual fire.

The three nodded, abandoning the idea of ​​close combat, and attacked with fighting skills.

The colorful sky-swallowing python spit out fire, and two horrible energies collided in the sky in the blink of an eye. Immediately, thunder-like energy explosions and ripples of energy were resounding and appearing in the sky. ..


No matter how strong the fire is, it cannot withstand the full attack of the four Douzongs. In addition, Queen Medusa still has the sequelae of the change of the sky. After losing, she was blasted into the sky again.

With a huge dull sound, the colorful giant python hit the ground heavily, but the latter only lay on the ground for a while before jumping into the sky again.

"Give it to me!" Yun Yun Yuguang saw the situation, and shouted coldly, the yin-dried sword in his hand broke away from his hand, and immediately expanded and enlarged in the air, wisps of dazzling white light bursting from the body of the sword. Out.

Under this kind of pressure alone, Dou Zong who fought with Yun Yun felt a little breathless.

The original three-foot-dark sword has now become a white light giant sword with a width of a metre and a length of several feet.

The provoke movement made a group of horrified eyes look over.


Following Yun Yun's order, the white light giant sword trembled suddenly, and then it slashed at the opposite Dou Zong.

The other party didn't dare to accept it, so he could only dodge.

"Cut again!" Yun Yunyu pointed and directed the direction, and the white light giant sword slashed down again.

This time, the other party failed to escape, and chopped off in half together with the soul body from head to toe.

"Puff!" Forcibly performing Yin-Yang Universe Jue alone, causing Yun Yun to vomit blood, hurting her origin, and her face pale.

The fall of one side Douzong greatly encouraged the morale of Jiaxingtian, Yunshan and others.

Su Huang frowned, his face suddenly ugly: "Go and solve her!"

Su Huang saw that Yun Yun was at the end of the strong crossbow at this time, and randomly assigned one of the three.

As for the colorful giant python in front of me, it was only a matter of rounds.

On the Chihua Plain, less than ten miles away from Qingkang City, Chen Mo's eyes were red, a violent aura filled his body, and the constant tingling of his soul made Chen Mo realize that Medusa was definitely seriously injured.

After all, he has concluded a soul contract with her.

And this is not entirely the cause of Chen Mo's red eyes.

Because at the previous moment, the Kunyang sword that had been placed in the ring made a dangerous scream.

"Dare to hurt her, I will punish your Nine Clan!"