
Chapter 145: Under the fighting sage, all are ants!

Earl City.

After returning from Zangyuan Mountain, Chen Mo deliberately found a place where thunder fell in the Black Point Region to practice retreat.

As for Hai Bodong, he was sent to the front of the war by Chen Mo.

At this time, Hai Bodong was by Chen Mo's side, and his role was no longer significant.

Even if a guard is needed to prevent others from disturbing Chen Mo's cultivation, there are also puppets.

Concubine Ya did not leave with Hai Bodong for the time being. She needed to register the medicinal materials obtained from the site this time, and then send it to Wanbao Pavilion. This was a very busy job.

Concubine Ya finally knew why Chen Mo had agreed so readily at the time.

What is the management of Wanbao Court?

Obviously it is under his hand to do miscellaneous tasks.

Ya Fei is ruthless!

Had there not been a trip to the ancient ruins, Concubine Ya might have long since quit, but now, her emotions are very complicated.

Time is ticking.

Half a year passed.

During the period, a white-haired woman inquired about Chen Mo and moved into the restaurant of Lingyan Pavilion.

During the first month of retreat, Chen Mo refined the already formed Falling Heart Flame, and his cultivation level jumped from the three-star Douwang to the five-star Douwang. The giant elephant particles in his body also awakened from the previous 23 to 25. .

After that, Chen Mo also refined and integrated the **** Leimu. The energy contained in it not only allowed the third **** of the gods to guard the prison, but also advanced to the battle robe of the gods, but also let Chen Mo's soul realm in one fell swoop. Break through the middle stage of the spiritual realm and reach the late stage of the spiritual realm.

And with the help of Shen Leimu, Chen Mo's soul power is increasing every day. Although it is only a little bit, it can produce a quantitative change when piled together.

Not only that, with the **** Leimu, Chen Mo's 3,000 thunderbolt practice is also progressing quite quickly, and it has reached the level of the second thunder instant in the three layers. When a thought moves, Chen Mo's figure appears like lightning. To the next place.

In the rest of the time, Chen Mo spent all his time on improving his cultivation base.

After all, this is the most important point. Being completely invincible within the sphere of influence is also closely related to the cultivation base.

Otherwise, according to the current territory of Lingyan Empire, Chen Mo can only designate a certain area to be invincible, and he wants to be invincible in all areas, which is far worse.

Fortunately, there are many medicinal materials that can be used to improve cultivation from ancient ruins.

For example, Chi Yuan Zhu Guo, Chi Yan Grass, Lei Yuan Soul Fruit and so on.

With the help of a large number of resources, Chen Mo's cultivation level jumped directly from Douwang Five Star to Douwang Eight Star.

Among them, the assistance of Heavenly Thunder is the greatest.

That's right, Chen Mo has been practicing with the help of Thunder during this time.

Thunder can not only improve Chen Mo's cultivation level, but also temper his physique and will, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

So even later, ordinary Thunder was almost immune to Chen Mo.


On the other hand, within half a year, Lingyan Pavilion has occupied almost half of the area in the northwestern region of the Douqi Continent, and the remaining half is in the hands of the Heavenly Snake Alliance, which is formed by the Heavenly Snake Mansion and many forces.

Because Chen Mo did not appear, Lingyan Pavilion and the Heavenly Snake League appeared in a state of confrontation, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

It is worth mentioning that the second elder of gold and silver swallowed Douzong Danhou and successfully promoted to Douzong.

With the help of precious medicinal materials from ancient ruins, Haibodong stayed closed for several months and was promoted to Douzong.

There is also the sentiment of adding Xingtian to break through the emperor and advance to the emperor.

Now there are seven fighting sects on the Lingyan Pavilion side, namely Queen Medusa, Yunshan, Jin Lao, Hai Bodong, Mo Tianxing, Jia Xingtian, and Long Yao (surrendered).

On the side of the Heavenly Snake Alliance, there are one or two more Douzongs than Lingyan Pavilion, and Douhuang also has more than ten.

But even with this advantage, Ling Yange has been squeezed and beaten.


One is that the Heavenly Snake League does not have a God's perspective, and it does not know that the opponent's fighting master is not there, so he dare not make a move.

Second, I was afraid of completely angering Lingyan Pavilion, and didn't want to belong to Lingyan Pavilion.

Later, the turning point really came.

Inside the hall of Chu Fang's alliance of forces.

Palace Lord Su Huang, of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, sitting on the high platform, looked at the green-robed old man who suddenly came out of the main hall torn the void, his complexion changed.

The powerhouses on the two sides below are also the same. They had a relaxed face, and their entire bodies could not help but shudder, with a look of horror on their faces.

Master the power of space, Dou Zun?

Could it be that the strong from Lingyan Pavilion made the move?

With this thought in everyone's hearts, regrets suddenly arose.

As the leader above, Su Huang quickly recovered a trace of composure. He stood up from his chair, clasped his fists and said, "I wonder if this adult is?"

"Old man, Tong Xuan." The old man in Qingpao flicked his sleeve robe lightly, and his voice was unpredictable, with a voice of age-old desolation.

Just introducing their own identity, Su Huang and others felt an invisible pressure, and they couldn't breathe.

Su Huang's pupils shrank. He had seen Dou Zun before, but the breath of the old man in front of him made Su Huang feel that he was even more terrifying than Dou Zun. He immediately said in panic, "I don't know what is going on in Senior's trip?"

"Help you, kill Lingyan Pavilion!" Tong Xuan said twice in a sentence, with a masterful demeanor.


The audience was shocked as soon as the words came out.

For a while, it seemed that I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing.

The Lingyan Pavilion was destroyed. After they knew that the other party had Dou Zun, they didn't even think about it. They just wanted to guard their one-acre three-point land.

Even if Lingyan Pavilion did not expand, the so-called Heavenly Snake Alliance would not be formed at all.

Although the suggestion of the old man named Tong Xuan was tempting, Su Huang's mind was still calm, and said bit the bullet, "But... but senior, the other party also... also has two Tier 8 monsters."

Hearing the words, Tong Xuan sneered, and an impenetrable saint aura radiated from Tong Xuan's body, disdainfully said: "Under the saint, all are ants!"


Pointe-Noire domain.

Chen Mo finished his half-year training and walked out of this land of thunder.

Taking back the puppets waiting outside, Chen Mo flew towards Earl City.

As soon as he approached the restaurant, Chen Mo noticed a familiar breath.

Similarly, Yi Qingyao also noticed Chen Mo.

When the two saw each other, it was natural that there was warmth. Lu Yuanqing's voice sounded from outside the door when he was on the highway.

"This guy will fire him sooner or later." Chen Mo put on his robe in a panic and walked out of the room.

When he was about to reprimand Lu Yuanqing first, his face was solemn and said: "Pavilion Master, this is an urgent message from the front!"

Looking at the letter wrapped in the red envelope, Chen Mo raised his brow, but he was rushed.

After opening the letter, Yun Yun personally wrote it. The general content is that the Heavenly Snake Alliance organized a counterattack, killing and wounding three Dou Huang, Hai Bodong was seriously injured, and Chen Mo returned quickly.

"Clean up and set off overnight!"